Twith Drops - Free Feldrake

why do u talk about a subject you know nothing about? no one has ever wintraded for gladiator LOL you are thinking about rank1.

The leaderboards were swarmed with win traders in the past. Blizzard had to actually officially step in because of all the green geared people being present there who were more than obviously win trading. And not just within the rank 1 percentage range.

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As someone who finds watching streams totally mind numbingly boring, I hate it.
I realise I could just put the stream on mute and do something else, but even so that I have to do that or else I’m missing out seems bullcrap.

Just let it run on low bandwidth in the background while muted. Easy

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or just do like me,roll a big jonja and go for a walk with the dog making SMOKE while it plays!

I’m doing that! Well… turning on twitch and going for a walk with the dog, anyway.
I have never, nor will ever smoke (no matter what substance). :blush:

its just a plant.

I think new stuff should be added for twitch and other cross promotions. Adding old TCG stuff is akward at best.

It’s just bad. :blush:

how you know?

you have my seal of approval

nothing prestigious about $$ mounts,wanna see prestigious mount? look at gladiator mounts

its actually very common to see those nowadays,wonder why…

Well for one there’s plenty of studies on the health risks.

its not about if its common or not,but how u get it

theres also a lot studies for health beneficts.

so buying a boost in the site for 600 euro makes is rare?

True. If suffering from certain ailments.
That doesn’t actually make it healthy though.

You still have my seal of approval