Unpopular opinion, i still prefer Retail

There is a way you can tell there hasn’t been a visible/sizeable decrease in retail, look at the sheer volume of groups being made in the custom group finder. Not only for dungeons but for raids/pvp and other random stuff.


Your(OP’s) idea of “unpopular opinion” feels off. If anything I seem to be considered really weird for enjoying classic amongst those who don’t like it. I’ve had people starting to defend retail after asking me what I think of classic, and my reply was “I’m hooked atm”. As if I didn’t like retail anymore. I play and enjoy both games, but they are two completely different games that cannot be compared in anything except both happening in Azeroth, as far as I experience it.

As for my friends, it’s a 50/50 split pretty much, on who likes classic and who don’t. Some of my friends play classic only, and have been unsubscribed for many years(some played on private servers), another bunch absolutely hate classic and either have no intention of trying it or they tried it and got their “hate” confirmed. The last bunch, are like me and enjoy both games, and play both games. In total it seems to be about 50% who are enjoying it atm.

I played the original game btw, and seems the patch classic is at, is the patch I started playing kinda. I started 6 months before TBC release, and according to other players, the patch currently on classic, was released 5 months before TBC release.


I have scanned my server, and the first few days the drop of online players were quite significant, but the last two scans during primtime, shows less than 100 players less than normal, meaning numbers seems about the same as before classic release, though classic feels as populated as it was the first week. I am not scanning classic though.

Hey, even though I’m not the biggest retail advocate especially considering the state of the game, I have to agree: I haven’t touched classic at all yet. Then again, I knew beforehand that I wouldn’t like classic: I’ve tried it before. Actually, since classic I’ve played less of both retail and classic: though this is due to my studies starting again and actually having to do other things in life. Power to those who enjoy either one though.

I agree with OP on this. Classic just isn’t for me, though I am genuinely happy for those who enjoy it.

Been playing WoW since TBC and I feel I now have much less time to invest in games that I onced could do in my teenage years.
With less time on my hands, I generally turn to more fast paced story driven single player (WoW is obviously an exception) games. So the faster paced gameplay and the QoL that retail offers is what I prefer over Classic.
Whenever I play WoW I do so casually these days, never do raids outside LFR and tend to avoid PvP whenever I can.

What keeps me hooked is the story and this is another unpopular opinion I have; I actually enjoy the story. Been a fan of Warcraft storyline since I played Warcraft III and I liked that WoW gradually started to focus on the story over time.

Would love to see the source of that. Please do share.

  1. for only low amount of layer

Do i have to dig for the other one too ? :frowning:

Unpopular opinion?
Outside of the regular Muhnilla sphere where the ruling sentiment is that “Classic’s perfect and Retail is literally trash as are its fans”, it’s pretty easy to deduce that it’s not unpopular. The mad hype aside for Classic, where will it be 1 year from now? Meanwhile, Live will live and continue to get new content, new designs, new races, new areas etc.

BfA might’ve soiled it a bit, but coming in from Legion the game sold a record amount of copies. If they could just double down on the most impopular designs, there’s clearly nothing holding the live game back in terms of popularity.

You don’t make the rules, the game you enjoy more doesn’t automatically become “more of an MMORPG”.

WoW is an MMORPG for a fact, whether you like it or not. And clearly, you’ve never played an actual Korean MMO if you think Live is in any shape or form like them. In fact, Classic’s much more in line with the grindy nature of one of those MMORPGs but WoW is and always will be very much a Western product.

Putting “unpopular opinion” at the start of your opinion is the new “thing”, the same as “I’ll leave this here” or “just saying”.

It’s more a somewhat cheap way to fish for some likes, shoot for a bit of sympathy for the poor underdog fighting the bad masses with the “popular opinion”.

that sounds like you’re having a go at classic players for having a go at BfA players. surely you’re not are you?

all with new unpalatable and uncompleteable grinds?

BfA has soiled things a lot. and the “record” sale was “only” a 0.1M increase over Legion, most of which was probably based on the good points of legion, the amazing BfA trailer, and what we THOUGHT BfA was going to be from the stuff released to us. TBC and WotLK sold 2.4 and 2.8M in that time frame respectively yet went on to be the best periods of WoW’s existence. blizzard is fluffing numbers to make them look good. that record amount of “day 1” sales includes ALL the pre purchases for the prior several months for those that dont know like i didn’t until a MVP explained it to me. the sad thing is they are doubling down. on things that make them money and pleases the shareholders over the gamers.

i believe, maybe naively, that blizzard could make a great game without any of the “morally grey” physiological tricks they are abusing us with. but they are too short term sighted, hence the whole “make them play every day to get money” approach.

i think that could be argued successfully against in a court of law these days.

overall i just dont know what to do in BfA. as i’ve done so much over the years, some of the “common” suggestions i’ve already done. someone at the start mentioned farming bloody coins. cool. and could be fun. in fact sorta was when i did it. but ive done that.

when i log on i dont know what to do because i KNOW im going to be slapped in the face with the rng door. i have only done 4 things since classic came out in BfA, and only one of them were successful.

  1. fished up the giant rat in dalaran. about 1000 casts in that attempt. who knows how many attempts since WotLK.
  2. tried to learn unknown transmog in the 3 zangarmarsh dungeons UB, SP and SV. warrior, shaman, monk and warlock, 2 runs each for a total of 12 dungeons. nothing learn-able dropped for any of them. there are still 19 pieces i could learn. not including random drops.
  3. killed Yogg and LK 84 times EACH (saved instance on a DH). no mount. (thats just in the time classic has been out, not overall).
  4. 2000 casts for pond nettle. no drop.

so i cant help but wonder why bother logging on to BfA if my activities are not going to be rewarded in some way. :frowning: this is the issue with RNG.


ITS Not FFXI and everquest were more grindy u prolly played WoW WOTLK as ur first mmo

I won’t even make a classic character, ever. It doesn’t attract me at all. Unnecessarily time-consuming, ridiculously complex classes and no clear class identity and poor graphics. No thanks.

Classic is just rose tinted glasses, also something new that ppl can try. Most ppl who played classic back in the day are not playing it again, wanna ask why ? :slight_smile:
I have been there 15 years ago, i know all about it that there is to know.

Same here!.

Tried it, Didn’t enjoy it as much as peoples painted it to be!.
So im sticking to BFA as a Altoholic i am, and for the Story!.
BFA’s story is good, but the gameplay is Shiet.

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