Unpopular opinion of a 4k io meaningless score player about the corruption system

The corruption system that we have to deal with now is absolute cancer (excuse my language but I feel like this is the right word for it) and has disappointed me more than anything else in BFA. Skill does not mean anything anymore in this tier, it is all about whether you have the gold / money / luck in order to get your class-specific bis corruptions. If you have this, congratulations you are able to brutally outperform someone that might be more skilled but does not have the gold / money / luck.

Corruption is literal cancer and should not have been released as its current state. It saddens me to see people walking around in 15 million worth of BoE’s and outperform me by miles just because BoE’s with corruption are TRADEABLE, let me say this again BoE’s with corruption are T R A D E A B L E. Who in their right mind.

Of course this is not really relevant to newer player, I am mostly talking about the competitive level where you are “supposed” to have skill, not gold/money/luck.

BoE’s were always there sure, but in 8.3 where they can corrupt and can be a whopping 10-20% dps increase? Disgusting.

I dealt with most of the crap in BFA, but this system in 8.3 has really got me thinking why the f am I still bothering.

How could blizzard fix this?

Maybe not making corrupted BoE’s tradeable, maybe not corrupt BoE’s at all, maybe INCREASE THE CHANCE TO CORRUPT ITEMS FROM M+ TO 100%, maybe make a vendor where you can purchase corruptions for mementos or coalescing visions? These are just some suggestions. I’m not delusional enough at the moment to believe anything about this absolute disaster of a corruption system is going to be fixed anytime soon.



Believe it or not, corruption was implemented exactly as activision wanted it implemented.

Guess who will buy best in slot corruptions priced at 3 to 5 million gold a piece? That’s right, people who spend that sweet cash for wow tokens. World first racers too perhaps? Hmmmmmm?

The system as is now, IS intended. Just as ION said he’s happy with the system.


They sure banked big this time around then, this tier is the worst I have played in terms of paytowin and omega RNG.

Corrupted items drop rate in M+ is a joke to say the least. My mage has terrible corruptions and it’s really disappointing. Blizzard should increase drop rate of corrupted items in m+ by a lot.


I believe they did, token price hasn’t dropped below 200k since before August. Normally, this happens if the demand is very low which i don’t believe, or if the offer increases.

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So what if someone outperforms you? How the F does that affect your life? There’s still 8 months of BfA to go.

What would you say if you raided in TBC or WotLK with ONE CHANCE per week (!) to drop a weapon that boosts your dps by 20%? And then you’d not be getting it for months, while everyone else outperform you?

Now you have an unlimited non- stop shower of loot and you need around 1-4 weeks (depending on luck) to get geared.

You whiny little… :smile:


I have finished 29 dungeons last week, of which most of them drop like two extra pieces of gear due to high level of key. I have not seen a single mastery amplifier corruption at all. Fun system :slight_smile:

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While i agree with fact thst coruption is strong and power level your char a lot, and agree woth that BOEs shouldnt corupt, or those coruoted shouldnt be sellable, i dont agree with rest.

Competitive level is still competitive, those players on top (at least i assume we talk about those players, cuz u can do m15in time/ half of mythic raid even with subpar coruptions) invest a lot into game, and for sure items arent only things while they are on top, skill matters there much more than items

You did not get the point at all did you? The whole point was these corrupted items being TRADEABLE for a thousand euros, which of course is affordable for rich people. You do know that these weapons in TBC or WotLK were not tradeable on the auction house for 8 million gold?


it’s an awful system, Pay To Win kinda of system

I just wonder sometime why would they do this, they know we hated TF, than they come up with a replacement that is 100 times worse than TF

at this point I think they just made that system to squeeze as much money from the players as they possibly can since it’s finally the end of BFA crises


Just LOL @ those nolifers then, if they wanna spend 1k Eur to have 5k more DPS than you, let them do it? I bet there’s like 10 ppl like that in whole wow player base.

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nope, a lot of players are actually buying those to be relevant, it’s shocking i know, but they are kinda forced to stay competitive

whenever you take a look at the AH for the best corruption, they are getting sold in seconds dude

I made a million gold by just selling 2 pieces of not even the best corruption, its versatility related corruption

I wouldn’t say it’s an issue if someone outperforms you.

Isn’t the best way to check your own performance to see how well you did compared to your expected sim dps?

If you do 100% or even more than your sim dps on a boss fight (such as Maut or Shad’har for example) you can be pretty sure you’re in 99-100th percentile, as you’re performing the absolute highest performance level your character can provide with it’s given gear.

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Afaik Mythic raids were cleared long ago, whomever wanted to be “competitive” is too late now.

Or they wanna be competitive clearing highest possible M+ keys? Will if you check rio, the same people are the top again this season, with or without corruptions.

So what im trying to say, let the people who have delusions about “winning” at WoW do their thing and spend their money, it won’t affect you, or all of us, in any way.

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The issue here is the way in someone is outperforming me, not just that someone is outperforming me, thatd be weird to complain about. The way is the paytowin corruption items atm, and the incredible luck needed with todays amount of layers of RNG.

Welcome to WoW, bring the corruption not the player.

Too much RNG, its pretty demoralising when you get no procs, arena is the same.


I get what you are coming from

but for some competitive players out there they get the satisfaction of being top dps based on skill alone

example, if i’m playing rogue, and have another rogue in the dungeon with me, but the only difference is that guy has BiS corruption and i don’t, which allow him to out perform me just because of random auto generated procs

you might not feel that way and its fine, but not everybody is the same

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Doesn’t Corruption effect RNG bork that entirely, though? In one of his recent vids, Preach noted that his gear can do 40% to 50% of his damage, and that depends on whatever dicerolls the server decides to proc, completely independent of what the player does.

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Yeah I get you, but when I check the dps meter and see that it was twilight devastation or whatever, that put them ahead, I’m like “oh, he’s doing so much only bcos of that corruption, ok whatever”. You’re right, I’m having a different way of seeing those things…

What’s bothering me more are DKs with their 500k aoe dps on big pulls or Demon Hunters, which are unreachable even with twilight devastation (which I do have). Those things are giving me a “that sh1t is broken” feeling.

yup, i feel the same way

but DKs don’t bother me a much as DH does, DK has some complexity at least, unlike DH where all you need is 2 clicks on Demon’s Bite to generate enough focus to Beam and you could go from 0 dps to top dps in a second

i hope thy add complexity to it in shadowlands