Unpopular opinion

Truly i dont care what goes on in america, but it has turned political there.

Have you read their website? They straight up admit they are a Marxist org and want to get rid of the nuclear family.
BLM doesn’t care about black lives unless a white person was involved in ending it, they care about white action, not black lives.
And naming themselves ‘Black Lives Matter’ was a smart move, because, and I’ll break this down for oyu, you can’t say you’re against them without sounding racist.

Do actual black lives matter, as in black people walking about just going through life? Damn straight they do, of course they do, to suggest otherwise is insane.

Do i support BLM the org? No I do not. Anything that wants to unmake the nuclear family, and upend democary for marxism is not a good thing. Top this off with BLM protestors demanding people stop saying all lives matter? They can all get in the sea.


sorry bud, conspiracy theories aren’t my thing. take the tinfoil hat off.

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Which thing did I list that was anti-human rights? Who decides if the cause is right or wrong? You literally play warcraft, a game about perspective and yet the solipsim you display here of ‘well what i like has to be right’ is staggering.

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You mean white people that hijack the movement, break things and start riots? Or the Black people that have enough of the oppression of white people and tried peaceful approaches that didn’t work? Also, doesn’t seem like even 10% is rioting and looting. I’m not from the USA and media reporting is poorly done. From what I can see the vast majority is peaceful.

“Cancel culture” is just boycotting, it’s nothing new, your parents probably did it at some point, you probably did it at some point. “PC culture” is a right wing dogwhistle for not wanting to “give in” to minorities that are fighting for equal rights.

Governments are the definition of politics and political movements.

Again, you’re basing your opinions on something that’s not the current state. And again, peaceful protests don’t work. Remember when they kneeled? How much did that help? Remember those peaceful protests that received full police aggression? The vast majority of BLM is peaceful, except you don’t want to focus on that.

They have not been donating to a criminal organization :roll_eyes: They haven’t even been donating to BLM directly. BLM is a global movement to support and fight for Black lives. There are dozens, if not hundreds of ways to support Black lives. There are hundreds of different organizations that help Black people, this is what Blizzard donated to.

Antifa is not an organization. Antifa comes from “Antifaschistische Aktion” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion. If you think they “hijacked” movements, then you seem to be into conspiracy theories. Being anti-fascist is a good thing, it’s an idea, not a movement. Antifa has no leader, it has no membership.

Nobody said that. People are still fighting for Hong Kong, especially Australia and New Zealand by offering ease of access to their countries are moving there. Blizzard can’t do this, the USA would have to do this on National level. Do you think the USA would ever do that?

Black people are racially profiled in the majority of EU countries, especially the UK. Police brutality might not be as bad as in the US, it’s still there. It might not happen as frequently, it’s still there.

Shame to see how many people believe in conspiracy theories on these forums.

If you start calling support for diversity “political correctness” or just “politics”, then yes, gaming gets mixed with politics. Besides of gaming always being politics up to a certain degree.

A video game company should do all that’s within their power to help minorities. Racism, Xenophobia, hate against LGBTQ+, hate against people with disabilities etc are a big thing in-game as well.

This :point_up:

It isn’t “hijacked” by Antifa, nothing wrong being anti-fascist. As a matter of fact, being against Antifa is wrong because it means you’re anti-anti-fascist.

As I mentioned before, cancel culture is boycotting. People that don’t agree with you, will boycott.

In fact, you’re wrong. You can oppose a company for supporting a certain movement. You’re 100% allowed to disagree and stop using their services.

Not all lives matter until black lives matter. You really don’t get it, do you?


They do it because its trendy and thats also the reason why most people who have no idea what they’re talking about in terms of politics take a strong stand on these things and thats because it’s a popular opinion and they want to tell everyone so they can get a pat on the shoulder for being a “good” human being. And it’s hilarious how companies facebook page in the middle east for example doesnt have a pride logo but of course it has in EU/NA so it’s just about money at the end of the day, the real idiots are the ones who support them without questioning anything.

