Turkish players and depreciating Turkish lira

What can I say except for: Oof.

Unfortunately if Blizzard were to make it cheaper in Lira, then anybody could just decide to pay in Lira and get subscriptions for 1/4th the cost.

I completely understand the frustration but I think the anger should be directed at your useless, incompetent government… for whatever that’s worth.

In the meantime… try to make gold? :x idk

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That’s right. Paying in Turkish lira can cause trouble. But at least something can be done for players who have given their years to this game. For those who labor for the game … We can somehow pay the monthly fee. But the upgrades coming are very expensive.

That is why I don’t pay with real money. I bought Epic Edition Shadowlands for 75€ and bought 180 days of gametime yesterday for 66€.

75+66 = 141€ = 1000 TRY roughly. Minimum Montly Wage here is 2000 TRY.

I’m gonna make 100€ balance soon once again it is not a problem for me personally but price rather currency adjustment would be a good choice if Blizzard want more players in their game. I’m sure 10 people out of 15 change their minds upon seeing the prices.

Blizzard’s approach to this depends on their expectations, if they want less players that pay for more then they won’t do anything to change this. Dunno, I don’t see much hope on this subject.

I feel your pain brother…

Cries in Hungarian Forint

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Thank you very much brother. I hope everything will be fine. I would like to thank everyone for their understanding and valuable comments.

Lets not forget that its a video game…an entertainment choice.
Its not vital supplies to survive - like water, food, medicines and etc.
Should the situation change for me as well. I would be more worried to be sure that there is food on the table, and there is water running in the pipes… than worrying about if i will get to bash some pixels at a video game or not.

Get your priorities right…


The priority is of course the basic needs. But other than that, entertainment, having a good time, being able to do what you love is important for the health of psychology. If you cannot do the things you love in life, there is no logic in living. Our goal is to allocate a budget for our hobbies as well as basic needs.

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I agree. And you said it yourself

I spend on what I can afford. And stuff which I cannot afford…well too bad for me.
A Ferrari dealer wont give me their brand new car for 5 euro cause I can’t afford it otherwise. A 5 star hotel wont give me a presidential suite for 0.50 euro cause I cant afford it otherwise.
So…how come Wow is different?
WoW is not the only entertainment avenue. There are others…

You can’t be serious while saying this. I love playing wow. I’ve played this game for years. It’s like trying to win a woman you love, but preferring someone I don’t like. Playing World of Warcraft is one of my greatest pleasures and I strive to win it. If I do not get this opportunity, then my preference will be different.

infinite ? is just another thing which most of people have on recuring paymment alongide with netflix account and phone.

mate seriusly if someone has a problem to spare 10 euro a month on hobby he should stop this hobby and focus on fixing his life

yes its harsh . but WoW is vanity hobby not essential to ones life.

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and as one is incredibly cheap compared to others.

lets take for example gym membership - i pay 35 euro a month for it. compared to wow it is so much more expensive.

And movie services have that as their only source of income.

Initial purchase
In-game store services

It’s no secret that games make the largest profit from micro transactions, subscriptions essentially bar some players from the experience, not you or I but definently others for whatever reason that is.

If this wasn’t the case and there was free access it would also have a greater effect on the game, que times would potentially reduce and interaction and guild performances would rise.

Would they lose money? I don’t think so because they would compensate for it with microtransactions and gold sales, but if the game dwindled and people left because it got stale, that security blanket that is subs would not be there.

Wow is lucky as I say, can’t think of other games people buy year in and out, on top of a subscription on top of micro transactions on top of rng lol.

At the time the forums were filled with complaints about the price rise to sub and to services in general . Mounts went from £15 to £19 for example .
We cant prove it as the old forums are now gone and were removed just before christmas .
You say others are being smug and arrogant whilst you are being just as obtuse yourself and trying to pass it off as just "jesting’ then you carried on your inane post by telling him to get a sense of humour when there was no need to be rude to him in the first place.

No, I didn’t say that.

The rudeness wasn’t from me but from the other poster, compounded by similar rudeness from yourself.

You also need to lighten up and get a sense of humour, you seem to be constantly looking for a fight on these forums.

I wasn’t ‘trying’ to pass it off as a joke, it was a joke, unfortunately the English sense of humour doesn’t appear to export very well particularly to those like yourself that take everything seriously and fail to appreciate that sometimes a laugh and a joke is what’s needed in this world rather than some humourless individual who’s constantly stirring things up and hurling insults and demeaning comments at everyone.

Proof is in this post, nothing I’ve said in this thread was directed at you yet you seem to feel that you can use what I’ve written as an excuse to wade in and attack me using lies and insults.

Exactly what you did then try and pass it off as a joke and now told 2 people to get a sense of humour when its been pointed out that the forums were flooded with complaints . Nice personal attack there btw dragging up other threads reading your post history one can conclude you are just as bad as me fighting with others in threads you are far from an angel .

If you regard telling people to get a sense of humour as an insult then all I can do is feel sorry for you. If offering a little advice is seen as an insult then be prepared to be insulted a lot more and progressing through life as a total ignoramus with anger issues.

These forums are here for debate and discussion, a place where we can air our opinions and views, unfortunately there are those that seem to think offering an opinion that is counter to what they believe in is a personal attack and they start getting all antsy and abusive like little kids.

If someone pokes me with a stick I tend to reciprocate in some way, I try to steer clear of personal attacks but if I see someone acting like an idiot I’ll point that out to them.

Have a good day, smile and smile often (take that however you want)

guess your only option is to farm gold every month to pay for the game.
If you don’t have enough time for farming gold and not enough money for the game, then that is a problem yes.

yes it sucks that you probably have to pay 500 eur for a subscription that we pay 13 eur in comparison but not much we can do.
Blizzard also cannot do much unless they put the turkish servers on another region and require turkish passports or whatever to register etc.
will be a complicated move and then lots of other regions want the same treatment

I mean i dont drive Audi A8 but A3 since the upkeep on A8 is too expensive for my budget,do i whine to audi about it?no.At some point people need to take personal responsibility for the situation they are in.

Such a pathetic post do you even understand economics and what Turkey is going through try some empathly .


That’s right. However, an exception can be made for former players in countries that are in an economic crisis. We played this game for many years. The situation we are in now does not allow this. Doing this will bring more sympathy in my opinion.