Unable to use free transfer on wrath classic due to mailbox issue

Done, work away!

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Become (thekal) trying to transfer to (jin’do)

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Try again now.


Go forth and Become transferred.


I still cant transfer :frowning:
Doesn’t show Jindo anymore even though I transferred my other character yesterday

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Trying to transfer Valkoz from Gehennas to Ashbringer. Got mailbox problem, could you please pick it up so I can transfer it? I do need the items in it so if they are going to be lost please tell me before taking action. Thank you in advance!

Same issue here

I am unable to transfer cause of mails i cant see. I would like to have my character Katsukî-Gehennas mails purged please.

EDIT: Should be good to go when you get a chance /Tyrskorn

I am also encountering this issue, are you able to assist?


EDIT: Sorted - try again now. /Tyrskorn

Unfortunately it seems the transfers to Jin’do were closed earlier this morning, per this thread:

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I am having the same issue on Kniggit - Pyrewood Village.

Can you please purge my mailbox for me?

EDIT: Kniggit is ready when you are! /Tyrskorn

Same issue for me,
Kazdan - Gehennas.
Can someone purge the mailbox?

EDIT: Purged (with extra fire). /Tyrskorn


i can’t transfer my cahracter fro Gehennas to Ashbringer because i supposedly have mail in my mailbox. I just checked and there is no mail. Can a GM purge my mailbox so i can transfer?
Character name: Kazdan

Edit: The threadpost has been moved.

but I already moved one of my toons, the main one (become) was locked due to the mailbox issue :frowning:
I need my toons in one realm :<
are you able to move (become) or bring back my transferrd alt
cant be playing on 2 separate realms due to a mailbox issue :frowning:

Should be ready to go!

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Elwyn - Venoxis EU

Please purge my mailbox so I can transfer.


EDIT: All set! /Tyrskorn

It seems I’ve over-pulled and I have been asked to stand this thread down. I’ll close it to new replies here while I continue to work through those that posted already.

Sorry to those I couldn’t help, but I hope you can still get assistance via the US thread, manage to log on to the character yourselves, or get answers to your tickets soon enough!

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