Ultimate level 1 twink, honored furbolg rep :D

I try to get my level 1 twink rogue the best gear possible, it took a long time to get the reputation for the Furbolg Medicine Pouch as I needed to pay people to boost me for the rep and not many were up for it.
Eventually we got it and sadly I find out that Durotar is a bit easy so I now need to change zone to make it more interesting… how far can a level 1 go?


That’s awesome, damn. Gz!

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How did you turn him into a leppergnome lol

Not bad hahah gg!

It’s an engineer recombublator which requires no skill to use so you can use it at level 1

lmao nice
hope to see more of your vids on the forums

Thank you I will definitely make more :smiley:

I remember seeing videos from back in the day of level1 twinks soloing ~lvl30 elites, so you can probably go with that. You could also try ganking players.

Would be hard hitting those. Also you wouldn’t be lvl 1 for long doing that would you?

Yeah it’s definitely veeery hard to hit higher levels, if you watch my hogger video I barely hit him

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