Tuning Changes for June 9

So templates is bad in pvp.

And nerfing and buffing corruption to ruin pvp is good.

I am not an arena player but I can tell that pvp is pretty garbage:(

Cause you cannot die as a warlock.

Your passive regen is too high and if you can use your wall/reflect properly, you can’t die for 20+ secs


I’d like to say I’d be surprised if the versatile change actually goes through/stays for more than a week, but you know blizzard…

Versatile stacking isn’t really even the problem IMO its conflict major that makes it a problem. Just remove the “defensive portion of versatility is doubled when stunned” clause from the essence and I think versa stacking would be fine.

Otherwise here’s whats gonna happen - something else is going to become flavour of the month corruption, every pvper will stack it, that will get nerfed. Something else will become flavour of the month corruption, every pvper will stack it, that will get nerfed. Something else will become… you see where I’m going…

The other changes are decent though I guess, except the spite stacking, that trinket should just be removed its so scratty.

I hope blizzard will finally do something to warlocks and keep an eye to rogue mage after the versa nerfs…

Exactly ! But idk, I guess it’s easier to blame Rogues for everything !

The world doesn’t revolve around rogues, believe it or not…


Locks are going to be complely out of control now. Classic blizzard balancing, everything in a vacuum. Tournament lasts too long = nerf versatility. Not a second’s thought to the fact that this is a big indirect buff to the most obnoxious class in the game.

Most of the other changes are reasonably justified.

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drae pls use your brain for once, i know you have one.
Next versatile vendor, people will have %50+ versa again(also we upgrade our cloak every week) so rog will still be dogsh1t regardless.
The problem is the essence which makes people immortal.
On top of everything all these changes are direct buffs to destro lock spec, cuz they benefit mastery and haste more than versa and rest of the specs we need versa more than anything.Also now less versa means , everyone has a less chance to survive against locks comps,as lock has damage always and they dont need to stun people to kill them.

the amount of you mentioning how good you are, how high your rating is etc. is sickening.

These pvp tuning changes are a complete joke.

MW Monk only recieving a 20 second increase on cocoon which won’t affect them at all, they will continue to be broken.

Only nerfing versa amplifiers instead of nerfing all stat amplifiers at the same time. Nerfing versa amplifiers with the same amount of % as they nerfed gushing wounds with will make gushing wounds just as good as it was before, and now people are gonna stack tons of them when they get added into the vendor.

And my guess is that they will nerf mastey and haste amplifiers in a few weeks when they realize that certain speccs will stack them and gain a huge benefit from the versa nerf. This will result in a few weeks of fire mages/destro locks being brutal. Also a lot of whining when people spend their echoes on mastery/haste only for it to get nerfed.

This could’ve all been avoided by just nerfing all stat amplifiers at the same time.



How come Gelubaba is that ‘low’? I thought he was 2.8+!

He might have dropped, but I find it funny there’s an arcane mage so high :slight_smile:

PvPers: Nerf versatility!
Versatile gets nerfed
PvPers: You guys suck, you never listen.

This is why constructive feedback is needed. You can’t just say “nerf blah”, because they won’t know how you want it done.

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It’s not that versatile was nerfed, it’s that ONLY versatile was nerfed. I’ll see you in the spirit realm when you take two 0.9 cast time Chaos Bolts

either you are a pvper or gtfo this forum

Granted the haste counterpart could do with nerfing as well in PvP, but I haven’t really seen anyone complain about it, it was mostly versa. The point of my comment was to explain to people to be more specific about what they want from changes instead of just angry rants (though I do understand the angry rants).

Haste corruptions were heavily complained about before versa stacking was a thing. Destro warlocks are absolutely insane with it.
Blizzard just haven’t dealt with it yet, but still go ahead with versa nerf and such.

I love that they nerf versa stacking, but it’s just weird how they can never nerf all the biggest offenders at once.

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Unpopular opinion:
To all the people that are complain about all the echos they ground out for the % vers… honestly, what did you think was going to happen? its literally game breaking when people have that much vers. But I still think a limit on how many of the same corruption you can have is a better fix because now everyone flocks to the next best thing, then that gets nerfed… and repeat.


Oh well, going to have a lot of fun with my upcoming 7 x gushing wound and 2 x 12% haste. Until they nerf wounds again ofc, then im off farming something else.