Two options - the forum game

Now here’s a simple forum game:

  1. I start by giving two wow-related fun options.
  2. The next poster pick the preferred option (yes, they have to choose one), and give two new options for the next poster again.

Okay, let’s get this started.

Would you rather pug M+ with a Night Fae Protection Paladin, or a Necrolord Holy Paladin?

A night fae protection paladin, because I’m a healer, and don’t need two.

Would you rather go to keys with a full group or Mechagnomes, or a full group of Vulpera?

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Full group of Mechagnomes so they can use the clones to make my own tiny army.

Would you rather play without helm, shoulders and chest or Would you rather play with only Helm, shoulders, chest and weapons with a domination set bonus?

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I’d play without helm, shoulders and chest since I don’t like domination sockets nor find them a suitable replacement for tier sets!

Would you rather serve the Burning Legion or The Void?


I pick the third option: Scourge, because Arthas is the alpha chad.

Would you rather play male blood elf or female gnome?

female gnome.

would you rather have no bag space or no bank space?

That’s hard … no bag space I think.

Arathi Basin or Warsong Gulch?

Sorry, that should have been replied to Schmusedecke.
I had to change answers mid typing as I was too slow.

Arathi Basin :blush:

Illadan or Arthas?

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Illidan was like that emo kid

Would u play with main dh or main rogue?

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I’ve done both in different xpacs, and they were both quite fun. On balance I’d have to go with DH, though. It’s just too fun burning all their mobility abilities and getting places you’re not supposed to.

If you could do no other activity in Wow for the rest of time, would you rather have to attack Wintergrasp or defend Strand of the Ancients?

Stran of the Ancients
At least its not a clear win, you are the attacker then the defender
I actually liked SofA :sob:

Okay, so wich race would you trade with the Horde? Mechagnomes and recive Nightborne in turn, or Void Elves and recive the Vulpera?

(My DH hasn’t finished the starting area yet :astonished: )

I would attack Wintergrasp and hope I was with people who knew what they were doing :smiley:

Timeless Isle or Korthia (I find them similar in many ways)

Too slow

Mechagnomes/Nightborne (can’t stand Vulpera) New question above.

Timeless Isle - had loads of fun there

M+ pugging or with friends/community?

With friends/guild by a mile

tanaan jungle or korthia?

Tanaan. It looks cooler, and although it’s got an awful currency grind, at least it’s only got one.

Would you rather try to shave a Yaungol or kiss an undead with its lower jaw missing?

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Shaving a Yaungol sounds fun, I’d do that.

Would you rather play a full melee group in a Tol Dagor high key with quaking, sanguine and forti or a group with full Fury Warrior DPS on Plaguefall boss one during a high Tyra key week (assume you can’t burst the boss down before 2nd glob pops)?

Tol Dagor, it’ll be rough but anything beats having 2 blobs heal the boss for 40% HP.

If your main was forced race changed and you couldn’t change back would you rather be a Gnome male or Goblin male

100% goblin
Gnomes should be removed

SD or DoS

You… fiend! :sob:


Arthas or the Lich King?