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You are absolutelty right mate but nowadays companies think they can dictate morality, change society based on what fits them and even rule the world


I just don’t want for my journey in Azeroth to be interrupted by real life events, got it?


Blizzard did when they banned Blitzcheung, then saying “Don’t get political”, only for then to immediately flip around on their heel and declare a political stance on LGBT rights and black people.

Now, I support the rights of all 3 of those groups, but the double-standard was astonishing. Blizzard had to apologise for it.

I’ve seen little evidence of this, but if it is happening, it should stop. It won’t stop by assaulting 13 police officers though.

The reason they’re disproportionately targeted is that they’re disproportionally in London, which has a high crime rate. There’s a list of police killings on Wikipedia.

And as for Denmark: Bwalya Sørensen. Look her up. Disgusting woman. There is nothing happening here that can justify what she’s doing.


Hehe hes Sam Serious Sam XD.

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Partial quoting, how cool. “Not all lives matter until Black lives matter”.

I have an ideology, one where white people are not oppressors.

It’s 100% boycotting with a fancy name so people can cry about it and blame it on “political correctness”.

It literally means anti-fascist. You’re a special kind of dumb.

I’m paying a lot of attention and I’m not seeing riots. If this would be the case, America would be in a civil war right now.

Me neither, until someone starts using slurs because of my sexuality, gender, abilities etc. We’re players, real people. Real life will always have an effect in games.

That’s the Chinese version of blizzard, not the US one afaik. And yes, I highly disagree with the initial ban.

It is happening, Black (and non-whites) are reporting this.

Initially Blizzard HQ backed them up. Got an internal revolt over it and lots of negative media attention, then they changed stance.

Mhm. Interesting. Statistics don’t report it.

And by the way, don’t ask me to translate Bwalya’s comments to English. I can’t - half the words she uses are censored on this forum.

She also asked white people to not attend a BLM demonstration and blocked an Amnesty International demonstration for black’s equality on that same day.

Actually, I’ll try one:
What I hear when Blizzard says “Black lives matter” is also “You satanic, infected snake! You disgusting n*** s***!” about a Danish politician but in a private facebook message to her followers, where she also encouraged attacking her directly. It got leaked.

I don’t like associating Blizzard with that.

Was waiting for this.

"they cant be the BAD GUY their name is literally ANTI-BAD GUY, so everything they do is justified’


A fair. I just remember blizzard employees going on strike because of the decision made. Must’ve been the top alone deciding this .

Bias in reporting. I know of several incidents in the Netherlands where people have died due to police violence. I’ve also very recently seen videos come by from the UK where Black people were targeted by the police. The UK media is currently flooding with other stuff, so it doesn’t surprise me that this doesn’t make it.

I won’t let the idea of Black Lives Matter get ruined because of a few (extremist) individuals.

I’m antifascist. So yes, if you’re against Antifascists, you’re part of the problem because you enable fascism.

That’s the organisation’s leader in Denmark. And she’s still the leader.

We have those extremists in the Netherlands as well, freedom of speech protects them. They don’t have freedom of consequences, though some here will cry “cancel culture” straight away :eyes:

Ah. All good then. BLM should continue supporting her and paying her wages because other people are also bad.


Honestly, I cba anymore. I’m outta the thread.


Ofc it is and it is what make it so disgusting because it feels and rightfully so insincere and that they are just surfing on the wave to be PC and anyone can see it a mile away.

While in the meantime they quickly dropped the baby with water bath for the china situation : please don’t punish us, we’re on your side, we’ll do whatever you want !

When if they did truely care about it they woud have done something about it since a long time by now.

They are still not gonna get my money, not buying that waste material they call an x-pack and no i put the form but i pay my 13 euros so i got the right to say it politely !

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Careful, people will tell you that you’re part of cancel culture.

I am infact against fascism, even when it tries to play silly buggers and call itself anti-fascism.