Tww is already boring

So what? You want the DF events or what is it that you are trying to say.

Look, I don’t know where the hell you people are from or how you do things. But if you are gonna come to these forums and complain at lest do it properly.

You don’t like what’s on the table, that’s fine. I get it. But say what you would like to see if you want something to come out of it.


I still feel the outdoor world lacks in purpose and enjoyment. I’ll echo a lot of what Tah said.
I think what I would like to see is a sense of progression and belonging in the world. The Isle of Quel’Danas, Argent Tournament, and Molten Front, all had that experience of helping build the place by doing things, and over time seeing the area evolve and expand. That felt like more meaningful progression than seeing the Renown level go up by 1.

I also miss having multiple smaller raids, like in WotLK. The problem with only getting 1 raid per tier is that you do it in one night and you’re done for the week. If there are multiple smaller ones you can spread them out over multiple days, which feels nicer.

It also lacks more entry points in its leveling and story. Again, Shadowlands had different campaigns for each Covenant. Battle for Azeroth had different stories for Horde and Alliance, and Legion had Class Order Halls. Even Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria and every single prior expansion would have different stories for Horde and Alliance and even individual races and classes.
The War Within has one leveling path and one campaign and it’s the same regardless of whether you do it on Horde or Alliance, Hunter or Druid. There’s one playthrough to be had, and then you’ve exhausted the expansion for all its story and adventure, and that’s sad I think. We used to get substantially more here.

Blizzard also has a problem with rewards, and I don’t have the solution to that. But a lot of the options and things you can do in WoW rewards you with transmogs and mounts and pets and achievements and so on. And all those rewards are becoming less and less motivating to pursue because of the fact that we have so damn many of them already. Another mount? Throw it in the pile!
And because Blizzard don’t want to go down the route of borrowed powers and artifact power and all that stuff, then they’re kind of stuck with rewarding players with more transmogs and mounts that we never really use anyway.
And that’s a huge problem. I don’t have the solution for it, but Blizzard needs to figure it out.
Even the Renown tracks, which are very front and center in terms of being something every player is encouraged to engage with, are quite lame.
Blizzard needs to figure something out here.


I think I was pretty clear with my reply. The way they’re doing things now is non-commital, but that has its downsides as well.

No, because that’s not my job as customer. That’s literally what the devs get paid for to figure out.

Besides, they’re working on all sorts of things at the moment, so I can’t give a clear answer not knowing what they’re already doing.

Although on a personal level, I really hated the Argent Tournament. :sweat_smile:

I agree and I do have the solution for it, but a fair amount of people won’t like it: Borrowed power.

As long as borrowed power is connected to a fun and engaging and immersive system (like the artifact weapons were), I believe it works fine. They could always implement some type of weekly limit (like there is with crests) and make sure the ‘borrowed power currency’ is rewarded in every single aspect of the game; so you’d never feel ‘forced’ to do content you don’t want to do.

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There we go. Something to actually read.

I agree that building crap was interesting. I won’t say it was amazing cause it really wasn’t but it sure felt like the player affected the world.

You are also right about the leveling. This bi-factional generic stuff is not so great for the game. I mean it was much cooler when everyone had their own thing. Right? You said Wotlk. You had your own faction bases, all your faction guys. When you logged into the game as Alliance or as Horde you felt you were playing those. I miss that. This DF and TWW generic story does nothing for me. So yeah, I’m all for it. In fact I wish we would go back to BFA style of story telling. That was much better than whatever this crap is, but hey, maybe we will.

The reward part, I think Blizz is doing a good job there. Mog and mounts, basically the fluff is very thematic, based on the current expansion, personally I like that. Fact is, we need new systems to the game, like they were talking on the Us forums, about housing. Might not be exactly exciting but it can become as huge as mounts mogs and pets. Something to consider. Yeah.

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I agree with this. And it’s also why I’m a bit let down. Because if you take the pulse on the community, then they’re ready for big things like housing and class skins and character customization taken to the next level. What’s on the other side of Azeroth? A new huge continent? Yeah let’s have that!
Even engine overhauls and visual updates are being thrown about.

So when Blizzard then comes out with Delves and some new talents that they call “Hero talents” then there’s quite the gulf between the expectations and desires that the playerbase are nurturing and then what Blizzard are actually presenting and delivering. It’s just not very much.

So you just want to argue for no reason? If you can’t understand it’s common sense, well… then you lack gaming experience. That’s fine.

At this point you are just trolling. If you don’t understand what gameplay is and think it’s story then I am not surprised you don’t understand why I said what I said…

No. It’s you just lacking the understanding of basic gaming knowledge.
Very, very, very simple example: You can have the best story in a game but you don’t even have the option to move your character. You will not be able to have great “healing gameplay” or “combat gameplay” or… Why? Because it does not even exist. You confuse two absolutely different things.

