TWW hero talent ideas

For the demon themed hero talent tree, maybe have a talent that makes the soulwell purple , have a purple health stone that when a player in your group uses it, it summons a imp for 15 seconds with a small chance of a doomguard, something flavourful that would be cool, have the flavour text read “when this stone is used a demon will be released” etc

You would really have that as a hero talent?
Personally seems like a waste of a nod

Not as a main one but one of the connecting ones sure… most of them seem utility oriented so far, lock already provides the cookies, and has a talent when they benefit from people using them (heals the lock), why not make the utility do some dmg even if a small amount.

It’s class flavour more than anything… I mean what else we gonna get? A dot on chaos bolt after it hits?

Also a general discussion, others ideas welcomed!

Exactly,its at top of general tree,no place for silly things like this in hero nod

That seems like it would be an awful idea as warlocks will want people in the raid to pop all of thier cookies at the start to gain as much dps as possible.
Rather have it so if you use dark pact you give other people like 20% of your DP’s shield value if we are to get utility talents.

Though one ability that i feel like is a must is giving us metamorphosis in any sort of way.

Can only use one when people took damage though, but I get your point, and glad of your suggestion to add to the list

What you you suggest?

As for meta, how would we get it back when the spec is no longer about becoming the demon, wouldn’t fit with destro/afflic either since the hero talents share between 2 specs, while I agree demon form was really cool, would have to completely redesign demo again to get it back

Destro/Demo would work.
Destro is all about doing big damage via your spell and considering metamorphosis is the player turning into a demo it would still fit the theme.
Maybe even make one of the talents into having a permant infernal as pet would be crazy cool and would work as it goes into how demo controls big demons.

And please dont bring up balance, im only looking for cool class ideas that make the class + specs more unique compared to other casters, which is why i want meta back as its a super iconic spell for warlocks.

Never mentioned balance I ment purly from a class design point meta gone… yes it was cool but we have DH now, just gotta accept it, also turning into a demon has nothing to do with destro.

Destro is about chaos and well… destruction, meta was about mastering the demonic arts to become the demon etc

Also we had permanent infernal in… WoD I want to say… was super boring unfortunately basically a beefed up voidwalker, if we brought back doomguard again that be cool even if was a chance to proc like current demo tier, it was cool to see him show up

Infernal needs bit of a redesign as it hits like a wet noodle, resources are good but the pet itself is a bit pathetic

Destro = big spells for big damage from casters
Demo = big damage from demons
Demo + Destro = big damage from caster who is a demon (AKA Metamorphosis)

This is the most simple way of explaning on how destro + demo hero talnets could bring back metamorphosis.

Fair enough, still i wouldn’t keep your hopes up on it, guess we will have to wait and see what they come up with, as a side note… slim down on your mastery and get a lot more vers will do better dmg

Hope is something that can’t be broken nor destoryed, only dropped by people who cant carry it anymore. So ill always keep it up as i want retail to become more of an RPG than just straight up an mmo.

And on the stats, i have 2 different sets, 1 for demo (m+) and one for destro (raid).
I have always played destro and just do way better on it for raiding and demo is just easier in m+ as you have to ramp up 10 seconds before you deal even 150k on destro.

Yer same for raid, destro main, most of the time since wrath, bit of demo in between and yes… demo is much easier to get quick bursty aoe dmg this patch and have been using it for m+ myself

Seems easy enough to implement and could be leaned in different ways, even if it’s not the most exciting Hero Tree.

My idea would be to move Nether Portal from Demo tree to Hero Talent shared with Destro. You could still call it “Helcaller” or something else, and it would get all the surrounding and supporting talents that Nether Portal badly needs to make it interesting.

Where Nether Portal is now is the best place to implement Metamorphosis, and it could separate the tree in different playstyles, instead of what we have now with talents across the tree supporting the same thing with fillers inbetween. The Demo tree really needs different builds/playstyles and in order for that to happen we need something like choosing between Meta vs Legion Demo. The foundation of Demonic Cores could still be left intact.

The point of hero talents is to further dive in the class fantasy.

I think there should be a talent that can be activated when reaching 100 imp sacrifices, to summon a large demon that does some good damage.

Another idea would be popping a sacrificial circle and then imploding imps in it until it pops that big demon… It could probably have some more conditions to meet.

People keeps looking for bringing back metamorphosis, but isn’t that more of a demon hunter fantasy at this point?

Not rly :smiley: we were edgy back than,look at us now… We have no fantasy(master of demons my as*…) Master of chaos? Master of dots? :rofl: