Unpopular opinion

Not really, but you can go into their forum profile and see the topiccs and comments they make, closest to following i guess :joy:

I would go so far as to say most organisations do this with whatever the ‘current’ movement is. It is always down to PR and to be seen as being PC.

For me personally, I would say that we as individuals should fight instead for one thing, that ALL people should be treated the same.


You might have gotten me wrong though, but i do agree.

When i mean a “organization” i mean some like Antifa have hijacked the current world situation movements and those that have hijacked it are the ones that are being violent and not helping the actual movement at all.

Again i blame the Americans xD

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Then yes I did misunderstand you, I apologise :slight_smile:

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I’ve thought this as well.

When you say “Black Lives Matter” to a US audience, most of them probably think of police brutality against black people, although I think a larger and larger group of people now think of iconoclasm and riots and CHAZ as well. I wouldn’t want to associate my company with any of that, personally. Saying “Black Lives Matter” before all that hateful garbage happened - fine. All decent people support the rights of blacks. Saying it now? Well, we can all make fine points in conversation, but that’s a little bit harder when done like this.

And apparently Black Lives Matter, but Hong Kong’s freedoms obviously don’t.

But worse still, over here in Europe, the leader of BLM Denmark is hilariously racist. I mean full on black supremacy. And both here and in the UK, we don’t have police brutality problems in general, let alone against blacks, so all we see are racists hitting the police for no good reason.

So yeah… please stop. I support the rights of blacks to not get beaten up or treated poorly by police, but saying the exact words “Black Lives Matter” carries a lot of baggage that isn’t that, too. For example you’re also saying you’re against nuclear families…


It’s so refreshing to see bright people like you that see through the lies and propaganda here. Some of you guys give me hope :slight_smile:


It’s their money, you pay them for service so you can forget about that.

I’m divided here, from one perspective i don’t want gaming world to be mixed with political things, but from the other we can’t forbid companies to do what they want, they may lose subs, but we don’t own Blizzard to not let them do that.


Agreed. And honestly, I think they mean that police brutality is bad and that blacks are suffering disproportionately. I choose to believe that. I don’t think Blizzard are against nuclear families or want to destroy monuments to Lincoln.

But not everyone’s gonna understand that.

So I encourage them to be careful. That’s all.

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does anyone else feel like their opinion on the matter is gagged due to the fear of being slapped with the ‘you’re racist’ tar brush?
I believe all people should be treated equally, that’s true - but I no longer support that movement because they’re desecrating epitaphs, etc


I was so proud of the EU forums for staying out of this flame war regardless of sides people take.
We came so close…

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A video game company should stay out of anything or not even mention stuff that is Social Media related.

My 2 cents.


Governments are never going to be impartial and neutral. I have no idea why you would think that at all. Every single government has left or right wing direction.




Absolutely, and so do the companies, and that’s sad :c

And of course they have free will jo join in if they want to.

lol this thread is actually a nice one, alot of the others have been delisted xD

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When was the last time a profit driven company made an ethical/principal choice against their own interest? This is capitalism, don’t expect any white knights from that corner of humanity - they’re ultra rare.

The BLM support is pretty harmless, though. That isn’t a political thing, despite the US making it into one. It’s a cultural thing in the roots.

Agreed, but companies will get roped into these issues without intention. Even if they do not jump on the problem, the problem will jump on them at some point - so you better act before the criticism. It’s crap that it’s necessary, but in this PC world, that’s how things are.


BLM isn’t political, it’s basic human rights.

stop trying to read more into it. also blizzard is a US company and them showing support for BLM is so important.


We know, but its been hijacked by other people like Antifa which made it violent and unpleasant.

And cancel culture aint helping either, were saying that some companies would truly feel pressured into giving into some public opinions.

If you pick team red, and lost of your players like team blue. Those team blue players just might stop giving you money because they don’t want it in the hands of team red.

Companies should concern themselves with good products / services for a good price. To donate to any movements / causes is to play with fire.

Everyone might be kinda complacent when they donate to LGBT stuff or Kids charities, but they’d lose their damn mind if they donated to a political campaign, specifically the orange bad man.

If you’re ok with them donating to say, Trans March or Biden, then you should not be opposed to them donating to say, Anti-Abortion movements or Trump. If you’re ok with one and not the other, you’re a hypocrite. I’d rather they didn;t donate as a company. If individuals in the company want to donate to a cause they personally beleive in, go for it man and I hope it does good in the world. To tie the comapny to an agenda / stance / movement is a bad idea.

And while I am saying ‘You’ in a direct reply, the ‘You’ is for anyone reading this.


I totally agree if they were donating to either the Republican or Democratic campaign which is purely politics. In this case though I would argue that while political in nature donating to BLM isn’t politically motivated.

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um the examples you have given are light or day. it doesn’t make you a hypocrite if you don’t agree with a company donating to anti-human rights organizations while supporting those who donate to the right cause.

just how thick can people be? lol