Unable to get Servant of N’Zoth quest

Please continue to report it. !

Any one try it recently?

HI, just report it guys, otherwise they wont correct it by just writing in this forum

Im reporting every time, i m curious just to know if some try this recently

I think this was removed :smiley:
that’s why i did it back in 8.3 because i wanted this and there was somewhere information about this going away but i’m not 100% sure
becasue achievement is quite simple
You go with your friends you use toy to be unfriendly kill them
achievement is also FoS

Ye but i dont’ know why they don’t fix or say that this toy is not avaiable any more.

Because not enough people are complaining. That’s easy.

Why they can t text some in blue here ?

Hi, on the French community forum, a bluepost has been posted.

Saying that there is no more the quest available in the game. The only way is to propose through the game to reimplement it.

this is the link that you can translate :

cheers guys

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Here is the translation I got:

"I unfortunately fear that support does not have access to information regarding any potential changes that may occur in future updates to the game. Nevertheless, it does seem that the quest is no longer available these days (this is apparently not a bug).

Feel free, of course, to provide your feedback to our developers regarding the acquisition of the toy; although they do not respond individually to these reports, they can consider them and make a decision on their end."

So is not possible take this toy anymore?

That’s how I read it, but I don’t know.

Any one have some new about ?

Yes it not obtainable anymore, u had ur chance

Is confirmed by blizzard with a blue post ???

Yes it is confirmed - but let’s make a bug report… I so want to be able to tame those hunter pets too!

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Where I can find the blue post about it pls ?

It was posted in French forums -

I think the only way is to massive bug report every day…

Good idea!