To me rn it’s the most soulcrushing experience. I’m a decent player but I can’t carry too much. And not on an ungeared char.
So - all good players are now higher rated so all I’m left with are bad 1,6k xp people who apply to my group… and they play so badly I’m not even mad anymore. Like, to give you an example, imagine a shaman who, during 4 min game, does literally ZERO dispels of any kind.
Or priests never using PS/barrier even in a long game.
Or a ret dying in 3 sec… 3 times in a row. Yeah, I even give them a chancce… and I lose rating again and again… stuck on low rating because I’m literally surrounded by noobs to the point where it makes me want to quit lmao.
But you might say I just blame others - well, I’m not perfect but… you know how 1,5/1,6k xp people play. And I’m unable to solo 1v2 xD
Idk I feel like giving up on this char until next season or something.
This post is just a vent, don’t take it too seriously. I’m just kind of… dejected rn.
Idk, i’m stuck on DK on 1.8 cuz people want only multi-glads and HOTH in RBG - dropped, get a break. Going on rogue alt after a break - stuck at 1600 cuz of gear - everyone in RBG in 2100+ gear, nodody inv me. And just drop till new season.
I can’t… just had a disc - a pala hojs me… he is not CC no dispel no ps no barrier i get 2 shot. he literally just stood there hardcasting shadow mend.
Mb u just pick up wrong class? People write and i see on stream Mr.DH even in 0 upgrade conquest gear playing on 2K MMR. Just pick Illidan class and every healer in the game will bless you and scream when see you in LFG.
I literally picked DH because I was sick of facing them. And almost no healers apply tto LFG. I sit there as DH and only idiot non-hybrid dps keep applying. When a healer appears he is so low xp but I give him a go - I’m not judgmental, but then they play so bad it infuriates me and the cycle continues. Out of boredom I’d go with dps but it’s bad for DH.
And yes, I’m aware I’m not a perfect player but I’m good enough to see blatant idiocy in arena.
Mb rare healer or bad timing. Just watched LFG - half of LFG is DH even 3s DH/Boomie/X. Too much DH tho, they will chose the most geared/exp mb.
I don’t know guys. I played my MW that I absolutely have no clue how to play. I missplay all the time and die like pleb yet I almost got 1800 with a random LFG Warrior while being extremely undergeared and even I discovered going wrong stats. I don’t think that pushing past these ratings is impossible. Maybe you are doing too many mistakes. Don’t always try to push it on others and try to start on your end.
I don’t know how is it with RBGs since I didn’t play any for 2 months at least but I always thought that most people play RBGs with premade group of friends. Playing arenas with LFG is a cancer but RBG I can imagine being even worse.
too many DH in LFM might be the problem tbh, my gear is meh for obvious reasons.
Yes RBG community is the same people mostly, i mean who push rating. They rarelly invite non-tryhards players.
I understand that it is frustrating to push with new people and that most people in LFG are either clueless or don’t care enough. But don’t give up yet!
From my experience - making ONE friend is worth 100x more than finding someone experienced to play with. Find equal-minded people to play with and grow together with them. Don’t care about CR and just play for fun with your teammate. Play together to improve and talk about your mistakes. If you start getting aggravated, stop - take a break and come back later.
I know it seems like a hard thing to do just to push some rating - but this game is about making friends isnt it?
My most fun time I ever had in this game was to just que RBGs with my mate and sh*ttalking during quetimes and doing things together. It makes climbing easier and you feel a bigger reward doing it with your friends.
@Aloe hit me up on in game, I might be able to help you for some rating up depending on your skill level. Whisper Anath-Hellscream or Therlx-Hellscream.
im bad myself, no exp or anything, just keybound focus interrupts today (still gotta learn / remember to use them lol)… but anyways my LFG games go like this:
Step 1: find a guy, play 1-3 games, lose all, get insulted. Repeat 5-6 times.
Step 2: then a dude joins and suddenly we play 20-30 games, while losing maybe 4-5. Someone gtg. Repeat Step 1.
Basically I get rating with 1 person, then lose it all with 5-6 toxic others, then get rating with 1 guy again, then lose it all the next day with another 6 ppl. That’s the cycle
that’s my cycle on low cr rn too. Or have 2-5 wins in a row, then 1 loss, the other guy ragequits and that’s that. Just like rn I had a disc low gear 3 wins then 1 loss where he dies without using ANY CD and that’s that. He logged out.
they expect a carry probably. If they don’t get one, they rage and quit
If you are stuck at 1.5/1.6k as DH WHILST BLAMING YOUR PARTNERS FOR IT , its a VERY clear indicator that the most likely reason for your stuckiness is you and not them. This is Anooraz all over again.
yes it’s my fault healers die while clutching every CD they have
replying… replying… grytax mad.
But if YOUR 1.5k healer is screwing up, that means that other 1.5k healers ALSO screw up considering you are all at same rating and skill level. So what you actually are saying here is that opponent DPS are tough enough to make your healer make mistakes, but you are not doing enough pressure to make them screw up. And this is the problem - you are playing hands down the easiest class to make pressure with at low rating, and you are not delivering that atm.
at this point everyone on opponent team is like 5k hp more lol.
And they are not making mistakes. They are throwing HARD. Like. how can u not dispel once in 4 min game as shaman? Come on.
To be honest, since 1700 mmr its pretty common to get glad/r1 ppl against you. Of course they play with their also glad/r1 friends, so they wont play with you, but meeting such players is pretty common.