Unpopular Opinions

He’s a paladin, ofc he’s gon’ crap on warlocks

i see some people saying they didn’t like pandaria earlier in the thread

you are wrong

pandaria was one of the best expansions and if you think that’s wrong then hit me up and we’ll mak’gora this out


Oh, does Tirion’s anti-warlock views make you mad? could you say you are annoyed? maybe even irritated?

What’s the reasoning behind these two? If anything, I’d argue that flight should be available as soon as you’re done with the story somewhere. The grind is annoying enough without proper tools for navigation. Aside from that, DK and DH are pretty much the only interesting classes as far as lore goes.

gimme a time and location, chinese bears have terrible aesthetic and it drags the entire expansion down into the mud.

take it back… take it back!!!

Don’t worry, Tehya is just AD’s own mad uncle in the attic.

Sometimes they garble a bit of nonsense and scare the kids, but it’s just the way it is.



We need more information

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Legion was a bad expansion.

The Legion kicks in the front door, kills the leaders of BOTH factions, summons a huge army of badasses, then practically disappears from the overworld for 2 raid tiers, leaving us to fight a bunch of nameless mooks and corrupted vikings/cows/elves. By the time the Legion shows back up we’re back on our feet, defeat them easily in the single place they choose to invade (unlike before where they were able to invade basically everywhere), then we actually invade THEIR homeworld, and unlike them, we actually follow through and completely destroy them.

We defeat the Burning Legion so quickly and easily it’s really surprising they managed to almost destroy the world twice before, and Sargeras shows up all of ONE TIME in the expansion.

What is more, Legion also had bad world design. The Broken Isles really feel like they were stitched together from leftover zones. Azjuna is a mess with some nice little areas but no real direction to the zone, like Blizzard weren’t sure what to do with it, so it’s the Demon Hunter, Blue Dragon, and Ghost Elf/Naga zone… because that’s cohesive.

Val’shara is nice but it’s crazy hard to navigate because of how the whole zone is designed to funnel the player along a single pre-defined story path (a story where Malfurion acts like an angry teenager and runs off to 1v1 Xavius for some reason and then Ysera shows up to get stabbed because the tear of elune actually has no place in the story other than being used for that specific purpose so what was the plan if Ysera didn’t show up alone and dive-bomb Xavius like a moron?.. also what is it with Blizzard and female characters diving directly into their own deaths? Sylvanas much? Either way, MASSIVE waste of a character just to make people feel sad and have the mcguffin be relevant.)

Highmountain and Stormheim have basically NOTHING to do with the other zones. Topographically they’re from entirely different climates from the more mediterranian zones we’ve seen thus-far, narratively they’re both self-contained into “Oh no, a disposable villain of the week wants the mcguffin!”

Suramar was far and away the best zone Blizzard have ever put together and I reckon if people didn’t spend so much time in Suramar they would have had a much sourer taste of Legion overall.

Also, the Order Halls over-homogenised the various class orders like with the Paladins and trivialised the characters within. They aren’t all bad and the Death Knight order Hall easily had the best storyline in Legion, but the concept was otherwise pretty poorly handled.


If you think I’m willing to make the effort to edit ‘He’ and ‘His’ there you underestimate my laziness.

If you pay attention to the story of the zones and how they are structured, you will easily realize that Azsuna is the starting zone of Broken Isles (even though you can technically do them in any order). Therefore, if you look at it through these lens, it´s actually perfect, because it acts as an introduction to the continent.
We start with storyline about demon hunters, new playable class and about fight against the Legion.
Then we move onto storyline which introduces Nightfallen.
We also have storyline about ship from Sylvanas´s fleet which leads into Stormheim.
And then there is classic “retrieve Pillar of Creation” storyline.

About 1/3 of the zone is used for Malfurion/Tyrande storyline.

Stormheim introduces Odyn and Helya and is also about Greymane and Sylvanas. Guuuhd Kuuung Skooooovuuuuld is actually pretty minor character here and most of the story is about player character proving themselves to obtain the Aegis. Reducing Stormheim to “mcguffin quest” is doing the zone a disservice.
Highmountain, while self-contained and easily the least important Broken Isles zone, is more about reuniting the tribes to face common enemy than about said enemy wanting the mcguffin (because he already got it and is using it).

Plus, when it comes to topography, complaining about Broken Isles seems pretty weird when taken in context of entire WoW (where we go from forest to tropical jungle). Not to mention that your analysis of Broken Isles is wrong, they aren´t Mediterranean, they are your ordinary lush, green forests (reddish when it comes to Suramar, but whatever). On top of that, Stormheim is facing north and is in higher altitude, so being colder than the other 3 is not a big stretch.
Highmountain is a high mountain. Hint is in the name. High mountains are cold even if surrounding areas are warm.

