Trying to collect transmogs for alts.. but it wont work

im doing nighthold and wanted to collect some transmogs on my evoker for my alts for fun, since the new update for the war within would let us farm any transmog on any character , but i found a leather chest that it says i havent collected the appearence on, ?? i thought it would unlock for my alt rogue? and even class specific tier sets or stuff isnt a problem, most of the stuff i collected it says i have that appearence but this one piece i dont

Is it class specific leather?

Do you remember the name of the item?

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some of it is class specific, and another was just a leather belt that wasnt a class tier set

Class specific stuff that isn’t tokens you will just need to bank until they update the system.

The belt may need the two hour mark to pass before you can see it on your other characters unless you equipped it to remove the timer.

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so class specific tier sets and stuff will be added later for transmog? on alts

See this post

i see… you can also not put soulbound items in warbank so gotta stash the item for now, but thx

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Unfortunately that’s all we can do for now.

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do we know if they are intending to let us farm tier and class specific sets for alts?

Rogue gear will only be useable on rogues.

If that’s what you meant. There have been no changes to mogging rules in that sense. Class restrictions will remain. Often we can farm off pieces but rarely is a full set for another class available.

one of the main reason i liked what they said with the warband was that i thought that i could farm old transmogs like tier sets for my alts instead of having to play on the same toon over and over every week for a specific set. i do understand it for the current raid tiers but previous expansions i dont get why would be restricted

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