Unpopular opinion

You got any Eire, Scottish or Welsh relatives…probably time to have a chat about cultural suppression… friend of mine’s Grandmother was regularly beaten in school, for speaking Welsh with her friends… kinda puts Elahri’s complaints about not being taught Finnish because she is Swedish and her parents were too busy, in perspective.

Tá beagán Gaeilge agam.

Classic whataboutism. Your friend’s grandmother’s treatment in school does not mean Elahri (or indeed those of Finnish heritage in Sweden) do not have similar experiences. I don’t pretend to know, and neither should you.

Well done, you linked to the UN Human Rights Charter… now, rub walnut skins onto your face and hands, adopt African clothing and name, while speaking Swedish badly…then see if you are treated better or worse than a white Swedish/slightly Finnish looking person.

Except Elahri told us…

And Elahri’s personal experiences are representative of all Swedes with Finish heritage?

I don’t think that’s a line of argument you want to go down.

That was the case for a lot of country, for example my father and his mother that were shunned and my father beaten because he is Italian and well, central europe really didn’t like latins in the past.

But still, it looks like you really want to deny struggles other minorities get just because they are not “people of color”(If I understood correctly your answer to me, sorry if it isn’t, I still didn’t sleep yet ) or something like that. Why are you trying to hard to deny everything Elahri is saying ?

Ní féidir liom Gaeilge a labhairt… colonist or native?

I don’t have any experience like that because they flat out refused to let us study Finnish. What little I knew faded due to lack of exposure and practice. I can’t even speak to older relatives, because they only speak Finnish.

You tried. :slight_smile: Native.

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Well, if you were not being encouraged by your parents and you were living in, and are a national of, Sweden… I kinda see why they focused on Swedish, rather than Finnish… ever thought of just taking it up again?.. rather than waiting to be ordered to study Finnish, by the Swedish government?

I don’t think you understand just how complex Finnish is. If I had developed and practiced it when I was a kid, it wouldn’t be a problem but they denied me that.

In which case, apologies for, well everything.

I don’t want your apologies for something I wasn’t born to experience (bar the IRA bombings) nor something I doubt you partook in. Because that’s pointless.

Anyways, I’m off to work. Slán. Bye.

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Very, by all accounts… still think your parents may secretly have been concerned that teaching you Finnish at home might make your life more complicated, in ways other than linguistics.

Pizza at 8 am ? you’re a demon D:


Owning your national history, including the unsavoury parts, they tend to skate over in the history lessons in school, hopefully means avoiding a repetition… there is considerably too much culturally imperialistic bombast coming out of Downing Street at the moment, if there was to be one highlight of what is otherwise probably going to be a disaster of truly epic proportions in 2021, it would be Ireland reunified.

I am not trying to deny everything…what concerns me is the consistent recycling of variations on the ‘All Lives Matter’ theme from countries where white privilege very definitely does exist. It smacks of ‘Straight Pride’ and ‘Men’s Rights’ all of which attract a very similar Right-wing cadre of supporters… and none of which were an issue, until after people started campaigning for equality…

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Well, as for everything, there will be some extremes that’ll try to overshadow things sadly. But I don’t think that was the purpose of Elahri at all.

If someone is trying to stab me, hit me with a bat or a tire iron despite me otherwise just having a calm talk. Yes, I am going to use violence.

I am not going to use violence as a political tool, to intimidate, cause terror or burn property of other totally innocent and not-involved people.

I understand why some might feel the need to do so, because they are not otherwise heard by the decision makers, potentially. But it does not get them the attention they want, nor the sympathy they want. As I mentioned, they tend to destroy the personal property of completely unrelated parties.

I do see a difference in violence for self-defense, and then just wanton destruction. I can tolerate the former… to an extend, the latter I will never tolerate.

No… I am basically saying what you explained yourself.

The party was lying to gain support.

I can tell you that we have an idea.
And that we absolutely hate the radicals on both ends of the political spectrum. Both sides are annoying and pollutes the political climate