You’re slightly misreading me, though equally that might be because I typed my tldr while distracted playing a game.

I didn’t say they were interchangable, only that people have different interpretations of what qualifies as each.

They should’ve used more phasing tech in Zandalar and Kul Tiras. For example, areas like the Zanchul and Tidesage Monastery in the capitals should’ve been phased to be friendly after the quests there were completed. Same with places like Tal’farrak and Tal’aman. No reason to have them filled with hostile mobs for all eternity.


Definitely agree with that.
If you have standards you’ll always run the risk of someone thinking you’re elitist, but then again, why should that matter to you.

This was done extensively in MoP and Blizzard got a lot of flak for it. It’s probably why the phasing is done less crazily this expansion.

Hard agree.

They very much managed to undersell the Burning Legion as a dangerous enemy (as they did with the Iron Horde before), and it’s most definitely a fault of the enemy-of-the-expansion design, that more or less dictates that we defeat our enemy at the end of the expansion.

The lack of Burning Legion presence throughout the leveling, isolating them to the Broken Shore and a few hubs in some of the Broken Isles zones didn’t help either. They were an absent villain for much of the expansion, which diminished the immediate feeling of their threat.

Then on top of that, the amount of fallout from the Legion invasion was summed up in losing Varian, Vol’jin and Tirion along with a bunch of unnamed soldiers.
While Blizzard continuously told us that this was the “biggest Legion invasion ever” and that the stakes had never been higher, it sure didn’t feel that way, when in former Legion invasions the Legion quickly blanketed the known world, destroyed kingdoms, sundered continents and changed the world order, and this time they were just scowling menacingly on some islands.

It boils down to Blizzard never being able to fulfill the “show don’t tell” mantra. We’re told how bad the Legion is, and how we’re losing on all fronts, but we’re never really shown it. And so the Burning Legion seems overly tame in the Legion expansion.

And then at the end of it we defeat them. Why?
What changed from the last time to now? The Horde and Alliance were sundered by war and mistrust even fighting eachother simultaneously as they fought the Legion.
Sure, some adventurers had uncovered some shiny weapons. Is that really all that it took? Twelve heroes uncovering twelve strong weapons and taking the battle to Argus?
Several of those “magically strong artifacts” were already in the hands of the Legion after they’d been unsuccesfully used against them before.

So what exactly changed this time that made it possible for the Burning Legion to be defeated? It just seems so convoluted and convenient that this invasion in this expansion had to be their “last” (until Blizzard pulls them out of storage again for WoW: Invasion - the Re-Legioning).


They should’ve used more phasing tech in Zandalar and Kul Tiras. For example, areas like the Zanchul and Tidesage Monastery in the capitals should’ve been phased to be friendly after the quests there were completed.

But then Blizzard would have to make new max level content instead of just reusing levelling quests as world quests…

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On the topic of elitism;

And to follow-up with something:

People who were once figures of ridicule finally learning what good RP actually looks like and then starting to feel like the elite. I’ve seen this happen time and time again, and while it’s good that a person can change and improve, I will forever remember the bad—and they should keep their past mistakes close to heart, because trying to bury them and pretend you’ve always been as good is a cheap ticket to ‘Actually, […]’ town.

And honestly? That’s a good thing. No one should be allowed to have a sense of overly-inflated ego. In that (unpopular) sense, shunning is ok and healthy. Lynching and malicious pursuit is another matter though.

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Yeah but I’ve always been flawless.

To begin with, AD isn’t really a community; it’s too big and varied. It’s a selection of communities which have varying amounts of overlap. Consequently the most you can ever really do to someone is shun them from x or y group. The only thing that’s made it in any way ‘collapse’ is the general feeling among the playerbase about the story and content given to us by Blizzard.

When something like a guild / concept / whatever is put on the forums, that invites discussions and criticism. No one sensible would disagree with that. But I do think it’s generally a pointless / weird endeavour to go out your way to correct other players who aren’t related to you or your RP.

If they want to ignore the lore they’re playing in and do their own thing without forcing it on anyone else (which is the key part), then who cares? I know I don’t.

If they do try to push it on others then by all means point it out, and lets others know about that kind of behaviour of they don’t stop, because that’s when it becomes a problem. Dictating how, when and what people do on their online time when it’s not doing any harm is dumb at best malicious at worst.