Twith Drops - Free Feldrake

Really good change. Those that are against it are those that bought the mount when it was cheap and some players duped it. There is no achievement in having it expect being able to have a lots of money in real life. Beside those mounts only became very rare because Blizzard didn’t want to make trading cards anymore and now prices for those mounts are absurd crazy they cost 2-5 months salaries depending on where you live.


another horrific choice by a collapsing company, I remember selling this mount in MoP for like 300k gold when gold cap was 999k? Imagine being that guy who wasted all that gold. Blizzard spits in your face.

cry me a river.

imma enjoy this free free butterfreeeeeeee

(oh man i buy a bmw in 1992 costed me 30000 euro and now i see a guy buy it for 3000 euro what a horrific company!)



Ok so what’s next? Are we getting Black Qiraji Battle Tank for spending 20 minutes watching one of those crybaby hateplayer youtubers like Preach or Bellular’s videos?

Or maybe every 30 minutes spent watching some DEAD wow esports arena competition you get a free gladiator mount from previous expansions?

Or maybe have one artist spend literally 2 hours reskinning a new drake mount and you would have ZERO complaints.
So stupid idk who thought this was a good idea.

“You guys got to enjoy it now its our turn to enjoy it”
What?? This is literally the worst take I’ve ever seen. As soon as a mount comes out that literally every player can earn easily it is WORTHLESS. Mounts are only good for how rare they are. Hence why you see absolutely no one walking around on that stupid tree mount they added that changes with the season - they gave it to every player. IF EVERYONE HAS IT, ITS TRASH.

So RIP to those feldrake owners I am truly sorry that Blizzard has ruined it for you with this pathetic event.


why not?

just another cheapskate.

its 2022 mate ,era of diversity and equal rights to everyone,era of rich getting poor and poor getting rich!

if you are seasick eat a bait!

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I`ve seen similar things done by other games when they are coming to an end, this is just another sign pointing to it. Company lost 70% of its value for a reason and 90% of players quit during SL. Was a good run, lets enjoy the last few years the game has.

Prices that players made/decide for x item has nothing to do with blizzard.

They own the IP, so they can do whatever they want it.


Old pixelated mount, pass


idk if you have been under a rock but blizzard was sold to microsoft.

blizzard its not coming to an end,blizzard ended allready and now its microsoft.

if you fancy old blizzard look for dreamhaven game in 10 years or so.

old blizzard and old players with old blizzard mentality are to an end.

and the result is wonderfull for newer players!


yeah man ,like i said,its just another mount to stay forgotten in mount book of so ugly it is xD

but the rivers of tears make up for it!

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The difference between TCG items and Black Qiraji Battle Tank/Gladiator mounts are TCG doesn’t require any skill just having lots of money. Black Qiraji Battle Tank/Gladiator mounts requires skill, effort and good communication and i know there is a fatal flaw in my logic here because some players have bought Gladiator boost but most of those that rides Gladiator mounts are skilled players.


Probably. I’ve had one when i did it for PoE.

one thing is certain,blizzard activision microsoft knows this mount has no effort behind it,thats why they giving it free.

and if they gave this one,it means all tgc mounts will soon be on our book.


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Yes hype! :mega::pray:

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Can’t wait for the Spectral Tiger :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure if that logic applies.

I mean, the initial TCG mounts were owned by people who bought the cards and got lucky.
It was first a bit later when the scarcity of the cards set in and the eventual retirement of the TCG as a whole that they began being heavily traded for money.

And I feel as if the same can be said for Qiraji Battle Tank and Gladiator mounts.
I know the Scarab Lord on my original realm sold his entire account a while later, because it obviously rose in value quite a bit when he hit that gong.
Gladiator mounts have throughout history been as much infested by win-trading at the highest levels as it has been by fair competition.

So those areas are as corrupted by money as anything else in WoW is these days.



I have the Spectral Tiger and the Swift version. Got it in a pack of cards back in TBC.

And I wouldn’t mind if it became available to everyone in the game.

But I’m not a fan of the twitch method of delivery. It sort of feels like something that does good for Blizzard as a business rather than WoW as a game, you know?


Ugh… Ah well, I guess I can put twitch on in the background + muted.

or on your phone while charging/ or whatever youre doing (=