Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

It was my personal opinion on how I dealt with loss of Vol’Jin. I cannot tell that on behalf of other troll players. I can only speak for myself that I finally have someone to root for after receiving zero of attention for entire worth of expansion (Legion). That is not perfect but better than having nothing.

Forsaken have a better situation at this moment. Devs developed roster of characters that would be a good replacement, even if Brownnoser is just as cringy as his waifu it’s still a worthy replacement because he had enough of spotlight. So once Sylvanas kicks the bucket they will have proper characters left to fill the role.
And don’t treat players like children -they will have to deal with eventual death of character it no matter if they like it or not. I don’t see a reason why Sylvanas should be holy cow just because she is popular.
That is not exactly good writing to maintain character alive for the sake of it. And I think that Tyrande should die too to stop the stagnation of nelves. There should be emerge of new champions to keep story fresh, and not just for forsaken, for orcs, for draenei, for dwarves (regular ones).

Also if she will die (though I doubt it will be in this expansion) -Sylvanas at least had leasure of having long exposure. Which cannot be said about the Darkspear chieftain.

It was dumb and I elaborated plenty of times why I think like that, but beggars can’t be chosers. Damage has been done and we can’t reverse the time. This is why I am not exactly excited with Vol’Jin quests but I’ll still take them over any Sylvanas quests.

Zandalari recently had civil war if you didn’t notice and Rastakhan will die in raid so I fail to see how your point stands. As for Draenei in WoD they had Maraad as leading figure, and I’m sure that if Velen would die they’d deploy a new fancy replacement, becasue they can deal with it.

It was you who has problem with possible scenario of her dying becuase you like her, and apparently Frosaken cannot deal without her according to you. It’s me who said they can and this is why I said they will be fine. So you completely misunderstood the point I was making about faction being more than just a leader.

As a Darkspear Leader, not as Warchief. He didn’d have replacement ready so I was thinking he should be fine and those two reasons should be enough to grant him plot armor. Apparently I was wrong.

For me it was good ending considering that both factions had a beef with Garrosh. It’s the War crimes that screwed things over.

Forskaen next to orcs had enough of presence, and story going for them. But I’m glad you agree that forsaken aren’t in bad spot atm.

Who takes orders from Sylvanas, and that Mayor blames her for that.

Well the militia was apparently strong enough to repell Horde invasion AND destroy the expensive Azerite machine. So in a hindsight it would be wiser to take first militia off and chase farmers away.

But we were previously talking about Brennedam? All this jumping back and forth from subjects is really confusing.

Horde have a new quest on Assault in Drustvar.
To execute wounded Alliance soldiers. :scream_cat:

Because asking for the most iconic and representative character of a race to die, simply because you personally don’t like her character or the development it brings when its under the spotlight, is wrong and brings nothing but bad development if there is development at all.

And it should’ve been a lesson learnt from past mistakes such as the time they killed of Garrosh and left the orcs leaderless and devoid of significant development, or what also happened with Vol’jin and the death they gave him to push the current narrative.

Killing the last iconic WC3 Horde hero would serve for nothing.

And it should be argued against if players had a little empathy. Specially if said comments come from guys that complained about said treatment with their race.

No, its not because i “Like her”. Its because the Horde has lost too many iconic characters, and removing the iconic Forsaken character and remaining legacy hero the Horde has, is ridiculously stupid.

Specially if the reasoning is either “I don’t like her”, or “She is behaving as a Forsaken”.

Funny how you didn’t argue any of this for your favourite race. Darkspears couldn’t develop any character beyond Vol’jin?.

And i’m arguing all of this because i have experience regarding what happens when some Horde leader gets villain batted. Orcs have spent 5 years leaderless and without ANY significant narrative.

Why do you want Forsaken players to have the same?

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They already did so in Icecrown, so that’s nothing new.


Forsaken don’t have the same treatment the’re already faring better than DS trolls.
They developed proper roster of characters, they were given iconic armor by now, special mount for loss of their city. They have Nathanos and 3 more new characters.

Darkspears have Rokhan.
And Vol’Jin spirit quest chain.
There is no comparision here.

I don’t even know how Zekhan will grow I want to see more of him but devs admitted that they wanted much smaller role for him, and they’re adding him now because he grew popular. His future is also uncertain simply because he is minor nobody, maybe that is also a reason why he is dear to me.

He should be a walking example that any character can grow to massive popularity given the right development. And no character should be given holy cow treatment, weather it’s Sylvanas or Anduin.
Because that is also harming the story.

But fine, if you want for me to be very honest with you, my prediction is that she won’t die in this expansion(probably she will escape to become next expansion villain), but she won’t be Warchief anymore at the end of it.
Let’s see how it goes.


Interesting, Umbric on an assault mission rise trolls Loa. Now Alliance can rise ZombyLoaVoidDinosaurs. =)
Morally gray?

Also, Kaz the Shrieker is on Azeroth. Nice!

