Unpopular opinion: I like the Covenant System Idea

No you do not need 1% more dps, but close this thread and go now find how many ‘rio is bad’ posts you find…

I, as you have seen posting around, like to play silly things and do silly things, but also I have been around long enough to know that there’s always this like, 1% does ahead, and masses will insist its the same rule.

Just look at M+ comps.

You can be fine with how they balance the talents, but they are not balanced, half of the MM tree is literally dead, BM has 1 functional build that far surpasses any other and survival while having 2 viable builds still has a lot of dead talents.

This shouldn’t be about individual taste, the completely random acquisition, the soft cap and the imbalace between items, there is no upside that outvalues these, if you want to evalue the system, it was a terrible one.

Point with this things is that the base concept is pretty good most of the time, the implementation is a huge problem tho, seeing how they managed the last four years of system implementation and balance, there really is no amount of optimism that can make people believe covenants will be fine as a system, well you can but you are willfully ignoring all of bfa and legion.

Still I’ll wait and see what they do, if they want to try to balace this mess who am I to tell them no, just hope they change their opinion before the expansion comes out instead of in 9.3.5

So, they should ban such toxic stuff from being able to be used.
Players have to understand that it’s not ok. And if they don’t want to understand, force them. :man_shrugging:

This list is totally irrelevant in the context of what we were discussing, which is what is Blizzard’s track record in regards of being able of delivering a properly balanced new feature.

As example, I also liked Legion Legendaries, but this doesn’t change the fact that they were undeniably grossly unbalanced when released. The system had to go through multiple iterations before being considered reasonably balanced and part of those iterations was allowing everyone to more or less target the legendary they wanted.

With covenants, even Ion himself acknowledged that balance will be crucial and explicitly mentioned that if the balance will not work they will have to give up with the idea of exclusivity.

And they never were. Ever.
Not since launch. Not now, not ever.
I’m fine with that. It’s a neverending ‘dance’ where one spec takes the lead for a while and then another etc… It’s fine.

But it is. There’s no way it cannot be.
Some people like things that other people do not like.
It’s the way of all things.

Was cool. It was exiciting to go and do all different kinds of content and hope to have a legendary drop. It was awesome.

More talk of balance. There. Is. No. Balance.
There never was balance. There will never be balance.
Embrace the unbalance and just have fun.

They don’t have to be outvalued because those things are fine and in the random drop department it was even cool. In my opinion. That’s why I’m saying; it’s always down to individual taste.

No it wasn’t. It was great and I loved it. All of it.

Not ALL; I’ve said that most of BfA is a failure. There are a few things that I’ve liked, but system wise and such; yeah, BfA failed. Not so for Legion. I LOVED Legion. There were very few things I didn’t like about Legion (Argus cough).

There. Was.
<<<<<<< NEVER >>>>>>>
In. WoW.


So why is it such an issue all of a sudden?!

That’s not about balance. That’s about petty, greedy players not being able to accept that someone else got something good at random. I was actually disappointed when they updated the legendary system in that way. There was no need for that at all; it was fine as it was.

And imo that will suck too.
People really need to relax about this. They’re making it into an issue because there’s pathetic players out there who judge fellow players based on intrusive number stealing. There’s players out there who will only take players who conform to their ideal of the perfect player.

Screw. That.
Screw. Them.

It’s not the game; it’s (part of) the players.
I will ALWAYS play the game and MY character the way I want to and not how someone else wants me to do it.

When even Ion acknowledges that without proper Balance the Covenants system will have to be revised, maybe without proper Balance the Covenants system will have to be revised…

I’ve added to my previous post. This is addressed…
Blizzard is being forced because a part of the playerbase is toxic as all hell.

Because if suddenly a patch comes out and the spec i play becomes bad I can easily switch from that one to another, covenants make it annoying at best, impossible at worst.

Also it currently still is a problem, dead talents, dead azerite traits, dead corruption effects, dead essences and worst of all dead specs cough subtlety cough.

Did you even listen to the interview with Ion mentioned above? Players excluding other players is not even brought up as issue.

The main issue discussed is that the whole point of the system is to provide meaningful choice, but if the balance is out of whack, there is no meaningful choice exactly like there is no meaningful choice in talent rows when 1 talent dominates and the others suck compared to it.

Said that, even assuming the playerbase is to blame… what do you propose exactly, that the developers deliver a system which would not work with the actual playerbase because it’s designed to work with some “ideal” playerbase which doesn’t actually exist?

It’s not impossible, so don’t start that. They’ve been clear: Switching won’t be hard. It’s switching BACK to a Covenant you’ve abandoned that will be hard (not impossible).

Again; balance. was. NEVER. a. thing. in. WoW.

what’s your point here? seeing as this is currently still a problem why do you think it won’t be with covenants?

that’s not the point, balance is not an enormous issue right now because the game is flexible and even with how free you are to switch things around balance is still a big problem, a rigid system will only make it worse.

I miss the Silver Covenant :((((


My point is; why are people demanding perfect balance all of a sudden when there was NEVER such a thing in WoW since its launch?!

… see my above reply. I’m out.

Literally the post you responded to with this is the answer. It’s not the only reason but it’s a good one.

Another one is that people that tackle harder content won’t have a real choice on what covenant to choose if they are not balanced because there will be a best one for the content he does.

Nobody is demanding “perfect” balance: that’s you putting up a strawman.

Said that, when even the lead designer in charge of delivering the new system acknowledges that lack of balance is potentially a killer issue for the feature’s concept, I’m not sure what there is to debate still.

No, it’s not. It’s really not.

But I’m done discussing this.

Yeah, well, sucks to be them then?! They CHOOSE to do the hardest content. Doesn’t mean they should get it easy then. Simple.

It’s not. They’re saying that to keep those players happy.
Because those players are whiny and entitled. And Blizz is known for giving in to those kinds of players.

Wish I had the luxury of having more than 1 DPS spec…! :frowning:

Then you’re silly for having rolled a priest. :sweat_smile: