Twinks still in normal BGs

Why do you still let twinks into the normal battlegrounds?

The 20-29 bracket is still filled with twinks. Shouldn’t they be in a separate bg by now?

Its not ppl that have turned their xp of that is ruining this bracket, its ppl that don’t pay for the game to play that ruin it. It is those who play on trial account for free and so-called veteran accounts, you can play for free up to level 20.

These players get the best gear you can get for the level and have it all enchanted, just so they can kill those who want to level up. Is this fair, those who don’t pay can ruin it for those who do pay.

I suggest you to put em with the other ppl that want to play at just that level. So they can face only others who have turned of their xp.

Also why is this happening in the only bracket that could have bg for those who have enough ppl to make bgs pop while their xp is turned off? I dont think any other bracket would get the xp off bgs to pop (mby 10-19?). But this bracket is filled with so many freeloaders that they would still get into bgs against only themselves. But no they can still join the normal bgs and smash normal levelers.


Uh, XP off characters are put in seperate queues my dude. Twinks in 10/20+ are usually throwaway, low effort twinks. I run into maybe one twink every 10 games nowadays, at any level bracket. Make sure you’re not just bad. Heirlooms help.

Nah. If you let your sub run out xpon, and your char is level 20, its still playable and it gets into xpon queues.

It’s so that trial accounts can actually try out PvP.

Why did you like your own post with all your characters?

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BIG OOF at that.

Most of them aren’t even twinks. Not the ones you wanted gone at least.

You can semi-twink a fresh allied race. Enchant the green gear and send enchanted heirlooms. Costs nothing and allows you to completely shred levelers for the coming 9 levels.

Once you ding lv30, delete your character and re-make it.

Then do it all over again.

Levelers are always going to get farmed in PvP. No change will ever prevent that.

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It’s been massively reduced, though, so that’s good. I didn’t see any twinks when I leveled through the 20+ bracket twice, whereas before I’d normally see 2+ in every single BG. Really can’t complain tbh.

Surely you just didn’t notice them.

There have been 3-4 per bg in my case every time I queue.

Twinks are very noticeable :stuck_out_tongue: My BGs have been free of them, mostly, at the 20+ bracket.

Yet somehow you still seem to not notice them. They’re definitely there.

Not in my BGs.

20 Vets / F2P are there in numbers, they wont stand out like a 29 did previously

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Did one earlier to check. Had three twinks on my team.

Who are you talking to?

Edit: Oh… OP, nvm.

Ok but they weren’t in my bgs.

20 so called Vets as they are known. Farm as much ilvl 32 epic gear, get as many pots as possible and as many enchants as possible then unsub with their xp turned on. This allows them to play the 20-29 bracket unlimited and free. It’s not what Blizzard designed and is an exploit that former 29 twinks are now using to maintain that competitive advantage in BGs. Free to play players (f2p) are completely different, they are playing on trial accounts that have no access to enchants or heirlooms and cannot go beyond level 20.

Other unscrupulous players exploit using a macro to get in to BGs with their xp locked. The exploit is 10 years old and was patched back in Cata. With the rebirth and sudden death of twinking in BFA the macro has returned for those who wish to play on their twinked toons. I don’t blame them for cheating, Blizz gave no indication they were segregating queues before they did it and overnight destroyed entire communities in every bracket (with the exception of 19s and 20s).

I gave up on BFA and started playing my twinks last year. I still have my sub but I am seriously considering why I continue to pay for a game I’ve barely played since patch 8.1.5 was released. I hope the segregation is reversed, queue times for BGs with new toons are unbearably longer now than how long the actual games last.

cheating? lmao. it is simply clever use of game mechanic my dude. There is no cheating involved here.

The queue exploit is clearly cheating, the vets / 20s thing isn’t, but it’d also surprise me if blizzard intended unsubbed accounts to be treated the same as trials, given that they in the past had permissions that trials didn’t.

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Vets aren’t exploiting anything as it’s a completely legit way to play the game.

F2P 20’s have access to exactly the same i32 gear as Vet accounts, and with how far Enchants have been squished they aren’t losing as much as in previous Xpacs.

iirc in MoP Starter Accounts were put in with the level 24 XP Off toons and were at a huge disadvantage, I can understand why Blizz wouldn’t want this now as they ideally would like these players to become subs.

Simple enough to hot fix the queue bug, put changing XP status on a 48HR / Weekly reset cooldown .

What? My queue times are 5 mins tops on Alliance on every bracket. You play on German servers or something?

So ive been testing this to see if queue times are just dead at the normal time i play which is usally around 10 pm central european time. My test was in the busiest bracket outside 110 amd 120 which is 20-29 on alliance.

Sunday I queued from 4 pm and it took 22 minutes for for the first BG to pop. I quit after that BG and didnt try to requeue until 7 pm when i waited for 16 minutes to join a BG half way. It finished after 5 minutes. Another 15 minute queue to join a wsg that finished within 30 seconds of me joining. A third attempt saw me join an AB after 15 minutes which was half way through. I gave up after that having queued for 45 mins+ for less than 20 minutes in BGs.

I played Monday evening at 7pm and average wait time was 13 minutes. I waited 25 minutes for a WSG to pop. Queued after that BG and didnt get a pop after 42 minutes in queue. Gave up and didnt rejoin queue until 10 pm. 16 min average wait time and no pop after 30 minutes. Gave up.

Tuesday 30th April. Half day at work i queued from 3 pm. Average wait time was 16 minutes and after 30 mins in queue an AB popped. I queued again after that BG and waited 57 minutes before i logged out. I requeued at 10 pm which is my usual time to play and again no game popped after 1 hour 28 minutes in queue.

Please tell me what bracket you are playing and what time at because i cant get a 5 min queue at all this week.