Tyrande was mean to me!

Don’t mind my Brother Knight, he is likely still angry that Arthas had him raised twice. Undeath in the Ebon Blade is a very serious matter. To be raised twice…does things to the mind.

Of course, it is a better fate than to be…shudders Kaldorei Paladin.


laughs in old warden RPG


Get out of here, he-who-runs-away-from-my-Winged-Eredar-fanfiction :stuck_out_tongue:


On the topic of that, have you thought of why KJ is the only male Eredar to have wings? A trait that is exclusively female except for him.

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You could also question why he is the only male Eredar with horns. Probably it’s the rule of cool or sth. Ants like.

Imho, they just haven’t got round to making more male winged eredar. It’s easier to make just one gendered model rather than two. Not complaining, they’re so cuddly <3 Prob just cost-saving. Tera Online did a LOT of gender locked classes to save money for example.

Regarding mutated and twisted demons, there’s a Argus World Quest where we interrupt two demons in the process of being transformed with excess fel energy. But lore being what it is \o/

EDIT: Consider that also we have no female Nathrezim, pitlords or others.

I thought that as well, but certain bosses like Portal Keeper have winged Eredar females, while High Command has wingless Eredar females.
It’s not even consistent… But then again we know how Blizz feel about consistency.

Dreadlord Jaina and all of R34 prove you wrong there.


Admiral Svirax has wings though and the other two of the trio are male. General Erodus is an eredar brute (twisted and brutal form). Chief Engineer Ishkar appears to be your standard eredar in appearance but more powerful and of course bigger.

EDIT: Perhaps you meant the eredar spell casters? They seem to be your generic eredar female lorewise and occupy the ‘middle form’ of
Initial: [Uncorrupted Eredar]
=> [Man’ari and various iterations]
=> [Winged Eredar]

I still wish for Dreadlord Jaina to be true. Would have been better to have that than Sylvanas the Cartoon Villain.

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