Two more unsubscribes

You cared since you replied, little troll. Or…gnome !

ok casual, see you around xoxo

ok boomer !

I’ve decided to leave too. I don’t want to play retail, because this is garbage, but can’t stay here too. It was amazing journey, but with awful end unfortunately.


No one is forced to do anything. The game is how the game is. We’re not Blizzard, we can’t change that. It’s up to yourself personally to overcome the things you don’t like about it.

I didn’t call anyone an attention seeker. There’s just no point to making these type of threads. Do you really think Blizzard is going to come along, read this thread and then magically make the game how this particular person wants it? No chance! Everyone’s views are different to how they perceive the game, it’s impossible to make a perfect game.

I’m actually one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet in-game or in real life. Who are you to target me or anyone else and call them names? You’re the toxic one here.

This is YOUR opinion. What makes you think that everybody else thinks the same? Don’t try and make out like everyone else believes 100% of what you believe. Everyone has their own opinion, freedom of choice and different likes/dislikes about the game. Stop trying to pull others down with you into your own toxicity.

canceled my sub aswell. Items doesnt work properly, magical effects from spell damage bonus formula seems only applies to dragonbreath chili, mulitboxers and layer abusers became gold kings, av released as a new pve raid and not a bg and many many many more stuff…

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You are right. I’ve also just found out why all the actions in the game are laggy(using a spell, buying something, picking up loot, etc). It’s called SPELL BATCHING ! Google it ! It’s basically an artificial lag Blizzard added in order to make the game “feel authentic”. Not only it fails at that, but it breaks the game so much and allows many abuses to be used ! I can’t believe some genius had the idea to implement this defect into the game and call it a feature !

The game felt wrong since its release and I thought “oh, it must be lag because of the high population”. Months later I discover that it’s a FEATURE !!!

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Yep, very frustrating that a few Russians in a basement managed to emulate vanilla better than blizzard can be bothered to.

Waited 3 months for BGs for real PvP and Ranking, and we get 1.12 AV being the META.

You can’t even go into WSG as alliance because shamans have the 1.12 spellpower gear and abuse the batching “feature” to have 100% crit chance on their 2 most damaging abilities, whilst also having 350 spellpower so they global you when you have 5.5k HP fully buffed.

This isn’t what people asked for.

Can we get vanilla instead of Classic, before people decide to leave and go play on third-party servers please?

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You are talking like a child now…you have no idea how many, if any, will be joining you soon.

Completely agree its quite weird how he made a post 3 days ago saying "Yeah, even though I’m sick of all the elitist tryhard sobs…they are killing all the fun ! on Enjoying Classic atm? - #157 by Warecs-hydraxian-waterlords

Seems to me your a solo player that doesn’t enjoy how the majority of guilds control the market, bosses, PVP systems…

these kinds of post are similar to people who post constantly on Facebook or Instagram just for likes… quite sad really… if your going to go then go don’t look for sympathy from people online you don’t even know. you’ve made like 4 posts in the last 24 hours and slip in the comment “I’ve unsubscribed anyway” such strange behaviour…

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i wonder what kind of innovation you were expecting in game from 2005.

genuinly curious.

Interventions does not mean innovations :wink:


@Warecs: I think the original text accidentally said “invention”, when “intervention” was intended, in other words one part of the word was missing.

Why is it weird? I’ve said the exact same thing 3 days ago as I’ve said in this post. Being a creep, stalking people and going through their posts is actually weird and inappropriate…

I think what he means is, if you’re really quitting the game, you wouldnt be making threads about it, or keep responding to people in threads about you quitting the game. You know, because you quit the game remember? Why are you still here?

Also, since going through people’s posts is weird and inappropriate, and those are two of my better qualities, in this thread you say you play with your girlfriend, in another thread you made just 2 days ago you play with your buddy?

Seems like you’re just making these threads for attention, which granted, seems to be working. Although you should probably ask yourself why you’re looking for attention on a wow forum.


You think you do, but you don’t. Truer words have never been spoken about Classic.

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Lmao get off your high horse for a moment and realize that threads and forums ARE for giving and receiving attention. I’ll stay around here until the forums register my characters as being deleted, and that may take a few weeks from my experience. And please don’t act like you have authority over other people telling them what to do.

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Migth well be, but Lîlîth is citing the text with the relevant sentence in bold letters, and it clearly says interventions. I doubt the citations are corrected when you correct the original post.

Seems a tad contradictory to me, he never actually said what you ‘should’ do, but you are saying 'its inappropriate to go through your pasts post, in a way telling him ‘what to do’

It’s because you are a troll