Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

As her only goal with that action? Yes. Sylvanas plans for the long term.


I think you forget the part where she basically said she would do it later.


But instead, she would rather see the Horde get wiped out by the Alliance then surrendering?

So, she doesn’t want to surrender nor does she want to play clean. She just wants to play dirty?

WoW such greyness.

What like herself? When she decided to kill the DC in cold blood in Arathi?

Her people are just a buffer to her own survival, this should be clear by now as throughout the expansions she has tortured them, experimented on them, killed them, killed any of them what speak out, use them as meat shields and so much more.

Yes, is her way of “saving” her people is to make everyone Undead/Forsaken so we are all the same? Do you know who else had that goal?

Yes it is.

Whatever it takes to defend Sylvanas I guess

So what are these sources then where she is generally good and looking out for her people? Which aren’t a smoke-screen to what she actually wants?


That “muh honor orc” was the one asking player to save the soldiers while Sylvanas didn’t even gave them chance to retreat while showering them with blight.

Sylvanas never cared for Horde those are the meatshields that protects her bony a$s.
Just re-run the Pit of Saron to see her true attitude for Horde soldiers.

She is a liar and manipulator. If she didn’t bat an eye to lie to Warchief Thrall about Wrathgate why wouldn’t she lie to High Overlord?


Given this, how should the Horde feel about the general that is currently invading the Barrens, and is attacking Orgrimmar and the Bilgewater harbour, being empowered by the sort of ritual Tyrande went through?

If she were to use said power expressively to retake Lordaeron and it’s lands?

Even if she expressively said otherwise? I mean, look at the deal with Helya.
We have sources pointing at her exact and precise goal. And still found people giving it some other or additional meaning.

And you are of the opinion that no matter what, Sylvanas would add some extra goal or purpose to her every action?

Oh COME ON, did y’all just turned a topic on Tyrande about Sylvanas again?!


Who started this war and burned Teldrassil? You.

I would clap for her, if not for the small detail that she wiped Lordaeron clean of its human population, pushed into Arathi, and genocided Gilneas for the kicks.


What about the deal with Helya? Do you think the Valkyr were not also something she already planned to use to conquer? Do you think that “helping her people survive” didn’t include the making of corpses to raise?

Mostly, yes. She hast calculated b*tch mode and crazy rampage mode, and that’s about it.



And as Horde I should then feel the same about some random chick that removed a troll tribe from their lands and is currently attacking Horde territory?

And why are you whining about retaliation?

You are the one here convincing me to have sympathy in a hypothetical scenario for a genocidal maniac, so you tell me. Further more, no one touched the troll tribe until it had the bright idea to attack.

Fun fact, if Tyrande killed them all, there would be no one to lead you to Darkshore, and the Horde would have lost the war already.


I just ignore the “whatever it takes BS” card

Noone claims she is a saint. But she isnt the mother of all void and evil stuff everyone is making her because she destroyed alliance favorite treehouse. Since then everyone is giving her poop for everything. Someone had a heart attack? Damn you Sylvanas! Someone got the flue? All Sylvanas fault! She did something not evil? You are lying!!! She is always evil!!!11111oneoneone

How on earth can someone discuss the matter on a civil base if everyone is so stuck on this black and white bs that isnt even true

And on your smokescreen comment. Ask the bloodelfs
 It seems they profited as nation from her selfishness
 only because she is looking for her good doesnt mean there isnt profit for others. Noone in the world acts for others
 you gain your salary not because your chief is selfless
 but because he needs you to work and for that you get money
 its not an act of selfless.
If she gains and other gains too from it
 where is the problem? thats normal

and who saved the majority of the soldiers to let them retreat thanks to the order? And did your muh honor orc think about the gas masks? I dont think so.
And who secured the retreat from the city? Not your muh honor orc but her
 she was the last going, shooting every blight vessel to cut the alliance off.

And noone ever changes in so many expansion
 like Wrynn
 he was still like the first day
right? Or Baine? Or our allfavorite Orc warchiefs? Both of them didnt change, right?

