Unpopular opinion, i still prefer Retail

not nescarly,pokemon mystery dungeon(for sky,darkness and time) story had timetravel and honestly even being pokemon a good rpg story overall.

Classic is on a severe decline already, stop deluding yourself in thinking Classic has more fans / is more popular / more played than Retail. It’s not, it never will be.

Just because Asmonclown and several other streamers are riding the hype wave (for that sweet, sweet money and views) doesn’t mean anything at all. I visit MMO-champ daily, the views on the Classic part of the forum there shifted from 1500 / day down to 600-700 / day. There are similar declines in interest towards Classic just about everywhere else. Their ques are down in half already.

If anything, your opinion is the “popular” one.


The only thing classic offers over retail is a way to spend the night with a few friends, wasted. Laughing and head butting content which you cant access anymore. (For me atleast.)

I preferr classic but also play retail.

If classic was up to WOTLK era with all the current graphics, animations, models(exept Forsaken), transmogs, pet battles, toys and such, i would only play classic because the game mechanics, the RPG elements and customisation from talents, weapon choices and not beimg forced to certain armor class or weapon.

I wouldn’t call this opinion unpopular. Maybe on forums due to hype train that is about to wind down, perhaps, but in general no.

Two editions of a game, people play both, or one or another and nothing wrong in liking more modern. In long run I enjoy modern more too. Just they need to hire new writer and go back to some of the roots in future.


I’ve played WoW since 2006, I played vanilla and literally every expansion to their fullest extent. And I still prefer retail over Classic.

Primarily because Classic is only about grinding and time-investment, there is little skill required to play Classic. If you want to raid you need to farm crafting materials for hours, as buying them on the AH is usually expensive. The proof that Classic does not require much skill is the fact that someone leveled to 60 in just 4 days, and that a guild killed Onyxia a few days after the servers opened.

The game has evolved into what it is today so that it can be a better game overall and a more enjoyable one (although BfA isn’t that great).

I resubbed after one year break just to try classic to rekindle those memories from 2005.
After level 5 I was bored and thinking what is the point once I get to level 60. Way to much time invested for very little end game content in my opinion.

Then I downloaded retail, to check my characters. Oh boy! what a difference, so much content with new 8.2 patch which will keep me busy for a while and I got hooked again.

As I enjoy PvP mainly (Arenas, all the various BG’s) cannot really see myself investing time in classic which is seriously lacking end game PvP unless you do wPvP and few BG’s on offer.

I have real appreciation for the retail and what it has to offer now that I have seen classic.
Been there in 2005…no thanks.

If it was intended to bring old players back, it worked for blizzard, at least in my case.


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I think is normal that after some time the classic hype will wane. The 2 population will stabilize and so on. Both “factions” will enjoy the game (or not) an so on.

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Glad you’re still enoying retail, hope 8.3 is a cracker for you :smiley:

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To be honest, i really liked Classic, really loved, just 15 years ago; now i grown up, i’m 29, and honestly i don’t have patience anymore, i tried my beloved Hunter until Level 23, i felt the nostalgia of an old Stormwind, i liked it, less flying mounts with showy effects, more people with a slower but fully life, professions, trainers, even exploring the streets.
Nodways is just a “fly 3 seconds over there”, it’s kinda sad maybe? I don’t know, i really want to play the Classic but… i won’t actually level to 60 i guess.

its linear really,but i mentioned it cause its really only game i know where time travel worked,(only other story is avengers endgame)

Forums here need more people who act like you, who dont go super flame/hate mode cause someone doesnt enjoy classic/retaim while they do.

Also your face >.> im so glad we got the updated character models.

I don’t understand the whole retail v classic mentatilty honestly, I’ve played WoW since launch and I enjoyed retaill the way up to classics launch (did 5/8 HC EP etc).

I understand both games aren’t for everyone, it is what it is.

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sure you can play your korean action mmo (retail) il just stay here on classic because its a real MMORPG,

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My experience with Classic.
Installed it, created a dwarf paladin, started playing, after 10 minutes I went like: No, I can’t…
Never touched it again

Yeah I feel the same. I got to level 40, I got my mount and now I cant bring myself to log in again. I enjoyed those first 40 levels and had fun while levelling, now though I cant help but see it as the same as current wow except more arduous and lacking 13 years of content.

I made it to level 11 before I realized, I just cant do it. The thought of Shadowbolting my way through every dungeon and Raid until the end of time gave me serious PTSD.

…and he’s the reason why we will still have Classic vs Retail threads. Most servers are still full with some high and few with medium/low, same as they were 2 weeks ago ( or since they opened the new ones ).

And if you “feel” that retail “gained” players, then you acknowledge that BfA was ( and is still is ) in a very bad shape, since normally, you can’t really see a decrease in players, unless is a big one. Why? Because of shards. Is not like in Classic. Retail shares the same players from ALL realms and so, if you see yourself …lonely, then you know that all servers struggle with players.

…but then again, an “increase” i’m sure is only in your head and just a “makeup” thing to come and show us all, how well is BfA doing …