Undead Nelfs in 8.3 (spoilers)

We agree for once on something.

This is the whole irony in the entire plotline. After Darkshore I doubt that there’s a single night elf left in the world who would welcome their undead brothers and sisters back into their arms, so them joining the Forsaken now is somewhat logical.

But, why it happened in the first place will probably never be answered, and Blizzard will probably never talk about the whole event ever again.

But they doubled down on the free will thing. So. kappa.

Nice to see the undead night elves with calia. Sad to see the high elf ones like come on


Those left with Sylvanas I am afraid. Just like the RAS and Val’kyr props.

U see high elf undead in hounds behind the nelf during that disgusting calia lilian cutscene

A few NPCs i wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet.

Night Elves are okay but the High Elves no? Why?

Because those were the Dark Rangers the ones that Alliance had mission table, war campaign quests to kill, the ones that are most loyal to Sylvanas, and the ones risen by Arthas not at Teldrasil , and not stupid enough to oppose their true values for a cause they were against, they had the Horde banner since forever, and the new “I serve the Banshee Queen” voicelines, the only Forsaken allied race us Hordies want if there is going to be a Forsaken variant one , which this story is likely leading to light and dark rangers

Edit (adding to argument)

The Dark Ranger Cowl is useable on Alliance, and you turn into the Night Elf undead, if Blizzard is gonna give us a Dark Ranger class for both factions to use this is the perfect opportunity


The thing is that you had also to kill Kaldorei Dark Rangers as alliance member, also you shouldn’t forget that Sylvanas also raised Quel’dorei Dark Ranger herself with the Val’kyr, so I don’t think there is much difference between both kinds. Maybe these Dark Rangers were just not the closest of Sylvanas Dark Rangers, or they stood also against Sylvanas and remained with the other forsaken?

Its probably some reason for future conflict with tyrande and her army, that and maybe dark rangers. Darkrangers having the option of looking like a dead high elf or a nelf for customisation. Maybe due to them flocking the deathknights for some reason

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None of them stood against her Horde side, I did both sides loyalist , and Alliance buddy, actually all of them during Saurfang’s death were up watching with Nathanos, and all left you wont see any Dark Ranger in Orgrimmar at the moment


There is no correlation between the other races being raised compared to Night Elves, the only in game hint we have in 8.1 is Tyrande sensing the darkness and the confusion within their hearts, in addition in 8.3 where Tyrande clearly confirms that Elune ‘‘Abandoned’’ them as in allowing them to be raised or not being able to prevent it, thus the only logical theory is that ‘‘Death’’ the entity that Sylvanas serves (Which empowered her and offered her new type of magic) granted Sylvanas and her Valkyr the ability to turn Night Elves into undead fueled with rage and hatred.

The entity that Sylvanas serves is quite powerful and could be a rival of Elune which would make the WOT seem more reasonable for Sylvans, she just used the Horde in order to achieve her objective.
Blizzard really has to dig deep into their bag of tricks to explain this, however they keep hinting.


And? It’s not like Blizz like to change things afterwards? Did you know that you had no problems back in Cata to leave the forsaken society and live without their rules? Well, BtS retconned it.

Undead nelves in general are far less lorebreaking then calia (dk’s or all ghosts we always see). While calia being ressed by light shoulndt even be undead just normal living person.

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Undead night elves turning on their people to butcher and burn although their leaders offer them a place in their ranks is lore friendly?

Wow. I won’t say anything else.


Lore-friendly is just a codeword for “I like it” these days.


And now you understand the reason why I’m happy Sylvanas and her Val’kyr are gone. Can you imagine the disgusting undead nightborne polluting our glorious streets of Suramar, all in the name of an undead…oh the depravity!!!

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This, pretty much. Also, Calia as a 180 degree turn for Forsaken society, bad.

Undead night elves, good.

But I am just the evil human ret, what do I know.

No. I dint say that. I dint say was lorefriendly just more then calia.
And i was about nelf undeads in general. Issue isnt that theyre undead iys being vs their people.

Nelfs have always been able to be undead thats fine. Doing 180 personaluty flip is problem.

And calia shouldnt be a undead light doesnt raise undead but normal living again. Which calia goes against.

The personaluty flip of the undead nelfs is issue.
Not that theyre undeaad. We got dks and banshees,ghosts and whatnot from nelfs