I’m not nine years old i’m a legal adult. And to the hordie the horde made those kind of groups long before Patch 8.1.
that explains everything
next time use “legit”, it’ll be more fun
How do you mean?
How do you mean?
wether your alliance or horde you have to agree that the system seems less rewarding people for keeping warmode on and instead rewarding the side that turns it off.
I disagree…
- Leaving wm on is more rewarding, because you are rewarded with more wpvp than if you mostly wm off. And you get participation rewards on top of that wpvp. WM on all the time, more likely to get the daily bounty and air drop rewards.
- WM mostly off, you are disadvantaged with less wpvp than if wm on all the time. You get the participation rewards, but less wpvp. You are also unlikely to get the daily bounty and air drop rewards.
WPvP is the main WM reward. But WM item/cp rewards are based on participation. You participate, you get the reward. Doesn’t matter if players turn wm off/on… they participated to get that reward. As a participation reward, the items are suitably lower quality. The extra item that aoo gives is a non issue, but it also is a participation reward. WM off after, doesn’t matter, they participated.
How about a high quality weekly participation reward based on frequent wm activity. For example loot x number of bounties and air drop crates per week and get a high quality reward. Could make the fairness issues around the regular participation rewards seem irrelevant.
heres the system we have now.
When buff reaches 20 percent or higher alliance gets a quest that rewards them for doing cheep behavior in WM. While other faction can do this alliance are insentivised as means of completing quest.
This draws in Alliance Pveing Zergers who want free loots.
buff goes down to 15% and without that reward alliance take less effort in and alot drop out.
Buff goes back up to 20 becouse alliance left and repeat.
While im all for the increase in the percentage of rewards to the under represented faction, since then it does seem like they are rewarding you for facing against harder odds, since the AOO quest is up often those are all grouped up and actualy outnumber the horde on that shard.
I do agree warmode should reward people for sticking on warmode and keeping it on rather than some quest they run off after completing, and we cant buff that quest since that would just exaserbate the problem. Your solution does work as it would then mean the over populated faction would get more bounties on them, so the under would have more opertunities to get that. Its a much better system than AOO.
I did a sep post on my quest suggestion. See what you think. Maybe it could work, and it’s a simple solution. Always pros and cons, but I think blizz’s concern would be the quest having the right difficulty versus the right level of reward. But both those things can be tweaked.
interesting. As said nothing against the alliance having a insentive for playing when under represented. But AOO has just resulted in gank raids followed by evacuations.
It’s in the name… “Against OVERWHELMING odds” … What are they suppose to name it? “heavily underpopulated for Hordes but since its 2019 and this 1 guy whining on the forums for communism we need to give the Hordes the same quest and name it against UNDERWHELMING odds?” Look at every statistic in the game and tell me where exactly does the Alliance get favored at all above the Horde? We get 1 extra quest that literally nobody cares about, you can’t spawnkill people dismounting from gryphons because you got a 30 second “non-honorable” debuff on you. I just don’t understand why you’re STILL crying over this… Look at Wowprogress, look at mythic progressions by teams, look at server by score, look at PVP ladders by faction, look at lore. You also brought up the fact when the Alliance got the 400 ilvl piece like it was a world changing event, yet the Hordes were the ones to exploit it to benefit them, guess what? they STILL lost, Alliance wasnt even REPRESENTED in the race to world first.
Its in the name Against OVERWHELMING odds. Yet when the quest is up the alliance OUTNUMBERS the horde on the shards. Whats more they ALWAYS outnumber the horde on RP shards yet get the quest. If AOO actualy worked it would be gone and never return, but alliance use it then leave warmode resulting in it coming back. Were trying to think up better solutions now.
However… with my suggestion, aoo becomes a reward opportunity for Horde. Yes aoo is one sided. It’s been stated that motivation is not there to retaliate. But… if that retaliation is part of achieving the weekly activity based quest, you got some motivation right there to erase the Alliance aoo’ers. How much motivation will depend on the quest requirements, and the reward. Those things can be worked out.
But point is, aoo becomes not something to be annoyed by, it becomes something to attack. Conflict! Aoo and the new quest can work together. Could be an interesting situation.
Gotta be a good reward, but not too good.
That’s retarded, no they dont outnumber the Hordes on the shards, they’re evenly scaled - while difference is that if the shard is maxed out for everyone on 1 side to fixate into PVP in a targeted specific area then sure it’s gonna FEEL like they’re over-represented, but they’re not, in that 1 shard they outnumber you because you’re spread out and un-organized, besides being outnumbered in like 4 shards while outnumbering the ALliance is like 3000 doesn’t make Alliance over-represented.
and yet iv had times when call to arms is up, hunted alliance for ages during a invasion and found none, group fell apart and those returning to their shards found raids of alliance running about.
Horde doesn’t need Aoo unlike Alliance to fight back, they simply do it for the fun and in most cases they dominate even without a call to arm quest to encourage them to kill Alliances, they outnumber even the aoo’ers for the fun of killing Alliance.
And your point being is?
“Oh derp when i try to kill Alliance i couldn’t find any, then it disbanded because we were in a lesser populated shard because there aren’t ENOUGH ALLIANCE TO FILL IT!” but then it was okay when we were the hunters, when we got the hunted THEN THATS NOY FAIR! ALLIANCE OP OMG NERF! I WANT TO KILL PEOPLE WITHOUT THEM FIGHTING BACK! this doesn’t apply for me because i’m a Horde and should never be able to lose a shard fight! worst game ever Blizz! …
Like for real my dude… Fck off. You’re such a hypocrite.
the point is for you who cannot remain civil. That it does show that shards arent ballanced. many times the horde outnumbers and many times the alliance outnumbers and thus it dosnt make sense theres a quest about fighting a outnumbering foe when your the ones outnumbering them.
- Calling you a hypocrite does not make me un-civilized.
- I already stated most shards ARE balanced, difference is that people are fixated onto a specific area vs scattered players. (Except for when there aren’t enough players for the Alliance to compete, then they usually shove in a few extra Hordes here and there to lower the dead shards)
- Shards aren’t balanced, and they never will be unless both factions are equally populated, while you call for removing the one thing that increased the Alliance population you’re calling for a nerf or a total removal to make the shards even LESS relevant then ever.
- you’re literally whining over being outnumbered in a 1/50 event occurance in a H/A ratio… Guess i’ll say the same to you as the Hordes always say the to the Alliance: Stop crying and if you don’t like it, turn Warmode OFF or join a crossrealm group, problem solved!
no but swearing while doing it does.
when big raids of alliance come in to complete the kill quest the balance goes completly, infact it becouse much worse on all ends as other shards empty while those the raids are running through get chocked with them
3 and 4. I never once said to turn off warmode, the solution has allways been to turn ON warmode something the alliance stopped doing when the carrot wasnt thrown to them. The whole problem comes from alliance turning off warmode if you had been paying attention. they turned it off then complained servers werent ballanced becouse they turned it off and now get bonuses for turning it off becouse they spent half a year moaning about a problem they caused.