Call me shocked

We dont know if she is behind the wrathgate still.
But ask yourself
 during broken shore. Why did she even try to save the warchief, why did she call her precious Valkyr on a battlefield full of demons just to rescue some random jonnies? doesnt add up, does it?

To be precise here it was Sylvanas and Saurfang :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you all write a bit slower <.< I cant write that fast

I’ve been gone from the forums for a while. Does this happen often?

I would suggest more substance, less speed. Your description of the siege of Lordaeron gave me a fit.

So you planned to leave me to my fate AGAIN Hijackerforged?

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During her most aggressive and expansionist phase, she limited herself to the territories that belonged to Lordaeron. And I doubt that given the current geopolitical situation they had, with the Legion and all, she had any intention of expanding at all.
Preventing her from doing so, and pointing at the war and ensued afterwards, is some self fulfilled prophecy that doesn’t really work as an argument.

I disagree, but that’s to much speculation.

First of all, I’m not whining. And second, why are the leading factor relevant regarding someone’s current actions?
Should the Horde be complacent about it and just assume any retaliation would be something they had coming? Specially in a war they felt as fair and just for them?

Are you saying that instead of having both sides acknowledge the validity of said approaches, they should both consider said acts as equally evil from their point of view?
Are you saying that the Horde shouldn’t have any sympathy at all for Tyrande and consider her just as bad as the Alliance would consider Sylvanas given a reversed situation?

Yah, after burning Teldrassil, you should assume retaliation is coming, unless you are dumb.

So, let me see. I should have an equal amount of sympathy for a priestess that witnessed the destruction of her people, and for a genocidal maniac killing because she loves it? Yeah, no.

Talanji, Saurfang, Vol’jin I will respect always, no matter they fight against the Alliance. Sylvanas, never.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about. High Overlord had to prepare the Undercity for siege too that’s his job and responsibilities too as a general.

Just because she evacuated some of her forsaken before the siege doesn’t make her good or caring.

And if the deployment of mask was her idea then why didn’t the soldiers have them to begin with while the forsaken who spread the plague did? I don’t recall saving forsaken who were dying to blight - I was encountering orcs, goblins, trolls and tauren who were without the mask.

So yes it was Saurfang who initiated to save the Horde soldiers. Don’t make out of him unpragmatic fool because he did everything in his power to save as many soldiers as he could, and he made sure that Assault on Ashevale won’t use unnecesary violence - hence saving the non-combatants.

Saurfang is the embodiment of Horde - he was with this faction from the very start. He experienced it’s ups and downfalls on his own skin. Sylvanas was given the leadership over Horde when she did barely contributed anything. It was alliance of convenience for her and she never gave a sh*t over this faction.

Saurfang development might be disappointing for now but he is still have more Horde spirit in his toe than Sylvanas would ever have.


That makes it less evil
how? We’re not talking about Alliance vs. Horde here. We are talking about Sylvanas’ character.

Sylvanas has to be allowed to be evil, else she will start a war? Well, waging that war doesn’t sound that immoral then.

To be clear: Sylvanas does have other options than waging war. There is no reason for a new generation of Forsaken to exist. Undeath was always treated as a curse, if the old ones die off, it’s not a bad thing if it ends.


Not really he isn’t. After the cinematic he is in the same league as Baine now. Anduin gives him pretty eyes and he turns traitor, even admitting in hopng, his faction would lose the war. Also, all soldiers who died in the Darkshore scenario and warfront are his doing too. He is doing more damage to us than the Alliance like this.

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I refuse to take any responsibility for that.

He didn’t say for his faction to lose but for Sylvanas to be taken down. And that is something players on both factions wants to deal with.

I have no problem with people disliking Saufang after last cinematic - it was sad for me too. But it doesn’t change the fact that Saurfang fought his entire life for Horde. Sylvanas is just the figurehead, she is not the faction’s heart - never was and never will be.

The Warchief that actually cared for Horde and not his own agenda died on Broken Shore.