Undead ‘Dark Ranger’ customization for Blood and Night elves

NO BECAUSE THEY CANT BE PALADINS!!!11111!!!1111!!! !!! !!!


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Basically = not.

But I find it amusing. So an additional skin color counts as an extra race for you, hence we are one race short?

Mind wrecking. I thought Alliance had one less, for getting cheap Mechagome reskin while we got the Vulpera as a totally new race.

We need a totally new extra race then, sure! /s

Or, they could add some extra skin tones to our Nightborne.

P.s. I am also amused you’d say that the Nightborne are NOT Night Elves reskins due to the different posture, since all the times people have asked for High Elves with a different posture and hairstyles from the Blood Elves, it was answered to them that it could not happen because they would have still been the same race with the same model regardless of the pose.

LFD say hi!

When paired with extra racials. And it was a BAD call from Blizz.

But sure, if skin color counts while given to a race as customization, the Trolls are getting sand and dark trolls… so +2 totally new races!

So Alliance is still one short.



Oh come on, you cannot be serious. :upside_down_face:

Besides, he said skin tones, not tattoos.
(Or should we start counting all the shades of blood elves vs shades of humans now?) :face_with_monocle:

If tattoos count we’d need to start counting all the different orc clans.

But I’d rather refer to this count based on the actual number of allied races with RACIAL SKILLS made on another thread:


No I was just pointing out that if we were to count customisations like you said here

Wildhammers would count, negating this bit here

Just saying.

I think you may have missed my final /s :sweat_smile:

I was never serious about that. A skin color counting as a new race sounds just silly to me. :upside_down_face:

But I am sure some people would be happy of a ‘proper high elf allied race on ally side’ versus ‘proper undead night elf allied race on horde side’.

(Most) others, however, might just (understandably) groan about more elves in their game. :rofl:

Me, I’d rather stick to what the OP has suggested. Customizations are ok - I’d rather save those sweet extra race slots for proper new models…

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I know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t scrutinise said sarcasm.

Uhuuuu… no way in Shadowlands or Azeroth I am going to count all skin colors and all tribal tattoo patterns of all races to seriously scrutinize… but you feel free to, and you shall be my hero. :kissing_heart: :heart:

My statement may have been open to misinterpretation.
What I wanted to state was that while Void Elves get bloodelf eyes and skin tones in SL, making them full-grown blood-/high elf models on the alliance side (with a way better set or racials than actual belfs!) we didn’t get actual Nightborne but re-skinned nightelves with a different posture but no possibility to make them look and stand like actual nightelves.

Basically what I want is voidelf skin tones for bloodelves.
And/or a posture switch for nightborne.
And/or an allied race of forsaken elves.

Are they also getting golden and green eyes then?

I thought it all started with both Void and Blood elf were getting the extra blue eyes so that the fans would not be arguing about them… but I guess Blizzard was very naive there…

(As was I suggesting the red eyes could also be given to both Night and Blood elves apparently)

i heard something about they might add red eyes to blood elfs … no sure where it was in some interjuve they mationed it .


It’s not about what’s not edgy. It’s about what’s needed. And we have had 3 new classes, two of which use leather and all 3 are melee (except the monk healing spec). I think we could do with a ranged class. My vote is on the necromancer.

I bet they don’t have idea either. :slight_smile:

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I figured these images by Moira would make a fine addition to this thread.


It’s lore cannon, it looks freakin awesome and people want it. Why not? We should have had these a long time ago.

If Night elves actually get that they at least have a reason to thank Sylvanas.

Don’t shoot, was just joking :joy:


Joke or not, I would quite agree about that.

Fingers crossed that some lurking Blue takes notice and passes on the suggestion, I guess! :wink:


In the beta the demon hunter skins are broken, suddenly the dark ranger toy is experiencing the same issue as demon hunters (it used to not , and the eyes used to be more red than usual).

8.1.5 had a Dark Ranger Velonara quest where she was missing it did not make it to live, and suddenly she is not in her spot in Orgrimmar which is outside the allied race hub.

Also during datamining purple eyes/ red eyes were datamined as npc, but the purple went to the void elves.

With Exile’s Reach coming what more incentive for players to test it can they give if not an allied race.

Personally I would prefer red eyes on the belf/nelf default , but as an allied race that would be more in depth with voicelines etc.

Gamescon is soon so fingers crossed its all I want in wow tbh!