Undead Moon Priests are here ! 8.2.5 enjoy your time Night Elves

Yeah I was salvaging Derek’s corpse while Shandris was busy killing him.

Great bait for Allies if you ask me

Just to say my opinion about Night elfs, I like them, because their touch of nature, their spirituality, their archery skills. If my friends weren’t horde, now I should be Nelf hunter :slight_smile: Patch after patch, with casual play, it’s too much now to switch sides.

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Agree. I think there should not be an army of dark rangers. There should be just a couple but Unique Dark Rangers, and everybody should know their names.
And all of them should be High Elves.

When I’m killing with 1 aoe about 7 Night Elves no name Dark Rangers on Warfront, I feel that this game have lost another unique thing.

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If it is the same priestess who meets you near dolanaar then it’s just dumb…Huge tree which burned down.How the hell is there anything left to ressurect?

but they are an army. Not just a few. Hundreds of them exist according to before the storm.

It ain’t.

We have seen nothing but panic right now. Lets wait for more updates, which will of course encourage more Night Elf threads regardless if their theory was right or wrong about her.

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Oh dear lord… how many more nelf threads can one take…

speaks like Prophet Zul

Good, good.

Each nelf thread empowers me, soon I will get enough score points to make my own faction - or should I say Troll-Tauren faction.

I think we will be all set once BfA ends and we will likely get even more powah the next expansion is released!

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You might be correct,I hope you are.

You troll players should go make your own threads, you have no relevant heroes or story now…other than Talanji no wonder you come whine in Night Elf threads, you got nothing better to do.


We trolls do have better things to do than whining and spamming threads. Thank you very much. We don’t have an urge to constantly talk about our race of choice - I know it’s kinda hard to comprehend to the self-absorbed pixies but that is possible. And making a small chuckle on nelf playerbase is well deserved for all the constant drama, maybe one day you’ll get a clue that it’s not writers that made this race unappealing.

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You are spamming and whining on Night Elf threads,clearly nothing better to do.

I am not? The post above was clearly a joke.

Its ok we still have a home, and what a Glorious Golden City it is.

How’s life sleeping in the corners of Stormwind for you?

Do they feed you leftovers?

To be honest, the same can be said to the Night Elves of the same Night Elf thread. Brutal as it sounds, it is.

What exactly are threads like this meant to produce EXCEPT whining exactly? Its clearly been established that there is no discussion point apart from once again flipping at how abhorrent the story has been and how the Night Elves :’( have it bad.

What were you expecting? Is Night Elves complaining and whining considered more constructive and discussion material?

In fact, let me be clear here that it wasn’t the Night Elf Drama Team that actually made the sole discussion topic to begin with. And that is if the subject of how true the sources provided actually is.

Undead night elves and holy undead are just the result of people wanting to play every race and class in any faction, that also got us void elves, nightborne, human shamans and troll paladins and will certainly give us a bunch of other allied races that are just reskins of opposite faction races.
I’m still hoping one day they just get rid of the factions so none of that would be necessary anymore.

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Some more news about her.

116 posts of hysteria about how blizzard stole their bike and how blizzard spat in their stew just for the character to turn out to be a wow secret to get a battle pet.

Are nelf stans the biggest gimps going?




Thank the Goddess that is what it turned out to be.
You can’t blame us after the Night Elf Forsaken thing.


We told you so.