Ultimate FIX for all PvP issues. MUST READ FOR BLIZZ TEAM

So … let’s start with this. You should not listen to whatever the community of wow classic says unless it is super reasonable. Do you know why? 80% of the community on WoW classic is the horde. Like the recent AV “fix”. It is the ultimate anti alliance move. Now you killed alliance’s chance to get any kind of good PvP (have a chance to actually win lol).

Now … let’s state what the issue is. The issue is that YOU completely killed the PvP by making BGs x-realm. I even paid 25 EUR to transfer to a 50:50 ration server because I was super excited about having world PvP fun like I used to. Guess what. It is gone. Guess why. Because hordes got 30+ minutes queues for a BG … they have nothing to do so they make raids on Searing Gorge etc. Now … that would be completely fine. IF the alliance could do the same. But the alliance does not. Alliance does not have to, we have instant queue. And it is not just Searing Gorge. I was reskilled for 8 hours in every leveling zone since level what … 40. Again … it would be completely fine and I USED TO LOVE IT if those fights were 10v10 etc. Damn how I used to love insane PvP in STV etc, that’s why I always opt for PvP server. But it’s just not in the the game anymore. Again … because you had to interfere and make BGs X-realm.

With this move another issue rises. On Vanilla I used to love being someone “who mattered”. You went into a BG and everyone knew you if you were good and you kept meeting the same people over and over and you were excited to have another fight with your nemesis etc. Now? It is all gone. It’s someone else each game.

Now let’s get to the FIX. Disable X-realm BGs and offer the horde free faction change. Voiala. You brought back vanilla with this simple fix. It will be for free, it will be upto everyone if they wanna be on a server with 98% horde and have no PvP, it will also be super easy for whole guilds to transfer so no drama is needed.

Now I think if you are a horde and you are not … let’s say ball less, you can’t be enjoying 10v1 on low levels trying to get to BRD. Don’t tell me it’s fun that way. Don’t tell me you do not want some crazy cool world PvP like we used to back in the days …

THIS WILL LITERALLY FIX EVERYTHING. Noone will have to wait for BG queue, noone will rage quit the game, and yes … that happens. Half of my guild rage quitted when BGs came and you foked up with making them X-realm. The world PvP which is the most crucial aspect of classic wow will be back. If you do not want to make proper world PvP in the game … just skip all the phases and give us TBC. So we can play arenas and ignore world PvP alltogether.

TLDR: disable X-realm BGs, don’t bring modern wow crap into the good old vanilla, let hordes free faction change to balance the A:H ratio. Voiala, you just revived world PvP, insta BG queues for everyone, you brought back vanilla.


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This is the path that made Retail crap. Listening to forum whiners.


The problem with Classic right now is the insane imbalance created by cross realm BGs.

Right now in any 50+ zone it’s 95% Horde because they are the only ones with enough time inbetween queue pops to look for extra honor.

Seriously Blizz needs to do something. I play on a (previously) balanced server with about even numbers both sides, yet AV has ruined said balance and now you get nothing but Horde people ganking every 5 steps out in the open world. Meanwhile Alliance pvpers all sit in town doing one BG after the other.

yes, exactly! That’s my point. I mean … if they do it as I said and just remove X-realm and offer horde free faction change … it will fix this issue. The real issue is horde’s queue times are 30 minutes. Anything over 1 minute on retail is unacceptable. I guess most people playing vanilla now are in their 30s. We got jobs … we can’t waste time waiting for 1 queue 30 minutes. Ofc they are bored of it and wanna spend their time doing something more fun so they reskill all existing zones 560v1


Pie in the sky fix, it will do nothing, just because you would change faction doesn’t mean a lot of people will. Seriously, this is as bad as limiting realm logins to 50-50 faction balance.

Fact: more horde play on PvP realms
Fact: Their BG queue will be longer
Fact: cross realm BGs is the only solution on the vast majority of PvP realms as they are hugely horde dominated.

You think there are long queues now, if they remove cross realm BGs a lot of horde queues will be many hours maybe even days.

Edit: one last thing, Blizzard, or at least the people that matter do not read the EU forums.

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It’s to late. You can fix that sort of problem very early because you prepare your release, you try to know every issue players and game can cause, make logical diagram, so if something happen you react instantly.

Now, it’s to late. Everything is chaotic, there’s no solution that will solve a problem without making new problems.

See the AV fix for example, they created new problems :

  • WSG is now unplayable because you face premade constantly. If you don’t premade, you can’t go WSG. Full of sapper charge/grenade/fap/invuln potion.

  • AV queue time is 1 hours on US.

  • Horde camp every flypath more than before because of the 10% DR change and the longer AV queue time, because most of Horde don’t have premade.

  • Alliance quit the game.

  • People that prepared their ranking are now f****.

  • Servers inbalance with faction, is increasing.

Classic is now a dead game, and Blizzard failed hard. Go next, and forgot it forever.


wtf does cross real bgs got to do with taht. Image theer is no cross realm and horde got 2 hours to farm your a$$ on flightpatch

Exactly the point tho. Remove x-realm and horde will either have hours queue or faction change (for free) and have fun again. That simple

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Or will farm YOU. I’d be like mannn screw bgs lets farm allys everywhere. Phase2 version 2.0

But they won’t change will they? Besides what about one faction only classes? It’s stupid to have Paladins become Shamans and vice versa. How would you handle them? Letting them choose another class is a very difficult thing to do.

Faction change is a stupid idea on classic and always will be.

I believe you can read. It is taught in child’s early days. So simply do it in the OP ^^ but looking at the way you speak you are not able to farm anyone anyway with that IQ ^^ only shows the crying horde community that is “Deciding the path” classic takes :smiley:

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Can’t answer it so insults player, nice.

so they won’t change okay. 5 hours queues or no queue at all on horde only server ^^ The only other option is to force BGs like on retail aka “not enough allys to play against? Ok you play on ally side now”

Just because you think people won’t change doesn’t mean they won’t :slight_smile:

What? The imbalance became bigger with free transfers, alliance mostly used them to run away from slightly imbalanced server. Imbalance becomes bigger with cross realm BGs because alliance transfering or leaving because they’re getting farmed everywhere.


well you are the retard with stupid idea used to farm ones like you on our server till crybabies liek you transfered off our realm
so screw yourself and your crappy idea

I answered, that the answer is already in OP and you just need to read :slight_smile: it is really THAT simple

Yes, because they were being farmed and if cross realm BGs are removed it will come back with a vengeance. Faction changes will never happen until they release TBC, which they may or may not do.

I hope they won’t. Better Classic+ without flying mounts, with arenas and added paladins to horde and shamans to alliance to open faction transfers… :s

So you think hordes will rather play on servers with close to no alliance, have no BGs and no world PvP, which is … well pretty much 50% of what vanilla offers. Trust me, they will.