Tyrande was mean to me!

Never lose you faith in Elune or you will became to such pathetic being like Delaryn or Sira.

No, Sylvanas never changed…

Actually, you did. When you claim that someone is wrong and refuse to explain why you have a different opinion, that is:

  1. Rude.
  2. Arrogant.
  3. Detrimental for the debate.

Further more, a lot of those quotes are very disrespectful.

It’s not Elune we should worry about.

It’s the storytelling from Activision Blizzard, where our concerns should lie.

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What. I need to cherry pick and argue with someone every time I think someone’s wrong or I’m disrespectful?

Wow, okay. I respect your opinion, even if I don’t agree with it.

We all have them.


Yeah, actually, you do. When you want to dispute someone’s conclusion, you must explain why you have a different opinion.

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Funny, when you read through Mion’s post history, you see that they are very much looking for controversial discussions to participate in, often raising controversial points themselves, and there is also an abundance of them calling other’s arguments false or anything similar.

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Do you serve willingly your enemy which slaughtered you and your people?

What are you, the thread lord? If I do not wish to dispute someone, I will not. If I wish to believe they are wrong without disputing them, I will.

Your assumption that every disagreement must lead to a debate or argument is something I must disagree with.

Obsessive. shudders

Yes, I am.

Sounds rational. Not.

Well, this is a public forum used for discussion… Further more, common sense and etiquette demands that you explain your position, if you already took the time to tell someone he is “wrong”.

I also find it funny that I am the Thread Lord, but you are the one who says “wrong” then refuses to elaborate. I mean, that smacks of arrogance…

I wouldn’t have thought so.

It’s the fear of Activision Blizzard’s storytelling what we are most afraid of.

Thread Lord Araphant. That’s your in-game title is it not?

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I hope the irony is not lost on you.

Nope, but it is lost on you.

So say-eth the mighty thread lord.

I am not, but I won’t tell you why.

So says the shadow of Mion.

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Indeed, hear hear!

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I’ve got a very good guess, and it’s a bad sign.

I’m claiming this. No take backs.

I don’t think they will be the second Godfrey. I just hipe that we will get a explanation why they do what they do.

What do you take me for, some kind of mass murderer…Nevermind.

Don’t worry, Delaryn will explain her reasons. Now is just not the time for it!