TWW - New NPC Models (Main Characters)

Alleria looks much better. Anduin’s face is a little… odd. I can see that he looks like the cinematic version of himself but he similarly doesn’t look like his usual self. Moira has some interesting clown armour, Magni looks no different :thinking:
I want Alleria’s bow pls.

Anduin grew up!!!

I do love how his model has changed over the years.

I approve of the beard and short hair… I think the issue lies in the eyebrows :thinking:
Not saying it is a bad model at all, I just don’t see Anduin when I look at it. Maybe that is a point though, he has changed and isn’t his old self any more.

He still looked very boyish in SL, he looks like a man now.

Very much so. I wonder if someone edited the hair and made it brown/black, if he would look like his dad.

That Faerin armor looks sick, especially the cape hope we get to see something similar

Looks really good! Don’t go look at our tier sets :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Unfortunately I already did :dracthyr_cry_animated:
At least they open world set carries hard :stuck_out_tongue:

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Might be the resolution, but he does look a tad different from the cinematic.

I thought the opposite, done a good job of importing the cinematic look into the game model :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

This is actually really good though is she deliberately missing an arm and has one as a shield or is it a bug?

She’s blind on the same side so probably got cleaved.

How old is Anduin now anyway? Early 20s?

… Why does she have a pointy ear? Aren’t arathi descendants from vrykul?

Maybe she is part elf. I am going with the ears are for half elf/elf ancestry.

Hm, saw the post now that they added pointy ears to humans as well. Least gives the half-elf lovers a bone.

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And round ears for elves which is ew but okay!

I think the front of his hair is a little floaty the rest of it is great but that part or the hairs a bit scuffed

Love the new models, except…Anduins chin!

so pointy! He doesnt need a sword anymore, he can just stab people with his pointy, pointy chin! :laughing: