Unpopular opinion

Blizzard don’t need to use our money for a good game.

They can do whatever they want, if we as a paying customer doesn’t like it. Then you are free to stop paying them.

Racism & oppresion are 2 different things. Even the most liberal left person would say that being racist can come from any ethnic back ground. What you are talking about is Systemic racism which is something else entirely.

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Then go do a research yourself. But all what I listed is a truth :

  • For a minority blacks commit far more crimes than whites
  • despite of that police shot more whites than blacks for commiting exact same stuff, so if anything it shows that american police is far less restrained to commit brutality against whites than blacks
  • among records the most crimes commited by blacks are commited against other blacks.
  • read bio about founder /idol of BLM it’s a true criminal who wanted to assault police. And some people of that commuity are actually a true racists themselves that want to spread violence.

So it pretty much shows what a farce this movement is.

  • if they really believed that black lives matter why they don’t follow with their own example and stop attacking themselves and instead try to form community to help each other?
  • if they are against police brutality then why they’re limiting it to black opression when whites are getting exact same treatment, if not worse? And not just whites but latinos and other minorities.
  • if they’re about improvement of economic problems then they surely don’t talk about it, sorry money doesn’t fall from the sky to obtain it people need to work. And poverty is not excuse for violence.
  • the rioters demolished plenty of shops which were livehood of many people, small businesses that were also ran by blacks.

Some states are so poor that I saw how dentists all around the country rent one gym in one of said states and for some time treated people pro bono because they knew they couldn’t afford such services.
I saw plenty of whites there going for help.

Poverty is not exclusive to blacks, and I think assuming that majority of them are poor is imo the ironically racist.

Kinda reminds me of one street review where in college campus journalist was asking if online voting should be implemented - and majority of those people said no, because minorities could be too poor to afford internet or wouldn’t know how to do that. Meaning that people of universities the community that is supposedly the most vocal about support to various minorities think that they are too poor or too dumb to access and use internet.

I think that the person that actually fights to improve lives of blacks is Candance Owens, that woman is absolutely amazing, she doesn’t sugar coat anything and I believe that people like her will finally make a change. I obviously want for everyone to live a decent life but pretending that certain problems don’t exist is not a way to actually adress the problem.

Which again brings me back to original point - gaming company shouldn’t get involved in stuff like that. It’s not their scope and not their business and they have nothing to do with foreign’s country politics.
And it’s even more upsetting that for it entire world has to wait.


Ah the typical bs talking points white supremacists like to use aswell. Imagine not understanding statistics either. Black people are far more likely to be shot by police than white people, that is a fact. And here’s another fact, most crimes committed by whites are against other whites. Black on black crime doesn’t diminish the reality of racist police brutality, no matter how hard you alt-reichers try to distort the facts.

Crime rates amongst people who are poor are far higher than those who are not, and is irrelevant of skin colour. Black people live in poverty way more than white people. Ofcourse people like you like to link skin colour to it though.

" In 2019 [data of all police killings in the country] compiled by Mapping Police Violence, black Americans were nearly three times more likely to die from police than white Americans. Other statistics showed that black Americans were nearly one-and-a-half times more likely" source statistadotcom (now allowed to post links)

But please continue your ignorant crusade for all those white people who clearly have it so much worse.

I am not white supremacist, never was and never will be. I just hate spreading of misinformation, so more people would jump on hysteria bandwagon.

Stastics shows that more whites are shot by the police, because police is too afraid to shoot black man to be accused of being racist.

Your post is full of nonsense that has nothing to do with reality, police brutality in USA is exact same for everybody, nobody is picking on blacks on purpose. But the fact is that most crimes are commited by black community. So black themselves has todo something to address it.

But sure go ahead and dismiss it, throw some buzz words that are trending to pretend it doesn’t exist.

I’m not living in America, I’m living here in Europe and I am not swallowed by the mass hysteria that is recently taking over people, because I have a comfort of looking at it from fair distance.
I am interested in facts and merits.


