Undead ‘Dark Ranger’ customization for Blood and Night elves

I want a Dark Ranger customization on belf or allied race more than anything ! They datamined a mount called Warstitched Darkhound those were the mounts the Dark Rangers used on the ptr when Calia/Lilian met its on youtube, on live they changed it, also Nathanos rode one in the battle for lorderon .

It can either be an allied race mount or the reward for sadly Spoilers

killing Nathanos in the prepatch.

Since Void Elves got a secondary theme (High Elves) with their customization, why not do the same with Blood Elves and give them a secondary theme aswell (Dark Ranger)? Seems good to me.

Same for Night Elves and Nightborne, give the Nelves the Dark Ranger customization and Nightborne a secondary theme in customization too, maybe Nightfallen or Felborne customization.

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I might be little crazy, but somehow i would like to have again alliance specific class and also horde.

Alliance - Warden
Horde - Dark ranger

I know this will never happen and it would make both sides cry about what class other faction gets.


For blood elves ONLY

This is to give them something unique since VElf will have their skintones AND the fact that Nightelves are not horde, lore wise Dark Rangers has always been connected to forsaken and sylvanas. Nightelves do not make the least sense!

That actually makes more sense then OP

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Yes ! We need this for the blood eves with or without Sylvanas, Velonara stated the forsaken/Sindorei are her kin, I mean Dwarves got Wildhammer , we want Dark Ranger skins

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You may want to check the mockup on the Withered thread.

Things can change. It would be very easy to imagine this questline leading to the reconciliation of the Night Elven Dark Rangers with their kin through Calia’s meddling.

Besides, honestly: once Sylvanas is gone, why would the Night Elf Dark Rangers want to keep fighting for the very people who killed them and their families, burning their home tree?

She may have been persuasive to start with - we have seen how she was willing to brainwash the recently-raised undead to her will regardless of it being against everything she is supposed to stand for - but things won’t be the same now that she is gone.

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To use Sira Moonwarden as an example, as she’s the main character among the kaldorei dark rangers, she rejects Tyrande and Elune out of the belief they abandoned her, wouldn’t surprise me if the others felt the same way. I’d be interested to see if the Alliance would accept undead dark rangers into their ranks these days, though. I’ve probably missed something lore-wise - has Tyrande suggested she would accept these dark rangers back? I can’t remember.

I don’t want to spoil the book for you but there’s been hints that this could happen in the future (depends on Tyrande’s arc in Shadowlands).


a blood elf and night elf are not a undead what dark rangers all are.
if someone is avable to be dark ranger it will be under undead race.


Except dark rangers have always been blood elves and recently night elves too.

I see no issues with elves being dark rangers.


Dark rangers = death knight with bow.

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But they are undead. They should have given undead ‘elf ears’ options and we would have those dark rangers.

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No they are both Undead, and Sindorei go speak to Velonara

The Forsaken, and The Sondorei are my kin , and I stand with the Horde.

It would work both ways , but easier on belf customization similar to the night warrior restricted to one skin tone or an allied race

For the Horde side it should be a Forsaken option, since they’re Forsaken but blood elves.

So far Alliance doesn’t have any Dark rangers in their ranks, so it depends if they get them or no. If they do, I guess it would be a Night elf skin not an entirely new race.


Why nelf ones too?

Why not? Being Forsaken is about free choice. If these elves decide to go home and their people welcome them back, they should get the Dark ranger option.

It’s only fair imo.

No, it’s really not fair. I don’t like sharing stuff with nothing in return.

I think it’s fine. Sharing is not exactly what I’d call this situation.

First these are night elves were raised against their will, they should be allowed to go home if they want to.

Giving only the Horde the Dark rangers when there’s Dark rangers within the Alliance is unfair.

We got demon hunters and it was not correct lorewise. There was only one blood elf demon hunter who survived and he was crazy. Blood elves shouldn’t have been DH.

Edit: And I think that’s one of the roles Calia is going to have in the game, bringing the Undead elves back to the Alliance.

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To be truely honest the customisations of playing a dark ranger should be given to the forsakens/undead only, none of the other two party are undead, so none of that diatribe makes sense lore wise and those npc dark ranger high elves women and men and dark ranger kaldorei women and men despised and rejected theor initial faction and joined the undead.

It should be THE UNDEAD player base WHO GET those skins granted they want them to be added and not the already cherished to death customizations and class wise kaldorei and sin’dorei .
NO /10 char for the sid’orei and kaldorei
Yes/ 10 char fot it being given to the undeads

That’s if the dead Kaldorei remain in the Horde. But if they go back home what are we going to do? Give them only to the Horde still?