Unpopular Opinions

This is quite what I had in mind. Cheers!


This is usually what they are yes. More often or not they subscribe to some poorly construed “lore” that is more accurately defined as speculation influenced by their own player biases. Said players may actively identify with certain socio-political ideas and attempt to project them into their roleplay with some flimsy, paper-thin justification - look to Void Elf lynchings/Scarlet roleplay for one of the most obvious examples.

If it is elitist to exclude said persons from your roleplay - who are actively damaging to the net good of a community then by all means do so, it is not elitist to want to preserve your own enjoyment.
There are folks on this server who relish in ruining other peoples (all same subscription paid) enjoyment purely because of said above real world socio-political projection into the game.
At this stage it’s not even the character I particularly have a fault with - that can be worked on and accommodated. It’s the player that usually cannot be worked with due to their incompatible nature with others.

Yes, this exactly. Its stupid to think all races act a specific way, I feel like people think that subconsciously, so thats why they go for a Human so they can’t be wrong.

I was actually thinking of making an Orc bard in some DnD session or something where his noble family was cursed to breed an Orc and his family rejects him, he would speak in a posh dialect, but he still has Orc blood so when he can get pissed, but he would then apologies immediately afterwards.

If I were to make this character I doubt the rp community would be fond of it.

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I despise elitism and think it shouldn’t exist. Some elitism aka ignoring lollers is fine… but ignoring “bdrp” is just meh, I don’t like it.

What’s wrong with having standards? Why would I be obligated to interact with someone who is clearly completely incapable of making my experience with him anything but unpleasant?


I mean COME ON.

Not saying what I’m saying has to be, but eh, giving people a chance is nicer I think. I used to be damn elitist after having a rough time of ‘elitists’ giving me hassle, trolling me, sending me abuse etc and then I got over that silly phase and now RP for fun instead of for… well, perfection. I still keep my own characters lore friendly to the best of my ability but I won’t ignore someone just because their character ain’t perfect.

And what’s the issue Elenthas? I shouldn’t have said some “elitism”, i should’ve worded that differnet. Stop nitpicking jfc.

Pointing out that you’re instantly disagreeing with your own point isn’t nitpicking, it’s simply calling attention to a rather blatant flaw in the structure of your post. Though I must say I am glad that you at least acknowledge that it could’ve been worded better.

I give everyone a chance, it’s just really rare for me to give someone a second chance unless I’m aware that they’re very new to RP.

If I don’t enjoy my RP with someone due to them simply RPing lorebreaking/mega-cliché/boring concepts, I’m probably gonna make something of an effort to avoid further interaction with them.

I prefer enjoying my hobbies, crazy as that might be.


Understandable. If you don’t enjoy someone’s rp that’s fine. My dislike is to the whole “I am so elitist I won’t give people a chance” - I never had a chance and know how it feels… It feels horrible.

Ah, that explains the confusion.

See, that’s not elitism.
That’s called being a four-lettered-C-word that I’m probably not allowed to say.

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tbf I see it as elitism cause most ‘elitists’ will claim to be ‘lore perfect’, so when they see a simple flaw they’re all “I will ignore that person!” / “I will harass them!” in some cases. But yea, c word applies.

I think there’s two types of elitism for us all to think about:

  • C word type.
  • To better one’s experience while giving people a chance at least once?

I only hate the first. The second I don’t mind. I personally don’t enjoy child RP so will avoid it, but not ignore it if approached.

  1. Legion wasn’t a great expansion

  2. Hero classes are stupid (by extension: demon hunters are also stupid)

  3. Blizzard should just outright remove flying in future expansions and then remove it from almost all zones, so that you can only fly in the zones that require it (deepholm and the whole of outland)

  4. Tirion was a douchbag.

Explain please.

tl;dr - having standards =/= elitism and sometimes people mistakenly conflate them into being the same thing

It is mostly based on how he acts in the argent tournament

for one when you do the pvp fight, he approves of it at first, but when you defeat the enemy factions champions he starts talking smack like, we shouldn’t fight and it is so sad we have to kill each other when the real enemy is just around the cornor.

Then when you have to fight the memelord of the burning legion, that the gnome summons, he seems okay with it at first I mean after all he allowed him to summon a fighter for the heros, but yet again he talks mad smack after the fight and pretty much uses the tragic death of a warlock to promote anti warlock views by saying, this is why warlocks are bad and you should use the light instead mmkay.

Needless to say, i’m glad that he is dead

Maybe he expected you to defeat your opponents but spare them (as you did with Eadric/Paletress). Defeating them as part of the contest is one thing, killing them all is quite another.

The gnome announced that he would summon a doomguard, who are usually far less catastrophic than eredar lords and far easier to contain. For example, doomguard rarely begin to summon more of their kind in the way that Jaraxxus did.

First of all, about the gnome
Even if he did summon the wrong demon, using his death to promote anti-warlock views is still a duchbag move regardless of reason

He used the gnomes death to further create a gap between warlocks and everyone else, and that is not okay.

secondly, about the faction champions.
If he didn’t want us to kill each other he should have stopped the fight before all of them were dead

either he didn’t have a lick of control over what happens in the ring or he just used it to promote argent crusade propaganda.

Yeah I can’t believe Tirion would use the example of a warlock losing control as a very reasonable warning about toying with powers beyond your control and the dangers of doing so.

What a complete toaster he is.


You start your own quoted post out really well with saying that elitism and “having standards” are interchangable, highly subjective terms that depend on point of view, then you misquote yourself (???) and claim that they aren’t the same thing and are mistakenly conflated into being the same thing.
Am I misreading you here?

I think you had the right of it the first time around, as you can’t define elitism as an objective term without defining an objective tolerable interval of standards, with elitists being those individuals who exceed that interval, having or demanding higher standards than what is reasonable (which is of course highly subjective).

We all have standards, and they’ll always be considered elitist by someone and they’ll always be in their full right to consider them so.

I am not saying he is wrong about it
I am saying the way he said it made him look like a turd

Rather than make a general warning about being arrogant and the dangers of getting drunk on power he uses the death to single out warlocks.