Oh really " In 2019 [data of all police killings in the country] compiled by Mapping Police Violence, black Americans were nearly three times more likely to die from police than white Americans. Other statistics showed that black Americans were nearly one-and-a-half times more likely" source statistadotcom (now allowed to post links)

Please continue to stick your head in the sand and stay ignorant.

Statistics like this one :


Have a good day.


Thanks for showing once again that you don’t understand the statistics one single bit. Perhabs you should come back when you finally understand how those numbers relate to a certain demographic percentage wise. Are you really this stupid?

You have provided absolutely zero evidence yourself. You post nonsense that isn’t backed up by anything and then insult me for showing that your claims are pure baseless fallacy.

I’m done talking with you.


Lmfao, ignorance is bliss. You might want to invest in some glasses aswell since you clearly can’t read.

Have fun trying your best to misrepresent statistics to downplay systematic racism, either on purpose or because you are too dumb to understand them and stay ignorant. Its thanks to people like you stuff never changes.

Can both sides please stop this now?
This has gone beyond stupid.
This is the EU wow forums. Not the US crime statistics forums.

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There is no systematic racism in statistics. Fact is that more crimes are commited by blacks, and yet more whites are shot. If there is a racism in police, then it’s not directled against blacks if they have much less ratio of death for commiting more crimes.

And stuff won’t change because of the people like you who are all like “LALALALA I CANNOT HEAR YOU YA BIGGIT” when they’re hit by evidence they just don’t like.

Fact is that Americans need to deal with police brutality themselves on admistrative level, and blacks themselves needs to start to work on decreasing crime rates. It’s a two way street.


Ah yes, the typical go-to for your types. So what? Now you called him a white supremacist, even if nothing in his statement reflects that? Gonna get him banned next?


You are such an ignorant clown. I would also suggest you try to read your own links.

Here, let me help you, from your own link:

“Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 506 civilians having been shot, 105 of whom were Black, as of June 30, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004. Additionally, the [rate of fatal police shootings] among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 31 fatal shootings per million of the population as of June 2020.

Not only are you not able to understand the statistics you have posted, you haven’t even read it. Keep up the good work.

Maybe you should stop acting like childish clown yourself because that quote is not at any point contradicting what I was saying.
The numbers are not lying, so far overall more whites were shot by large margin, and the fact remains that police brutality is not a racism issue. It’s burtality itself that is the issue.

And even if police brutality will be addressed there is a black crime rate that needs to be addressed.

which brings me back to my original point - this is not a business of gaming company.


Apprently if you say BLM and then make a false claim then someone calls you out on it they are white supremacist.

I seen a white supremacist eat Mcdonalds once so everyone that likes mcdonalds is a white supremacist.


You have got to be the most dense person in this whole thread. It clearly says in your own link that black people getting killed by police far more than any ethnicity. Imagine being so incredibly stupid that you don’t understand how the numbers relate to a certain population. Do you even understand how percentages work?

Please continue with your pathetic crusade of downplaying systematic racism, if that makes you feel any better. Ignorance is bliss.

Did you read what he wrote? You’re looking at per population but aren’t looking at crime rates, The police are encountering black people more because of the crime rates. You aren’t comparing the rate the police are encountering people, News flash most people who have been shot have commited some sort of a crime. Do most of them deserve to have died ? no not at all, As he said it’s American police firing to easy. That’s the issue. You honestly think a police officer wakes up in the morning and thinks “Todays a good day to shoot someone black”


Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed to give it more work and polishing. It’s a usefull coincidence that BLM protests happen at a similar time.

I specifically mentioned that %wise black crime was higher. So rape and other cases are not serious crimes then, learned something new here today. You’re the one cherry picking here from the whole list, you said black crime rates were higher and as such police would encounter black people more often, which is demonstrably false.

In case you didn’t notice, you get shot all the time there where there isn’t even a crime involved. Being black you are ~3x more likely to die from the police.

And no, I never said we should judge white people because of the actions of a few, what I did say was that people should acknowledge that there is systematic racism and it should not be ignored or downplayed. It is a huge problem.

Black racism towards white people should be equally addressed.