Tww is already boring

But you literally said if you press buttons, it’s a game. I gave you a simple example that this metric is obviously wrong, unless we say e-books are games now.
I argue against it and I think I made a valid point.

You are being borderline abusive - and extremely patronising.

How old is your WoW account? I’m guessing mine is older than you are.

Ye? You ready to bet your money on it?

You just being sensitive because someone doesn’t agree with you. And you think I am the younger guy in this conversation. The irony.

No. I said it’s a video game. You press buttons.
I didn’t say it was a video game because you press buttons.
I said it was an active medium. Pressing buttons makes it so.

You confused matters and made an invalid point.

And I don’t know what you’re going at. You made the point that story in games isn’t gameplay.
That’s a ridiculous point to make. I told you so.
Now you’re reeling and arm-waving to try and salvage your position.
It’s kind of silly to behold.
I’ll leave it here. Nice chat.

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Not really no. Just basing it on the way you’re conducting yourself - which is not what I would expect of a rational adult with meaningful life experience.

Actually, no - your entire response was rude, patronising and way out of line. You’re also being rude, and obtuse in your other engagements on this thread.

You basically got abusive to me once I called you out for stating an opinion as fact and not being able to back up that claim. You spiralled downward thereafter.

Please don’t bother replying - you’re just shouting at the sky now.

Casuals have reached their gear/power cap way too fast.

I don’t want them stuck at veteran gear, but I think they are getting champion gear way too quickly, which is bad for their enjoyment long term I think, and hence bad for the game as a whole.

So the only requirement then is for someone to call an ebook a game and then it becomes one because you press buttons?.. I mean that’s still scuffed.
Also, what if you do not have to press a button? What if it’s just an option and the story otherwise continues by itself? Is it still a game then?

Actually the whole point was what kept WoW alive all over the years and I said gameplay. But the word was disliked and now everyone is going after the word ignoring the actual points. Now while story is part of gameplay, it’s still not gameplay, if it makes sense. To be super specific the word gameplay itself is very hard to define. But even the AI will tell you (in case you still don’t want to believe me or own experience) that story =/= gameplay but rather just a part of it.

Ngl kinda ironic tho, how once again people on the forum refuse to believe facts and drift off jumping at a word instead of focusing on the actual point.

If you are not ready to bet your money on it, then obviously somewhere deep down, in you, you seem to understand that you are being wrong.

I stay by what I said, you are just being sensitive. Also, don’t ever expect people to be nice to you when you are toxic yourself… that’s pure stupidity right there, Mr. Adult with a meaningful life experience.


And let’s leave it at that.

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Actually I said meaningful life experience.

Which is now telling me that further engagement with you is a futile exercise.

I’m done here with you.

Happy? Now instead of asking for my attention, please go press some buttons or something. Have a good one.

WOD was actually good expansion unlike Dragonflight that i could not play for 2 years because they broke the game for many Radeon users, thanks for my depression Blizzard and lack of compensation.

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Do you really think that housing will be bigger feature than delves? [jj laughing.gif]

Anywhoose, am i understanding you correctly whatever feature they must add must be not be the one that actually gets you playing the game, but those that make you feel fleeting sense of “novelty”, because y’know, judging by how you describe delves that is a “feature same level as warfronts” (what in the hell) but housing will be “big addition” which by every metric, logic and common sense sounds DUMB as hell.
Did you even try any content that actually makes you playing the game? What’s your opinion about priest tree? How do you like current raid? Do you have a guild that plays m+ and raids with you? Do you progress anything? like, do you actually engage in any mmo elements, do you even enjoy wow’s gameplay loop?

Yes, I have ksm on my main, and I still think that player housing is gonna make a lot of people happy. Blizzard can simply put trophys or similar things as rare drops in Delves, Raids, Mythic+, Timewalking raids/dungeons, professions, etc. If this is an evergreen feature it would only add content to the game. Now, obviously it’s a mmo, so people like stuff to add to their self-expression like customization, etc.

Honestly though, I personally rather have new gameplay content than player housing, but it’s very obvious that it’s an easy W for Blizzard, as they can even monetize it.

You kinda don’t understand me, housing CAN be big feature, but no dev in their mind will use that kind of budget to implement this feature on the level that people want (not in wow, wow isn’t a sandbox mmo), because judging by blizzard’s history and their attempts at doing housing it will need high amount of budget for both expanison of server hardware and coding this thing in actual game, so at best they’ll add some scripted private instance that will allow you to (very strictly) add some things. That’s it, instance for some things where you can interact with bed and sleep on it, lmao.
Is it worth to funnel budget from actually developing game to some gimmick that will break 342342352352345 things and will be barely supported? i don’t think so, FFXIV has housing and it’s awful, buggy and is very restricted because you need to pay for it high amount of game currency to keep your house, because without restriction their server hardware won’t endure it.

It’s all wishy and dumb dreams about feature that will be massive letdown for everyone, and of course create millions of post about “dae housing bad? blizzard bad i quit game”

I think people probably want it as this…

As said, I have a mixed opinion on this. If they implement this as some sort of evergreen trophy room for hardcore player, or as a customizable chilling place for casual players, it would be very popular. It just depends on how exactly they would implement it. Obviously it’s not gonna be sandbox, because then they’d have to mess with some core-technology in the game I think, as their Z-axis is buggy as hell. However, even if it’s scripted in terms of location, it can still have a lot of stuff

Send this to blizzard…
Cause this needs to be reverted.
BFA was last expansion that had this and i deerly miss it

which of course, won’t be enough for blizzard standards, and the player likes of jito.
Ha ha, i’m kind of following those forums since legion, and i can picture posts already, people are unhinged when reality doesn’t meet their expectations, ESPECIALLY with blizzard, especially in wow where expectations are combined with huge rose-tinted glasses about the glorious past.

I havent even finished all the side quests this time round and Im already not bothered about logging in.
I loved DF and was totally into all the quests and factions but this one just feels a little flat and uninteresting to me.

TBH though I knew from the announcement that I wasnt going to be a big fan of this expansion. Caves and nerubians just arent my thing!

That’s LITERALLY not what Jito said.

Gameplay. Not ‘game’. If you’re in a game and you’re pressing a button to do stuff; you’re playing the game = gameplay.

Yeah, it’s all about the mechanics, the speed, the efficiency now in this game…makes sense why we get a race like the earthen now which are practically workaholic robots. And they’re playable. Fitting for the setting of the gameplay itself, that’s for sure.

Its clearly designed to be all about grind faster, get out of the world quicker, get better and get stronger so you can play and finish the instanced content faster.
That’s why you get scaled into weakness as you level, because the only real power in leveling is now in you leveling your “Item level” at endgame.

But for what? Is it really a good game when its designed to get you to kill the same bosses ad nauseum, each time a bit faster? Only to have it all reset in the next season around the corner? And then, to top it off, sell you a boost at the last season that gives you all the reps, levels and “raid ready” gear, invalidating most efforts you had made before?

What Blizzard doesn’t seem to think of, is that by speeding up the game like this, and making it only about endgame, you also are out of stuff to do much quicker as well.

What a soulless experience of a game with a supposed “World” as the main focus, which is really just for cosmetics, toddler like difficulty, and to provide entrances to dungeons. A shame, caues it’s a very pretty world.