Tuning hotfixes coming today - 22 October

Shaman’s going under the radar hopefully they will catch a nerf on the 30th. Also please buff feral.

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Can we buff paper tanks already please tanks.


they clearly want people to play the vampire hero talents and people clearly refuse :smiley:

they dont care

they know prot is meta so anyone who is serious aboyt keys already rerolled

I can’t see the Priest upgrade and new spells.

Can someone help me ?


Hpriest = trash tier in m+ (as usual)
Hpriest = Less mobile than soviet tank

Or do you have enough honesty to just say us “we dont like your class and we want to destroy it to the ground, you have to reroll and pay sesame or racechange to dragtyr/goblino for be able to play the game” ?

I just read, few hours ago, that Rshams will have buff

Is that serious? Blizzard?? HELLOOOOO???¨¨!!


Like wtf is that nerf on blood dk atleast buff saylayn then


Look just go ahead and put DK players out of our misery and remove Frost DK, everyone knows you want to and have done for at least ten years. In fact just remove Death Knights as a whole, that way a small handful of people can finally get their “necromancer” they keep begging for.

Really Blizzard. Right now playing Frost Dk feels like trying to fight in a mid day desert with an ice cream cone. For one second it’s fun, then the Sun (Blizzard) decides “oh we’re gonna ruin that ice cream cone’s fun minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day until it finally disappears and they finally give in and play ret paladin like we want them too. because they are Sunny! Geddit?” Yeah we “geddit…” You’ve loathed Death Knights ever since 4.1.

“Hero class? Hah. We’re gonna make you a zero class. Why? We don’t need a reason. We’re Blizzard. AQd we decide what you should be playing.”

Anyone remember when Ion said “we want groups to bring the players, not the class.”?

How stupid were we…

And spare me this garbage about “meta”.

Meta counts only for a very small percentage of WoW players. The rest of the DK players get shafted again and and again and again because the only charts Blizzard looks at and takes feedback from is from a small handful of players.

But who am I to complain? I’m not a RWF or an MDI…

All I know is. Frost DK and MM hunter on same Ilevel.
Frost DK on a very willing target not moving or making me move to avoid things to get full use of breath of Sindragosa, manages to squeeze out a pretty decent dps.
(Oh look, you nerfed that as well just for giggles)
MM Hunter. Just stands there and pops off cooldowns as they proc and obliterates (“geddit” Blizzard?) Frost DK’s full cooldown burst.

So I give in Blizzard. Tell me what class, race, spec I should be playing because apparently if I choose one you don’t like you’re gonna make my game as unpleasant as you possibly can.


they would probably say “the payers” not players

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The meta slaves won’t be happy about this!

No sense ridicolous nerf to DK blood

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Quick! Gotta nerf blood before it goes completely out of control!


Frost DK is the best dps in the game, if you just look at M+ it’s by a mile. Frost DK was the most dominant spec in the game, you have nothing to be crying about. Frost was stronger than Warrior before Warrior got nerfed after the World First, and Warrior has been getting nerfed over and over, and again tomorrow.

Frost DK is like if Warrior didn’t get nerfed during the first weeks, ridiculously strong. You only have permission to be mad about Blood nerfs, Frost was way too good.


no NERFs to the most broken class? (feral druid)

OK THEN…ill stay unsubbed


God tier in pvp rn whT the f :joy:

Grief, do we really need a rework of the Pally talent tree in the middle of a season? I’m sick of having to re-do my build every few months (and usually on several different alts of different classes). I really miss borrowed powers, there was a lot less constant change back then :frowning:

Idk why people crying. DK and arcane did not get any buff only it’s same like before. It’s pointless buff something what perform better then other class

DK gets buff and as soon as patch notes release

DK GETs nerf

srsly this time you couldnt even wait a single day, you nerf dk before they even have chance to experience the patch note changes

meanwhile Feral is running around with 70% increase over other dps

They keep on doing this, this “payer” will soon stop.

Im not one for conspiracy theory, i find it laughable.

But every new “blue notes” that appear Im saying before I even read them “oh what are they doing to my DK I’ve spent at least 15 years playing now…”

And then I read the notes and say. “Yeah. There we go. Another kick in the groin. Maybe those theorists are right after all. Metzen is back with his pally fascination”

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I don’t play M+.

Why would I compare my dk and mm hunter in a mode I don’t play?

I was comparing it to a delve which is what I play.

Did you read my post or just cherry pick the parts you liked? Where I talked about “meta” and where Blizzard get their feedback from?

You got a Frost DK? Go make one and run it through your M+ without it being “meta managed” and let us know how you get on.

Then for a laugh switch to blood.

I’ve been playing DK for years and Frost DK always, ALWAYS, has been Blizzard’s biggest nuisance to them.

If Frost DK keeps getting nerfed everytime there’s a new set of “blue notes” thats nothing to do with “op’ed meta class roflstomping mythic plus”, thats bad class design when it goes to “laughably poor class design that is barely played”, that maybe once a patch climbs out the bottom 3 (if were going to use your m+ and the weekly dps charts so beloved of minmaxing sites) and gets a decent few weeks worth before Blizzard notice and gets a nosebleed when DK’s gets above warriors.

“Hey Frost DK is in the top 3 of minmaxing”

“It is?”

“Yeah look.”

“But I play a warrior!”

“I know!”

“Right!! Get that frost dk team in here and get them to explain themselves, then fire them.”

I do find it somewhat ironically amusing and pathetic at the same time that the spec “minmaxers” bemoaned as being garbage that is Unholy, is demolishing Frost DK in delves.

But hey. Who cares about delves.

Its all about M+.

So should I just stop playing altogether because I don’t play M+?

Or would it make you feel better if the Frost DK’s just sat down and behaved themselves while waiting for the inevitable destruction of their spec.


Lets see how well Frost DK is doing in 11.3.

In fact lets not even wait that long. Lets see in 11.1.

But hey. I don’t play M+ so why is a dirty scrub like me complaining.

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Think a lot of Dk’s fail to understand was that DK was already overperforming then after they reworked talents it was clear they were gaining upwards of 10% dps so the nerf is very much justified. An already overperforming spec receiving a substantial power increase. If you dont think they deserved this nerf you are just wrong.