Uncap valor from the start in Dragonflight

My opinion, if u have the best gear in your content of choice, why do u care others have it better in the content u dont do.

Just curios

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There is not a perfect equivalency because raiding has more item level categories per difficulty (2 in SL, 3 in DF), but I guess you can make an argument that in SL, a +15 from the vault got you the same as an item dropped from the first boss in a Mythic raid, and now, a +16/17 from the vault will give you that.

But what I also don’t like is how big the gap is between the end-of-dungeon chest loot and the vault loot at higher levels (in +13, it’s a 16 item level difference). This SHOULD be mitigated by the upgrade path via Valor, which is why I am asking for Valor to be actually a useful, working mechanic in the game like it was in Shadowlands Season 4.

This is generally not a bad argument, but “my content of choice” is not necessarily a single thing. For instance it always felt good to gear up and solo raids from the previous expansion. And whatever other challenges there are (Mage Tower in Legion, Horrific Vision in BFA, etc.) And to do some casual PvP where a full Mythic+15 gear, while not optimal for PvP, at least gives me a chance. If the Mythic+15 gear now becomes weaker compared to other gearing, AND it takes longer to even get full gear on that level it doesn’t feel good in a competitive environment.

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Thanks for that, I did wonder if this was the case.

So it could be argued if +20 is the new top of the gear then mythic plus is actually not nerfed for gearing and it is buffed.

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Well, it’s up to how you look at it. It’s slightly buffed in the sense that the absolute maximum gear you can get from it (+20 with vault) is closer to the absolute maximum gear you can get from Mythic raiding than it is now.

But if a new difficulty is added to something, which gives you a little better rewards, but the existing difficulty gives you a little worse ones… is that a buff or a nerf now? When Mythic raiding was added in WoD, was that a nerf or a buff for people who used to do heroic raiding?

It was a whole other challenge for Raiders …

Why does anyone want anything?

Greed and the flex. I bought a big boy EVHIII just so I would have one. It’s too loud to play in a residential address but I don’t care.

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but it’s only nerf if you are a 15 weekly no leaver kind a player for people who play m+ to progress it’s a good change

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Yeah thats my thoughts. I dont push highest i did in s4 was 17’s on dungeons because i hated some others. Could i push to 20 yes, will i? Doubt it because i normally just KSM and get decent gear. But true m+ players can now get top gear without needing to raid.

Because at some point M+ becomes harder than Mythic raiding.

The best gear from M+ will allow people to push to certain level ceiling. But Mythic raiding just drops higher ilvl and it will allow to push higher levels. Here is the dilemma.


Because people are dominating my content of choice with OP gear from other content. Which is by the way not all about ilvl.


the difference from High M+ to High Mythic raid is exactly 3 ilvl in about 8 slots…
and that is only IF the stats on those pieces are relevant for you

Ok just to mention there are exactly 2 items at 430 …
a Bow and a mastery ring

I have 304 trinkets that are worse than the fated LFR version(265) of dausegne trinket. It’s not only about ilvl.

the person I replied to was specifically talking about Ilvl …
that is what I referred to

There has to be some form of cap. Remove caps fully and “may the best no-lifer who doesn’t even sleep wins” cause you will face a dillema: If I sleep, I am not earning Valor.
And m+/raids/PvP is competitive as it is.
And before the argument “You are not forced to do it” is hurled. If you want to stay competitive in any serious PvE or PvP environment…you are forced.


And please make the mythic+ rating requirement account wide!


Does a 2000 on a mage reflect how you play with a rogue?

because that now how wow community works.

if you can get X then X is the new requirement to join majority of groups

if you dont do +20 for max GV rewards you will be excluded from most of wow content.

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in actual dungeon ? sure

when quiing ? its always itlv combined with toxic io which always wins

nobody checks your stats unless you do like super high end content.

lets be realistic here

Missed the point…

The statement was about ilvl difference from high M+ to mythic endboss.

And that there are low ilvl trinkets that can be better than high lvl ones.

No, but it’s a dumb decision for it not be account wide.