Well that was Vol’Jin’s thing sadly “Tell not show”. If you really wanted to learn about his actions and background you had to read stories and books that actually gave him some justice. But that was the reason why he was in Orgrimmar in throne room, he was the one who was behind all Horde logistics.
But that doesn’t change the fact that he contributed more than Sylvanas because All his motivations were concerend around Horde wellbeing.
Sylvanas motivations were all centered around her, even edge of the Night shows it, that the moment her purpose ended, she was done even with her forsaken.
She only returned because what was awaing her was worse than undeath, and now she treats everyone likebulwark from damnation.
No, Her actions damaged the Horde. Over 4k soldiers died to her Blight on wrathgate.
In Pit of Saron she wasted Horde troops left and right, and she didn’t even shown any remorse over it
She was even happy that one orc died simply because she didn’t like his speech.
The Wrathgate made Alliance declare War against the Horde.
In Cataclysm she expanded her territories but she did it for herself for her forsaken and to get more bodies to raise. This is also the time where she disobeyed Warchief and did stuff her own way. But it’s NOW when people finally have chance to do the same to her where people thrown tantrum and demanded a choice.
He actions continue to damage the Horde. So No I fail to see how was she helping, just because some of her actions were synchronising with Horde’s objectives doesn’t make out of her “fighter for the Horde”.
Since vanilla we knew it was alliance of convenience.
I’ve elaborated on it already, I dilike that because of her being in charge people are acting OOC. Lillian, Garona, Rexxar. Nobody is questioning her other than Saurfang and Baine. We’re dealing with the cheap drama once again because she is in charge of Horde.
As for interaction with her - I disliked Stormheim and each time I did pvp quests. and each time I had to interact with her, but I am grateful that I don’t have to visit her on daily basis in Zandalar, but I don’t see Brownnoser as improvement his comments about “pleasing the Warchief” are also getting on my nerves.
And each time they use explanation that she has ordered stuff and Horde is just doing her orders.
I am angry over Vol’Jin but I wouldn’t demand death of a character simply because Vol’Jin was wasted. I wouldn’t have biggest issues with Thrall, Saurfang, even Baine (if he wasn’t this Alliance enthusiastic), I would be upset but so long as the Horde leadership would be reasonable and maintain it’s spirit I’d be fine.
Only players that are fans of Sylvanas will get same treatment as Garrosh fans had, but it’s mostly due to their inability to see the obvious signs that your favie is the obvious villain, so at least enjoy him as obvious villain but don’t act surprised that people that like the faction they play aren’t happy to have cartoon villain in charge.
But I have no contribution in it other than complaining, if the story will go the way I predicted then it’s not exactly my fault. It’s Blizzard who is this predictable.
I want for each Horde subfaction to get good treatment, but I am spearating forsaken treatment from Sylvanas treatment I believe they’re better off without her and they need some breath of fresh air.
Zelling and Voss was a good start to show that they’re not monsters and they maintained some humanity.
But then again it could be a matter of taste - I don’t like edgy characters, period. Unless they’re edgy for the parody’s sake.