Unable to claim Timbered Sky snake no EU region in list?

Came into Blizzard console to see I had a gift. It was for renewing my subscription and the gifts are the Timbered Sky Snake and Timbered Air Snake pet. However when trying to claim, there was only US, Korea and Taiwan in the list of regions.

We usually do get the Chinese New Year mount and pets so presume this is a temporary bug?

UPDATE: I have just spotted that I am connected to the Americas?! For some reason it changed my location, which I have now found how to set back to Europe via the login settings button.

UPDATE2 - my partner is showing as logged into Europe, but when he tries to claim the same sub gift he has the same regions as reported above. No EU option


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Can not redeem promo items for the EU region in the BNet Launcher gift tab