Oh, that’s how Horde writing feels like? I hate it! Are the Void Elves the alliance counterpart to the forsaken or what? I sacrificed everything to save the world and now I support void corrupted epves to rise void corrupted Loa?!

1st of all i did read through the thread- you spent ages running around in circles argueing that if Sylvanus had done what Tyrande did in terms of obtaining power,becoming ruthless, throwing severed heads into wells etc- that the forums would be outraged, you tried and failed spectactulary to show there was a double standard without considering the reasoning behind Tyrande’s actions and that Sylvanus is not hated by Horde/Alliance because she’s Sylvanus, she’s hated because of a long list of atrocities she has commited across numerous xpacs sometimes for absolute no reason other than pettyness.

Then you tried to argue some nonsensical verbal diarrhea about looking at it from a meta perspective, hypotheticals, Sylvanus’s motives and how she cares for the Horde/the Forsaken/ the bunnies in Elwynn forest. Numerous posters tried to understand what was the actual bloody point you were making but every time you were called on a point you moved the goalposts of your arguement.

Posters also stated that the Purge of Dalaran and Tuarajo were Alliance acts where they were’nt white knights and you were the 1 who actually brought up those 2 incidents as apparent “examples” of Alliance commiting atrocities and the individual who ordered it getting away with it/not being punished by Alliance High command.

Except Jaina at the time was a leader of a nuetral kingdom and not answerable to anyone except maybe to the other members of the council of six, definitely not Varian or any other Alliance leader and Vereesa controls and runs the convenant as she sees fit, the Alliance High Command has no direct control over her or the High Elves,they have the same position as a nation state with in the Alliance as the NE’s,Worgen,LFD,Void Elves etc do.

And considering Hawthorne, the Horde got their revenge even though he did everything he could to save civilian lives, punished those who stepped out of line and was ultimately betrayed from within because he was too moral and mercifull on the Horde.

If you want to go on the road of atrocities committed and those that ordered and commited said atrocities not being held accountable that would be landslide against your favourite little undead and the Horde in general over the last few xpacs. Not an arguement you could win…Ever.

And a word of unsolicited advice Zarao- I did’nt “self insert” myself into someone else’s conversation- this a public forum and all threads are available for any person to contribute and comment on. Don’t lower yourself to such a pathethic level by stating otherwise, i assume you’re smart enough to know this simple difference.

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Not really. I pointed out that had Sylvanas done what Tyrande was shown doing, instead of praising, the same people that currently cheer for this, would start arguing about how it meant to be another step down the villain path.


Nooope. Name Dalaran, not Taurajo.

You definitely didn’t read.

Now this is the kind of stuff I won’t certainly miss

You quoted out of context words and sentences and inserted yourself into a back and forth that didn’t have to do with the special nitpicking you felt like pointing out.

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You truly are a deluded and stubborn individual Zarao- When Sylvanus inevitably becomes a raid boss or sacrifices herself to “redeem” her actions or slinks off into the shadows twirling her moustache and shouting about revenge like Magatha Grimtotem i do worry about your sanity. Your attempts at mental gymnastics in defending Sylvanus over the last couple months would net you record gold medals if you could translate it into real life.
The writing has been on the wall since the pre expac scenario and only increased with every patch but your soo blind to it even if it was written in Brail you would not realise and argue otherwise.
I do worry for the state of your mind at the end of all this dear boy, let us hope you can shoulder the burden for their must always…be…a…Blind Sylvanus Fanboy in these forums.


When she either dies scapegoating an entire expansion of Horde villainy or redeems herself heroically as some Void saviour we will see who exactly complains more.

You seem to be putting waaaay too many apples on the Sylvanas fanboy basket mate. Another proof that you don’t get my point at all, but oh well…
We will see bud.

For starters I probably won’t be there to see it.

Welcome to the club. Enjoy your stay.

Ahh but here is the rub of it all…you assume much and know little young padawan. I would never expect that the above outcomes are examples of brilliant lore writing because we all know Blizzard are simply incapable of that…it will inevitably be a sh!testorm of epic proportions dwarfing that of SoO but here’s the difference between the majority if not all of the posters on these God “forsaken” forums…We all accepted this from the moment Sylvanus said “Burn it”…you on the other hand have spent months argueing otherwise and attempting to justify her and the Horde’s actions hoping against hope that this will not be a rehash of Cata/Mop.
The attempts to bring reason to the unreasonable when it comes to the actions of Sylvanus/The Horde/The Allliance/Anduin/Jaaina etc etc in this xpac is impossible. Relent and let your soul find peace (or you know let your fingers find rest from the typing :stuck_out_tongue:)

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Yeah, who would’ve thought that a forum titled Story Forums was about debating the game story and arguing about the plot of the game. Shockers.

And some people are still surprised about it. This is not the RPG forums but plenty aliance rpers aren’t getting the memo yet.

Foul knave, in Lightbringer’s name, have at thee!


Woah! This argument!




Big tiddy goth priest gf