Unfair Reward distribution between Horde and Alliance in Warmode

You’re seriously not listening to a word of what’s being said, it’s literally going in one ear and out the other, good luck with your QQ topic, hope Blizz will never take your complaint serious.

enjoy being a AOOer certainly making your faction proud.

Enjoy crying like a 5 year old for getting defeated in an MMORPG, surely making your faction proud, pretty sure if this would been remotely realistic you’d be executed by the Banshee Queen

“Weakness is NOT tolerated in the Horde” and u reek of it.

oh please, your clearly mistaking me for one of those alliance that died once in warmode then turned off and spent half the year complaning. I play on horde, a class and spec that isnt very good at solo pvp and yet still play warmode without having to be given bonuses. Heck dont even turn it off when a bunch of alliance and forming gank raids, cause unlike you im not a coward and can accept dieing in a mmo. enjoy being the baby faction.

Also FYI i got many alts, gearing through AOO is not one of them, i’d rather just go BoD NM and M+… Much faster easier and better loot. This toon was dinged like a few days ago and Aoo is not something i’m bothered doing as Alliance as i’m not arsed 10 vs 50’ing spending hours fighting a pointless war, and you clearly don’t know much about the factions balance at all x) you say Alliance is the baby faction, yet i see nothing but Hordes that are crying over everything other than racial balance and progression balance which clearly favors Horde, when Humans were a competitive PVP race, Hordes whined them out of existance with their nerf after nerf after nerf.

This Warrior being the lowest.

ah yes the actual broken racial. good thing that one got nerfed. Also iv played on both factions too got a alliance DK not done AOO and mainly gear from Mythic + and raiding plus warfronts and conquest. Iv played since TBC and clearly care more about the factions than the main writers have since the end of MoP given we have such pro alliance writing these days. Then the one moment the alliance start to do anything that is moraly questionable they edit it cause they cant have them be anything other than mary sues.

You mean like Blood Elf one?
OR the urrent War stomp?
Maybe you refering towards Orcs pet dmg buff, 20% reduction to CC AND Berserk?
maybe Trolls hero?
no wait i know i know, you defo talking about the Zandalar Loa healing right?

What does the Alliance have?
Human has a nerfed PVP trinket which is identical to the Forsaken racial, except they also get cannibalize.
Gnomes gets Escape Artist which is USELESS this expansion 99,9% of the time.
Night Elves gets shadowmeld which is good against as many as … 1 Class since rest gets dots as a default.
Dwarves has an OK SURVIVAL racial, but most people would rather just bash an axe at double the damage rather than a 10% reduction.

These type of racial comparissons you refering towards?

Also a brief education for you:
When Method killed Kil’Jaeden in the race for World first the only reason they were ABLE to do it was beause of Goblin racial.
When Method killed Jaina in BoD the reason they were ABLE to do it was because of Trolls 20% snare reduction racial.
When will Alliance EVER get those sort of advantages in any form of content?

Oh just shut it, the Horde races had all the overpowered racials for PvE and besides that all good PvP racials aswell. But the only thing we heard was to go horde if we wanted a free hero or an AoE interrupt. Yet here we are where the human racials are beyond useless (except getting paragon chest) and EMFH is still brought up! Face it, you just want the Horde to reign supreme in everything. Number of quest, attention, racials and populations.

Remember Legion pre-patch which lasted 2-3 quests longer for Horde? Well that was compensated for us at 7.2 for us! Guess what? You guys whined we had 2 quest escoring Anduin to get his father’s sword! Just tired of Horde complaints, whenever it’s in your advantage you guys forget it (Uldir raid advantage with the warfront and free gearing alts through warfronts) but the Alliance gets 1 400 IL item and here you are, 3.5 months further still complaining. Know I happily deleted those 7 pieces of leather and bones. Their combined valua wasn’t even 1 gold and I have tons of them in the bank already.

Horde wants fun? You will have the most fun if shards and WM is nearly 50/50 balanced (aka 10% for both). If you hate WPvP don’t turn on WM again after AOO is gone, then it will stay at 15% and maybe with time even decrease back to 10% for Alliance. But aslong as Horde massivly enabales WM if there is no AOO we will be in this cycle.

“Lol Horde FTW with our free IL 385 to start Uldir with! Wait is the Alliance on EU getting the same for BoD through a AOO quest? RAGE!!!”

That’s my impression of most complainers at this point.

Edit: Pre-nerf raiding was in balance more aswell thanks to EMFH. it was enarly 50/50 after they used the sledgehammer on it the the exodus to Horde started. Especially after and during Legion we lost 30 +/- guilds due to BE racial for M+, Kijaeden for goblin and overall population at the end. Horde is so proud of Method conviently forgetting such guilds were always Alliance, guilds like them switched to horde first for racials (which they themselves admitted) and post balancing because over 60% of the players were already on Horde.

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you mean like when the alliance got a chance of a free heroic peice at the start of uldir, or when the alliance got a free 400 peice at the start of BoD?

the alliance got way more free stuff than the horde this time round.

And as for the pre legion stuff, we complained cause the alliance got artifact power form theirs in 7.2 while the hordes got nothing.

The problem has never been on the hordes end its the entitled attitudes of the alliance that are so blind to the fact that the head writer had pictures of anduin and greymane on their twitter banner in a expansion so favorable to them. Oh but no horde like WM without benifits thats not soooo wrong, what will cause the alliance to realize their entitlement? Free mythic raiding gear too?

No it’s the horde there’s cheaters on wm and they will contenue to whine and complain no matter what. Today i saw a hordie bounty there were using the hack to avoid combat. And that’s a proof that the horde never dares to fight with honor.

I saw a alliance warlock who had instant health regen and massive absorb shields with a bounty on them, and when they died instant respawn followed by the same shields and health regen.

Warlocks are op both factions can do that.

That’s it! I’m faction changing. Can’t stand the thought of fighting alongside you anymore. Zandalari…here i come!

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I agree with this in theory, and it was like that before.
Now, from my experience:

  • there are only 2 places to see a bounty - assault and call to arms zone. I didn’t see any bounties in any other zones for a long time, and those who port to the top of piramid always log off or accept queue if anyone finally can be ar*** to go after them (which also doesn’t happen for a long time).
  • Supply cache on assault is on the same daily CD as airdrop, so if you got one you can’t get another.
  • 500 conquest cap is another limiting factor for that.

So in theory - I, with WM on always, should have more rewards (not only WPvP fun), or at least faster. In reality - I have the same amount of rewards as those who turn it on/off in the same 2-3 days.

Any change/addition that will take into account that players are actually playing in WM instead of just turning it on/off - is a very good change in my book! Love it.

Tbh, it’s always going this way when you go against bigger numbers.
For example, some area is camped by an enemy raid, so as a part of your actions against those overwhelming odds - get friends, locals, LFG, more and more numbers - and then wipe them.

AOO and numbers are working exactly the same way just on week to week scale.

This is hilarious! Hahahahahaha
Gratz on racial+bubble OPness btw!

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