Two more unsubscribes

It’s not even P3 yet, shut the hell up honestly.

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Going through someone’s history and quotes to make a point is not inappropriate… in fact its completely warranted when forming a point otherwise its an uninformed comment… I looked at your history because its relevant to your original post… you said you are not enjoying it and your going but then 3 days ago you said you are enjoying it but the elitest annoy you… I mean to change your mind in 2/3 days is odd and to then go to the forums for, all I can guess is sympathy or agreement to feel as if your somewhat right in your decision is odd, childish and pathetic. ill say it again, if your going then go but I do hope you have something above level 14 because if you experienced that amount if oppression from “elitests” at that level then this game is definitely not for you :slight_smile:

Good luck in the future.

Yeah, everyone keeps bashing this lvl 14 character which was 18 when I deleted it and it was my bank alt, my main being a lvl 60 rogue. The forums have huge delays in importing character stats. Come on…

It was a general question don’t take offense to it and you ignored the rest of my post which is again a bit childish just answering the things you want to.

but I guess this is the kind of “attention” you require.

Any attention is good :smiley: being at work, last day of the year before closing and having nothing to do is extremely boring !

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Sad life…

Sorry to hear that buddy. Hope you both find a game to play together that isn’t as frustrating for you.

I do agree with you that blizzard need to focus more on community feedback for classic. However I am grateful we even have it in the first place.

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Thank you for your kind words. I’m going back to WarCraft 3(Reforged). It’s a less time consuming game and better fit to my taste. Good luck to you and take care !

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Nice one! I’ll be playing that too! Love Warcraft 3, would love a remastered version of 2!

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Same here ! WarCraft 2 was actually the first game I’ve ever played. Love that game so much !

Edit: GOG actually has an updated version of WarCraft 2 if you wanna try it !

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Yeah I still have vivid memories of me Andy my brother playing the demo of it and seeing all the units you could get in the full game at the end. Awesome game and memory.

Yeah I played that, I just wish they could slow down the screen scroll speed lol! Also would be nice to control larger groups of units instead of just 6!

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Oh yeah, definitely remembering the crazy scroll speed, but also the music, the narration, the cutscenes ! How amazing they were. If these remasters are a success, they may consider doing WarCraft 2 as well !

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Haha yes mate. I read my son his baby books in the voices of the human and orcs on the mission objective screens. So epic.

I think I have more fun than him lol.

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The most hilarious thing is this guy is clearly lying haha

Also did you notice how he dodges the questions he doesn’t want to answer in your post and mine.

Imagine your life being that sad that you seek attention online from people you don’t know and have to lie about having a girlfriend…

Its honestly beyond me how people operate in todays online society.

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By replying to it you are doing exactly the same.

I’m lying?

Your post is unclear sorry…

if you mean im seeking attention by having a conversation… I guess you could be right but im not in this for attention just don’t like liars.

Lowlife coward tactics, check. That’s why you never get your answers.

Again, still haven’t responded to a single accusation… you simply shift the attention by making insults…

Shows a lot of character on your part I guess…

No you accuse him of attention seeking by posting g on here. Well replying to him the way you do is also the same thing.

You either want attention for the edgey comments or you just take satisfaction in flaming total strangers. I’m not a sure which is worse

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Lmao, accusations ! Oh, the accusations ! I must submit to the inquisition right away or face the consequences !