Unfair Reward distribution between Horde and Alliance in Warmode

so those that havent noticed that quest we all hated is back up becouse turns out the alliance when not rewarded dosnt do war mode. Guess this prove the horde complainers right.

Dont reward people for turning off Warmode blizzard, warmode was fun when its not got some stupid gank raids running about hopping shards to outnumber their enemies. Reward only the alliance that kept it on, not those that are coming on for free loot by punishing those of us who kept warmode on.

the fact the quest is back proves it dosnt work, they said they dont want horde that dont like pvp off warmode, but they left ages ago. Now your just punishing those of use who like warmode. Everyone alliance who now turns on warmode to get the quest, should not be allowed to do warmode.


It’s gonna loop, it looks like. EU region wm faction balance is improved even if bonus loops. That’s a success. That’s good for wm. And, some controversy doesn’t hurt, some extra reason for faction friction :slight_smile:


Helps you with your trolling.

It’s a trash solution and anyone with half a brain realises that.


Yet it worked, faction balance is closer, that was the objective.


Two Horde raids RIGHT NOW, one in Voldun and one in Tortollans emissary. Stop the “Alliance does gang raids and poor special Horde suffer” bs please…

It worked perfectly cause WM balance was way better lately and almost no-one from either side was complaining.

And seriously if people think a 385 junk is gamebreaking should really consider to actually play the game…


Well it clearly didn’t work since they added the quest back! If it worked then the pve heroes on alliance would have left WM on.

I also just did play the game… I was doing an invasion and with some amazing skills in server hopping that would make any Olympic athlete jealous with envy I managed to barely got it done on two characters, where one of them was a rogue…
I won’t bother with the rest since it’s not fun getting zerged every 2 minutes by heroes of the alliance.

And no, it wasn’t just fresh 120 alts that were zerging. Many had 200k+ hp while being dps. Fresh alts don’t have that.

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Yeah it was so close that they turned the quest back on.


Blizz at its best… this is not pvp… gj


Pvp for Blizzard = ganking


no it dosnt the very fact that it went BACK to 20% proves it dosnt work, the horde dont want to turn off war mode and wont, all it does is punish those who want to have war mode on while reward those that dont.


There is some truth here. People that have warmode enabled for wpvp specifically had a great time the past couple of weeks after the quest disappeared. Good amount of allies and horde, good fights, not one clear dominant faction. I loved it.

But now all the Allies that left Warmode are back for the quest, making it a lot more one-sided again. That’s bad for the warmode experience.


aye it happened naturaly, you saw great moments as invasion points were pushed back and forth, there was a proper risk reward for pvping and it shifted by each section of the zone you were in.

Now its just alliance zerg pve raids that are a insult to the pvping alliance that stuck round with us.

Ye, but it started at 30%, so 20% is an improvement, and therefore closer faction balance. If it goes back to 30 that’s a prob. If goes to back to 15, part of a fluctuation situation. Rebalance is in progress :smiling_face:

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what has no fun for garbage world pvp to do with cowardice? Seriously world pvp is either 1vs10 or 10vs1… speak of cowardice.
The only reason i turn on garbage mode is to level for extra exp. Other than that i don’t really see any fun in ganking lowbies or steamrolling people 1vs10

ah well btw as horde I only turn on warmode because everyone is in warmode and it makes dungeons ports annoying otherwise

Quest is good solution. Yesterday was a real war in Drustvar invasion.

Horks, stop crying. U love to tell about hordies bravery and skill, but everytime when u were ganked u run on forum with your tears. What a shame. :zipper_mouth_face:


no yesterday was a bunch of alliance zerg runs. the war was several days ago in nazmir when alliance and horde pushed eachother back, not becouse some quest told them to, but becouse the wanted to.
people were having to choose wether to attack or not and if it was worth it, but with the quest that the alliance only got cause they turned war mode off, now thats gone.

The real solution is to remove the things that makes a burst difference. Here I of course talk about activated racials and some of the passives as well…

In a perfect mirror match the winner will always be the one who has the best activated Racial.

If I fight comeone of equal skill, gear and spec they’ll win 100% of the times in a pure mathematical setup if they’re a Troll because of Berserking.

People refuse to participate in something if they know they have no chance, unless the incentive is great, that’s basic human psychology, people only play in lotteries because they think they have a chance, even if they acknowledge that it’s miniscule.

U doubt the Horde would accept the removal of their small edges and instead blames Alliance, etc, everyone other than themselves.

Saying that AOO and the increased Enlistment bous is bad is correct, as it does nothing to solve the underlying issue. The underlying issue however is another one than people think.

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the racials arent the problem though, the problem is alliance turn OFF warmode once the numbers were getting close to even becouse they werent being rewarded for it, they keep badgering on about oooh horde have the advantage, then the moment the horde looses the advantage and the alliance is no longer rewarded they leave. Its not the horde having a advantage (which they dont) its that the alliance just dont want to be in warmode and you shouldnt reward them for that.

Turning WM off is the symptom. The cause is never the incentives as the same thing happened before the incentives were in place, so the cause is something else. Your assesment based on the psychology of the human mind is wrong.

People will keep it turned on if they feel they have a chance, that’s how psychology works.

As I said, in a perfect mirror match the winner will always be the one who has the inherent ability due to the race to gain a benefit.

If my opponent and I have the same gear, the same skill and the same spec and they’re a Troll, Tauren or Orc I’ll lose because nothing I can do will be equal to the benefit of 15% Haste, a 5% (10% ?) increase to AP (both for ten seconds) or a Stun for one second. They have more option than me and having that gives a small advantage and in an environment where even small advantages makes the difference that’s huge.

then explain why they turned it off when numbers were more even?