Unpopular Opinions

And you rock it like no one else ever could, Loras.

Forum main isn’t a thing.

I am evidence that it clearly is a thing. Do you need some help? I can grab a shovel to help you dig, if you want.

I know this concept is difficult to understand for some people, but players change mains all the time. Yet, those players also want to be recognized by others on the forums even though they started playing completely different character.

I want to be known as Dorlas. Not as insert name of any character that was my main in past 4 years.


yeah but Moody here is the small facto you’re missing

I’ve done this. In closed-off circles, as I know many others, I’ve made fun whacky non-canon characters to fulfill a specific purpose. Hell, I’ve even heard™ of private RP servers which dedicate to storylines like that. We had fun RPing and creating things that may not commit to WoW canon. And nowadays, I’m much more willing to do homebrew WoW pick-and-choose my lore as opposed to accept what Blizzard is throwing up.

Does that mean that I’d willingly go on a WoW server RPing something non-WoW based and call it good?

There’s a place for everything, and non-WoW RP does not equal correct on a WoW server. You can do it, yeah, and no one should lynch you for it—your sub and all. But I believe that the expectation should be that we conform to setting & story.

If you disagree with that, then idk, sure, opinions or w/e

If you don’t have Devil Trigger as your characters theme when you play Warlock or DH you are hereby disqualified from this point onwards.


Also Tehya you’re not even from AD, that’s worse.

altposter+other server, skies are falling people, the legion was merely the scout

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I think this is the only thing we can agree on.

I for one will back my point until the Devs or their appointed representatives come out and say that “Roleplaying anything that isn’t supported by our story in the setting of this game is illegal”.
And that representative, Faceslinger, isn’t you. Or anyone else on these fine forums.

You’re free to interact with whomever you will, but you’re not free to harass others because they don’t conform to your idea of good and bad roleplay. And that sort of harassment includes intruding upon them with your “facts” in an effort to “correct” them, as was your sentiment, which I initially argued against.

  • because that is a bannable offense.

Guys, please.

Don’t fight. I wish I hadn’t even said it in the first place now…

Now where did Ilyadris go? Surely they wouldn’t run after this kinda smacktalk? That’d be most unbecoming.

Sargeras was nothing, fear the master of the Titans, Old Gods and Void Lords.

Tehya, the level 58 DK.

Don’t worry, it’s in Argent Dawn’s nature to fight amongst ourselves.


Who Cares What You Call Good It’s Just Your Opinion Ape…


Peace is torment, conflict is my only form of rest.

I’m right here. Waiting for you to post on your main, ejit.

I’m already right here famsquad

English please

I think you’re trying to paint me as quite the villain there, Moody, without any evidence that I would ever harass someone (:

Matter of fact, just above, I said

If you think that whispering someone ‘hey dude, holy draenei robot vampires don’t actually exist’ is a bannable offense, you need to reread some of those sweet ToS or calm down real quick.

I’m sorry Ily, I’m with Tehya on this one.

What does posting on an alt have anything to do with the argument anyway? I post on three different characters, sometimes 4 or 5, does that make me bad too?


This thread is not a suitable habitat for this cactus…

(Wait, no, that was a reply to someone? Gah! New forums so confusing!)

Ilyadris, mate, no one wants to argue with you at this point in 2019. And its not because there is nothing to argue about, its because everything you say is just fundementally flawed every time


If you’re not willing to put your main behind your opinions then you clearly don’t believe in the opinion at all.

That’s the root of the problem.