UH nerfs inc?

It’s not a flat 15% nerf. Read it.

[With regional restarts] Mastery: Dreadblade effectiveness reduced by 15%.

In actuality it translates to about 5% nerf. Not a complete 15% damage wipe.

well now its get items with mastery regarless of the other stat.
maybe after we will see haste rise in the weights

Could have been a lot worse. I was overperforming guildmates with up to 10 more ilvl. The nerf was coming one way or another. I’m pretty content with this one.

15% feels like 50…
That nerf is way too much.


No it’s not. It’s about a 5% damage nerf.

Best soulbinds with a very good universal covenant ability does that.

They did nerf Pelagos right before release, otherwise we’d be Kyrian for PVE.

Let’s also not forget to mention the heavy handed nerfs to Death’s Due [Night Fae D&D]

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Remember for pvp also there will be nerfs to outliers, which means this will likely offset the mastery somewhat.
As people say that mastery won’t be a huge change for most.

Id like to have seen some damage shifted back into our own abilities a bit, perhaps a tweak on the mastery to reduce pet damage buff and also still buff our damage more would be good.

Scourge and necrotic strike both still crap to press at the moment all the set up and don’t see a massive pay off for popping in pvp.

For pvp I can see us coming off ok if the damage outliers come down.

Sub will come down for pvp

Pala i can see burst coming down and heals being reduced massively

Hunter may get another tweak potentially to burst

I can see destro going up for pve and down for pvp on chaos bolt on a pvp modifier.

Not sure what else yet be interesting to see it get balanced up a bit.

I’d like to see unholy heal go up a bit desthstike is still crap to use and not effective with current health pools.
If that went up for us we would prob be alright then in pvp.

i it feels bad that "another nerf inc so fast for DK’’ even that all classes doesnt have they power unlock. renown (soulbound tree), lenge, ilvl, nerfing the mastery to the ground also effect us in PVP. which at the moment we were not in the best spot like ROGUE oviously. wor monk. so RIP Both pve pvp. Dont forget we got nothing out of gcd. the frost is arleady Nerf for pve

It’s baffling that we’re getting nerfed by 15% mastery now.

Baffling mainly because this is START OF EXPANSION! You can’t BALANCE classes properly now and nerfing something to the ground can have negative long term effects.
Doing M+ and we’re seeing Ret paladins deal 14k AoE and 4-5k ST.
Arcane Mages dealing insane burst! On a 160 Arcane mage, I am dealing 4k burst and 11k AoE damage.
Yet people complain about UH?!

For once a DK spec plays rewardingly, smooth and nice, and they nerf us because annoying people complain?
This is ridiculous.

DH was OP for two expansions, regardless of people’s cries. But Blizzard sees a DK performing well and insta nerfs?
I am SO annoyed, mainly because this is my main and I am finally getting to enjoy the smooth gameplay and rewarding damage. It wasn’t even over the top, it was just as it should be.

Buff other classes instead of nerfing the ones that actually play well and fun.
What about Frost? It’s in horribly sad state, but it’s not being looked into at all?
What about a bunch of specs that are underperforming, struggling and having it hard this expansion?
Why not make them feel fun and rewarding?


Does anyone not know how to read? It’s not a 15% damage nerf. It equates to about 5%. Read the words - EFFECTIVE.

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Is still a nerf that is affecting PvP side a lot, where DK kinda underperforms. But we’ll wait since there will be more tweaks to come, may be a buff for necrotic or other pvp talents would be cool to have.

5% overall nerf still leaves unh DK in front of every single DPS according to thursday logs

chill, unh will still be top of food chain, i was already geting 10% diminishing returns from stacking mastery

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That’s reassuring to know. Reading about that nerf truly ruined my day hahaha

I’m… curious… no never mind.

The Thing is: MM-Hunters do similar damage to us with 2 abilities, while we have to use all of ours to compare.
UH-DK is not overly complicated, but compared to some others you have to use 3-4 times as many abilities AND manage 3 different resources (sores, runes, and runepower) to do your damage, this should be rewarded in my oppinion.


Yes , DK-s is about u watching your class mechanics more than raid boss mechanics. While another on top can chill with 2 buttons. As was when i played DH.
Dk mechanics is outdated both UDK with 3 resourses and FDK with BoS. They need to be reworked.


Definitely compared to most classes UH DK offers more complex gameplay and more resources to pay attention to.
I like how it plays, a bit complex but giving rewarding damage.
I fear what nerf could do, as even right now as Ilyasha said, Hunters and less complex classes are already dealing great damage and being among the top.

Not to mention that UH DK is having it annoying with target switching…and sometimes even during the opener we’ll enter ‘downtime’.

Yesterday I’ve done Castle Nathria and we had a paladin hit 11k ST damage.
Shadow priest was dealing 6k damage, while my friend and I who play UH were dealing 5-6k.
Still not in support of nerf, they should’ve just buffed other classes who weren’t as rewarding.


According to Acherus it’s an ~8% nerf.

Unholy is still good, now can the flavor of the month rerollers bugger off back to their actual classes.


Never saw any other class thats glad they are got nerfed. Are you mad guys? So many thread happy about. Being mediocre and tryhard, thats u don’t need to good grps coz there is SP, mage, rogue thats do better is not actually a good thing, and be in the middle or bottom where actually UDK most of the time sit definitely not a balance. UDK being good in raid not coz his flat dmg, but coz soulbind guy and main stat stack bonus under burts phase. And they ofc decided to nerf mastery.


yes, thank god they did. gives more room to get gear after they reducing mastery rating by 20%.
dont forget at 44% u will get 10% diminishing returns, and at 53% u will get 20% less mastery from gear already.
if not for the 20% mastery nerf i would already be geting “nerfed” by 20% now and im not even in HC gear

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