Unable to start BFA content on several characters

Leveled from 30 to 50 in WoD as an Elf Druid. I could get to Boralus with a guildie mage that portaled me there.

Once on the ship I could talk to the captain who gave the WQ’s and a flight whistle. I can do the WQ’s in Kul but there is no way to get to Zandalar or start any of the quests, incl Nazjatar.

Two threads related to this issue are - by a HUGE margin - the most read posts in Customer Service right now and they can’t even get a forum blue to acknowledge that this complete gamebreaker has been up for days now by linking the flipping support article saying they’re “on the case”.

I just have no words for this. What has become of this company

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Well hard same here, and I’m glad they finally managed to say out loud that there is an issue.

I find the default respons to game breaking tickets kind of obnoxious tho:

Game Masters are not able to provide game hints, grant quest credit, or assist with in-game bugs. If you believe the issue is due to a bug, please follow the in-game steps noted below to notify our development team directly. In addition, visit our Bug Report forums to report bugs, discuss them with the community, and check the status of known issues: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/bug-report for current WoW or https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/wow-classic/support-and-bug-report for WoW Classic

  • Click Help to open the Customer Support window
  • Click Submit Bug
  • Follow the guidelines to enter the details of the bug
  • Click Submit

Your ticket was identified to be about the issue addressed above. If this is not the case, please respond so a Game Master can manually review it.

If not at least acknowledging game breaking bugs, wtf are GM’s even supposed to be doing then?

Of course it’s easy to say there are no issues if you redirect people to bug report as you’ll never hear anything about those ever again plus they’ll have no more open tickets!

ETA: ugh. forgot to switch to a character that has actually posted before. oh well.

No other fix than to wait it out…

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The only way I could get it so far was to create a new character (can’t be alied race) and do the Stormwind tour after leaving Exile’s Reach which will take you to Anduin. Then i did BFA intro and went to Legion to level up with Boralus quests already unlocked.

Yeah, it’s the most likely explanation by far. There are 3 phases currently overlapping stormwind - the normal phase, the halloween phase and the pre-patch event prep phase. Somewhere in that layered cake of phases, the trigger for the BfA intro got lost. I’m leaning on the halloween option, just because it’s too much of a coincidence. I think players are getting automatically thrown into the halloween phase, and that phase does not have the BfA trigger in it.

Hallow’s end is up since Sunday, the issue started on Friday. The reason is likely the hotfix of the “Dying World” quest.

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same here, played an alliance character to 50 and cant get to boralus. then i wanted to unlock mechagnomes but it seems i cant start the quest because i have to go to boralus for that, this is driving me insane

Dropping in on this character to confirm. Can’t start BFA at all. Leveled through Chromie time WoD because I couldn’t start BFA. Hit level 50, grabbed my neck from Magni and hit the cut-off point.

Also wanted to add that I didn’t use Chromie at the start, I looked around for an hour trying to start the BFA questline after leaving Telogrus Rift with no success. No quest pop up, no hero’s call board, no meeting with the king, nothing. It’s as if the questline just does not exist.

Welp, they seem to have fixed it. Got the quest in Stormwind, just takes place in a different room. Portal to Silithus is now two way and after I did the Nazjatar intro I can once again go inside the chamber. Got crucible but its 3:30 AM so I’m calling it a night.


Hey everyone!

There were issues with the “Tides of War” quest for the intro to BFA. This was hotfixed and should be correctly available to characters to start the BFA expansion content. :slight_smile:


If its hotfixed then where is our acces to heart chamber of azeroth and heart of azeroth ?

I only got proper access to it after I went and did the Nazjatar intro so have you tried that?

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You supose to gain acces to it as soon you enter BFA area, its bassicly the introduction quest of bfa instead we get the wrong introduction quest

Not after the recent big patch. The heart is no longer given to you at the start.

Heart of Azeroth can only be obtained at level 50 now. See:

cf also hotfix notes from October 15th:

“Players who reach level 50 will once again receive the quest, “A Dying World”, and will be directed to Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus to obtain their Heart of Azeroth. There is no escaping from his storytelling!”

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This issue has indeed been fixed now. I got the quest with my fresh 50 character today.

For those who already got their Hearth of Azeroth, but not the Tide of War quest, you can simply go to Stormwind and talk to the quest giver guard in the Trade district.

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Seems that battle for lordaeron quest is just broken and is only available to level 48 toons. for some god aweful reason. support told me you should be able to just choose BFA as your expansion from chromie to be able to play the quests BUT you can only choose outland, wrath, cata, mists, wod, or legion from chromie, bfa seems to be the “current timeline” and thats the timeline that has it set to only 48
gods sakes blizz

I unlocked Boralus but no quest that leads me to Nazjatar or the above. I went to Stormwind keep to listen to the convo before porting to Boralus though. Is that the quest? In Boralus I unlocked the mage portals and the war campaign but now I’m stuck and don’t know which quest leads further… or if theyre all wrong and I have to get the popup as usual?

Everything is a little all over the place at the moment but I can confirm yesterday I managed to progress with BfA, get to Naz, get my heart boost and I’m currently on the cloak quest. So can confirm now, at the very least, it’s not affecting everyone.

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My mage is level 45 and started the BFA quest line without any problems.