Ngl it’s actually shocking how you don’t understand the meaning of gameplay and… what do you even think? Why is WoW still around? Why is it not dead anymore and like completely gone? You think because the story is that good? Since that’s gameplay… or is it maybe because gameplay is actually something else and WoW is still out there because of proper gameplay? (compared to other mmorpgs)

Story is certainly an aspect of gameplay. There are lots of story-driven games where the gameplay is basically just to advance the story.
And that’s true for WoW as well throughout the entire leveling process. That’s really all you’re doing – progressing your character so you can progress the story. That’s the gameplay.
And WoW definitely owes some of its success to that. Most of the expansions have had record sales, but not everyone who buys an expansion stick around for the endgame activities – some are just here for the leveling and the story. It’s the same in Blizzard’s other games like Diablo III and Diablo IV. Millions upon millions of people bought those games, but a sizable potion of those people just played those games for the story and the leveling. They didn’t stick around for the endgame progression.
So story is definitely a core part of the gameplay for many – and for some it’s the only part.


Well I suppose all good things in due time. I mean I can’t complain about DF and even TWW. For one we got two awesome features. DF made flying actually entertaining, or at least to me and TWW brought a long awaited feature, warbands. I suppose that if they keep up with these features that aren’t just a passing thing that gets left behind in whatever expansion, I can’t really complain and who knows what’s next, maybe housing.

The problem kind of is time.
I mean, between Shadowlands and The War Within, which is 4 years, the gaming industry has blitzed ahead with many amazing and innovative games, and Blizzard are kind of still just pushing out the same World of Warcraft experience with each expansion. A few updates and new features here and there, but time is not working to the game’s advantage. The pace by which Blizzard develops the game isn’t really keeping up with the industry.
We still appreciate WoW because we’re fans and veterans, but for anyone else it’s hard to see the reason to “Get back in the fight!” as Metzen put it.

You can have a story without playing the game. What’s the gameplay then? Watching a video is also not gameplay now, is it?
If story was the important part in WoW and the majority of the community was only buying the game because of that, I guess WoW would have been dead long ago. Obviously, that’s not the case. I don’t even know why this needs a discussion. It’s a known fact. Most people agree that FF14 story is better but the gameplay (specifically combat) is utter poop. Which is why FF14 was never able to absorb WoW players completely.

It might also be worth considering that WoW is a mess. I mean aside the obvious issues it had with the scandals. I think it used to lack proper leadership cause it felt like everyone was pulling in whatever direction and they didn’t have a clear image of what they wanted or what they could do. They still don’t, but I feel like things improved since DF.
Also it’s unrealistic to expect WoW to turn into something else. It’s still gonna be WoW, but stuff like dragon flying and warbands are, at least to me, a major improvement on what we are used to getting. So if they keep up the cadence, I can’t really complain. Or at least not about that.

The story is something people who are into WoW find interesting because it widens the game world they enjoy and also serve to create the ambiance you enjoy from this game. Not much else to it. It’s the one thing we can count on to change, to give us a sense of something new, even when there’s really nothing new. If that makes sense.

No. Then it’s not a game.
A game is an interactive medium. You have to do something (gameplay) to get the story. That’s in contrast to something like a book, which is a passive medium, where the story is just served in front of you.

No, that’s also a passive medium.

I wasn’t really discussing. I merely corrected you because you seemed to not understand gaming as an interactive medium and how story integrates into gameplay.

Oh for sure. But I think a major competitive advantage Blizzard have always held, was that they made the big games. The juggernauts. The stuff that sent ripples throughout the gaming sphere.
But The War Within, and the other recent expansions, aren’t very big. They don’t invoke that kind of authority that Blizzard used to have whenever they released a new game.

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What would you call Batman: The Telltale Series? For me it has zero gameplay but a story.

What’s the difference then between the said Batman “game” and an interactive movie? If I understand you correctly, they are the same for you. Not for me tho. Wouldn’t you say games actually require a certain amount of skill? Like literally any game I can think of, requires some sort of player skill.

Pressing 1 button to basically continue the story is quite irrelevant to me and doesn’t make it suddenly a game. Sorry, there is much more required to it.

It’s a video game. You press buttons. You play it. Gameplay.

As far as being active mediums? Yeah.

And books require that you can read. I’m not sure what your point is.

No, there isn’t. You’re too caught up in your own perception on gaming, and you seem to have a slight elitist bias. But that’s neither here nor there. If you press a button in a video game, it’s gameplay.
As far as WoW is concerned, the entirety of the leveling process serves as a vehicle for progressing through the story. That’s the gameplay. Play your character to experience the story.

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So if there is an automated skip function in it, it’s not a game anymore?
What about an e-book, you have to press buttons too in order to continue reading. Is an e-book suddenly a game now? You see how quick it actually becomes non sense?

Technically, yes. Reading a book requires more skill than pressing 1 button. Yet I obviously mean that games require you sort of skill in order to complete the game. Be it solving or any “mechanical skill”. The said batman “game” does not.

So by your definition an e-book is a game then? This is super weird ngl.

Yes. I do feel you’re starting to sprout nonsense and argue ad absurdum.

No, obviously not. You’re being obtuse now.


Sure. If you ignore all the content, you got none. It’s your choice how you play the game. Not sure what you were expecting.

Ew. Just ew. Nothing ti say but ew.

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They need to add a solo mythic + option because too many people are very selective with keys to be fair so let them be selective while other players just queue up to play.

The problem does not get solved by pushing your own key either because certain players wont apply to play with players less then 2k radier io solo queue is the only solution !