Twin Consorts encounter is now Twin Empyreans
Big Love Rocket is now X-45 Heartbreaker
Won’t be long until Blizzard remove the harem’s in Black Temple and Karazan, remove slutmogs, cover up the succubus and shivarra.
Twin Consorts encounter is now Twin Empyreans
Big Love Rocket is now X-45 Heartbreaker
Won’t be long until Blizzard remove the harem’s in Black Temple and Karazan, remove slutmogs, cover up the succubus and shivarra.
why they change big love rocket? is it offensive in ANY way? o_0
It is a slang for male genitalia. Whether that is offensive or not is another question.
Yes but only those who not have it find it offencive
I see a bigger problem in showing their love rocket im the office. So much unnecessary changes.
Priorities, my man, priorities…
I feel Blizzard have lost the plot at this point.
I could understand removing the references to disgraced employees and even the cover up of lewd paintings (not turning them into fruit though).
But removing funny pun achievement names, or those based on well known funny phrases. Renaming characters and items like this is just going overboard.
X-45 in 1337 speak backwards reads “SA-X” I doubt their name change was felt by heart…
I know, it’s almost like they are trying for a pre-emptive strike for something, I mean, it’s not like they have a sexual harassment trial coming up or anything like that, is it?
Next they’re going to change the name of “Blizzard” to something else, there’s probably some dodgy meaning for “Blizzard” out there somewhere.
Are you trying to imply we are not aware of the court case?
It doesn’t stop these changes being stupid.
And the trend of Blizzard being oblivious continues. They should have catched on after the fruit painting not being well received in every single forum.
If they want to change something then i dont know…start with communication perhaps? Given thats the one thing Blizzard utterly sucks at since vanilla.
Well, I guess soon Boeing will sue them.
It was more irony mixed with sarcasm, I’m trying to imply that Blizzard are trying to help their case with these changes, I’m sure most people who post on the forums know about the case.
If it wasn’t for the upcoming case, none of these changes would be happening.
I find Rainbows used for sex offensive except for use by that great ship RAINBOW WARRIOR - mad what little children get up to at Blizzard. They are going to rewrite all the books now, because one person was offended. Stop being offended & trying to edit me.
What will happen with the poor home made cheese vendor? That cute tauren girl, Butterhooves?
Speaking of Tauren, that suggested “ménage à trois” in Highmountain?
Or all those steamy romance novels?
Haha this is truly a joke now.
Noone got buthurt when they ever made into the game.
Now they are a problem. Also the twin consorts werent humans at all. They are made from STONE…
Wonder when they ban certain player’s characters name, because a loud minority do not like it?
I think someone at Blizzard doesn’t know the definition of the word “consort”.
Maybe we found the reason of the mysterious dissapeatance of ducks from Ateroth
Victims of a typo…
“I said get rid of the , not the
The clownery continues on unabated with no end in sight.
Are they speedrunning a downgrade to an EC (Early Childhood) rating here to make up for their plummeting sub count or are these cube crawlers genuinely this oblivious to what they’re permitted to show their audience. Games that are rated T such as this may showcase and I quote: "… violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language. Emphasis mine.
So either they’re oblivious or uncaring of the regulatory framework of their own product or they think we’re a bunch of preteens straight out of the Victorian era that need to be coddled and shielded from the human body.
Moreover why are they pussyfooting around the hot button issues we’ve all been discussing for weeks now? Time to stand by your own newfound virtues, bring out the big guns and ban slutmogs and lewd roleplay for good measure.
Do it you cowards.
I don’t believe you have the guts.