Unpopular Opinions

Flying is a convinces, at the cost of the landscape
the moment you fly you also stop appreciating the level design that went into each zone.
without flying, going through the map is like an adventure, maybe you don’t feel like it is, but I do.

Heros classes are stupid because the sale pitch was more or less a class that was better than all the other classes, but you can’t have that because it screws with the game balance so they have to nerf the “Hero” class until it is just a normal class that gets to skip a few levels.
there is nothing heroic about hero classes, nothing special about hero classes (other than their start level, which is the same benefit allied races get, so I guess allied races are really hero races).

in short hero classes are stupid because they aren’t heroic or special at all.
I am not arguing the classes are stupid, I am arguing calling them hero classes is stupid because what made them hero classes was pretty much nerfed out of the game.
And the reason I single out demon hunters is because I don’t like them.

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Flying mounts were a mistake which contributed to the world we play in feeling so much smaller. But also I say this every five minutes.


They were a mistake.

But you can’t put that genie back in the bottle at this point.

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Then how’d he get into the bottle in the first place? Someone must have put him there.

Oh yeah, trying to remove them would cause a bunch of problems (especially regarding content that requires them), and players, particularly those who view it as only a matter of convenience, wouldn’t be happy.

It was in the bottle to begin with. Nobody put him there and nobody can at this point.

Besides, current system is pretty good. By the time we can fly, much of world content in areas where we unlock flying becomes trivial and maybe even obsolete (we have yet to see how Zandalar and Kul Tiras will handle release of Nazjatar when there are no legendaries). Feeling of adventure isn´t really there when you go to some place for 1000th time and kill everything without breaking a sweat.

Plus, for many (like me), being able to fly after some time makes us appreciate the zone design even more, because we now get bird view of the zone.
And for RP, being able to fly opens more possibilities, so I am definitely happy we have it.



And this

These are the reasons I can’t comprehend being against flight being a part of this game. Yes, it’s convenient, yes, it makes the world seem smaller.

That’s the point

The sense of adventure fades after you do everything three times over, there’s no fun to be had doing it in the slowest way possible.


But is it though? I wouldn’t know, genuinely, since I have neither the patience nor time to waste in going to people unrelated to me and trying to police what they’re doing. But is it actually bad & malicious if someone does it without harassment?

This is an imaginary situation since we both know that has never/will never be the case, but the philosophy/ideology of wanting to be corrected should be more powerful than that of wanting to remain (and I use this term with great caution) bubbled-off; one should assume that a player wants the facts (aka/eg lore).

And well, yeah, but that’s also pedantry. While it’s not a joint community of fully willing participants, finding RP outside of your established circle* (!!!) is an endeavour that involves a lot of tiptoeing nowadays, because if you try to correct someone then you’re blacklisted from their side & their buddies. People ignoring one another has always been a thing, but I will only bring up the recent Orgrimmar incident to prove, case-and-point, that the schism has become extreme.

*I used to DM a lot, across many characters. I still had my guild and core group of friends, but I found enjoyment in bringing my DM ‘skills’ to completely random and different parties. Getting to know people across AD, how they RP, who they are, how cool/not they are. Now? I will actually unsub before I consider DMing for an actual random group that I just happened upon again.

And completely unrelated to that, on to flight.

Damn do I want it removed. Only specific zones/continents should be able to use it, zones that are specifically built around flying with no other way to get around that.

You know. Like an RPG, where you need specific gear with specific resistances to beat specific encounters. There used to be one a few years ago, was kinda cool and a big hit for its time.

I have seen so many lore arguments boil down to two sides having two different interpretations of the same source, with no part being right and no part being wrong.

Supposing bdrp can be fixed by simply “correcting” the supposed bdrp’er is as foolish as thinking that bdrp is an objective term.

If people want to throw the lore of the setting to the wind and simply use the setting as a canvas for their own original stories, they’re completely within their right to do so, and who are you or anyone else to say that their creation is of lower quality than yours.


War-Mode is a good idea with terrible implementation.

Flight-masters should not be campable and a dishonourable debuff isn’t enough of a fix for the problem. War-Mode has just devolved into groups of people roaming around together, partied from various realms just banging out the world quests without having to worry about consequences because they’re in a big group. Initially people rallied together to fight back these groups and the gank-squads but that’s too much hassle for your daily world-quests.

Basically, the system is more or less designed to punish people who casually use the system and it’s not a shock that the imbalance between the factions became so massive Blizzard actually had to INCREASE rewards just to get people to use the system (and boy howdy did I notice an increase in squads of Allies roaming around the place in the wake of the changes, great problem-solving, Blizz!)

War-Mode could have been great, and there are some great moments to be had in it, like when I saw an ally soloing a mini-boss rare and someone tried to gank him so I tanked the mini-boss until the ally was done killing the ganker (twice) because I ain’t gonna stand for poor form like that. But those little moments are too few and far between, and the classes really are not built for this either, with Paladins being ESPECIALLY weak in War-Mode since we have low mobility so we struggle to run away if we’re losing and we struggle to chase if we’re winning.

Could have been great.
Was not great.

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Have them instakill anyone that instigates PvP around them in a 60-70 ish yard range.

EZest of all the fixes.

Emphasis on instigates, by the way. They’ve managed it for other guards in the past, I’m sure they can fix it up for flight boys.


Eh, that’s not great either because then flight-masters can become safe-zones that people can just flee to if they’re under fire. Still, it’s a better solution that we got.

Flight masters are usually already safe-zones, on account of them being resting zones where you can drop your warmode, so that won’t really make much of a difference.

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I don’t think there’s a single ‘safe’ flightmaster in all of zuldazar. For Horde, at least.

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I thought there were a few, though come to think of it those might’ve been neutrals, instead.

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So to summarise. You were okay with it when horde dominated war mode in exactly the way you described and it’s only become a problem because now the Alliance is using your own tactics against you?

This is why nobody takes the horde seriously.

You bring up varying interpretations from the ‘same source’ and blend it with ‘completely ignoring the setting’ as if one point leads to the other: it doesn’t. If you are convinced that a particular source can be interpreted in a certain way, I won’t judge as—you are correct—there is no objectivity there, and I’ve no greater right to your interpretation as you have no right over mine.

But the other issue is the exact opposite??

I’ve said it in the past & still believe it to be true: you might be Mr. Bestseller himself, but as long as you’re incapable of following the path laid out by Blizzard then you’re crap at RPing in WoW and there’s no two ways about it. You’re an awesome writer, possibly super creative. But you’re no longer in the role of the setting.

We can argue philosophy under liberty vs. pragmatism all day, but if you burst out a minigun in a medieval D&D session, your DM will not be happy with you and that’s how it has always been. Want to spawn some chaos and break the order? Go ahead dude. All I can do is speak against you, not much else we can do with opinions.

Can you give me a quote of when he actually said this? Because you’re kinda coming swinging out of thin air with that one.


I never experienced a “Horde dominated War mode” and I was in it from release, up until the Alliance were actively farming people logging in on their ship or their capital inns.

So I only experienced balance or Alliance completely outnumbering me. Where’s my free 400 ilevel gear? :((((


(and boy howdy did I notice an increase in squads of Allies roaming around the place in the wake of the changes, great problem-solving, Blizz!)

Implying he only had a problem with it when he was on the losing side.