TWW - Tier Sets

Death Knight

Demon Hunter













Kinda funny how the Paladin set got mixed up with the Arathi Plate set :stuck_out_tongue:

Idk why but that Paladin Tier set would have fit more into Shadowlands for the Kyrians…

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It’s time to hire new, talented artists.


I’m not blown away by the paladin set. I’ll collect it ofc. But I’m not rushing to wear it :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

The evoker set is funky!

The rogue one looks good!

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I’m definitely getting me the Arathi Plate sets. Simply because they are the first Plate Set for Paladin that fits the class aesthetics AND have no Robe since Legion/BfA…

I just posted that in another topic. There is so much info coming out atm it’s so exciting!!! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I was frowning at the monk set having tentacles until i realised they were Ox horns. :smile:

The Paladin one is… something…
I am hoping it will look better on a dwarf.

DK one is clownish. The skull parts are cool but the ornaments make them look like walking chandeliers. Like really… those spikes look like candles.

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Evoker actually has pretty banger tier set, pity you can’t see most of it…heh.

Waiting for priest! Paladin & Rogue look ok! Paladin has best look so far.

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These can’t be final sets, not even near.

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They look like dungeon heroic sets!


Not even that, these sets doesn’t meet the quality of new expansion, maybe shoulders, head will be animated but looks very unpleasing. Sorry guys, didn’t hit the mark now. Warrior model is exactly the same as DK Tomb of Sargeras tier model.

I know, I know I am kinda surprised how sets look like now!

Evokers lookin very dragon.


Curious seeing the Evoker set fully modeled on another race when they’re missing parts on the Dracthyr form to which the spec is only available to.

most of them looks cheap and funny, like they belond to a made in china game, general quality is worse than dragonflight, only improvement here i think is evoker set its very detailed.

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I’m going to get the DK ones just to transmog them into something cooler unless they remove those spikes/pointy things from the helmet and the shoulders. :nauseated_face:

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funny how shaman is always left in the dirt.
no hero talents, no rework, not even a tier set lol

Imagine fumbling the ball so damn hard after the last 2 tier sets. This looks so bad…

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I like that they are giving pallies a tier set with wings. But how do they always manage to design great wings for priests’ tier sets, but somehow they can’t seem to get them right for pallies’ sets?