Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular =/= uncontested

By that logic all non Orcs should lok the tar out of Orgrimmar, would make a much better city honestly.

Ah, I have been educated and stand corrected.

Never knew Halduron had a spine, either :wink:

A lot of the love for Vanilla WoW was that it wasn’t as bad as other games around at the time.

You didn’t drop all your stuff when you died.

You didn’t get a penality exp debuff for dying, you didn’t lose exp and levels when dying.

It was more casual and less ‘I live in a basement and have no job, only this game’ in nature compared to the other games around at the time.

Probably why it blew up.

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Also helped that vanilla wow ran on a patato.

Huh, I’ve never tried running WoW on you before.


The real hot take is people confuse Kael’s expedition with Silvermoon, while there is certainly shifty things going on in Silvermoon (political surpression, constant propoganda, the formation of the Blood Knights) it’s a far cry from Kael’s demon-aligned, broken-murdering, Outland-smashing crew.

Edit: Though the redemption should have come across a lot slower and arguably should have finished with Liadrin and co. helping to save Alt. Shattrath from the Legion.


The Sunwell/Kil’jaedan was a mistake, TBC should’ve finished with Illidan as the bad guy and Kael’thas dead. Legion invading anyway and assaulting Shattrath would’ve been neat though, it’s a nice idea. Shattered Sun would be more suitable to Shattrath’s defense than Quel’Danas’ assault anyway.

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Still waiting on the Kael novella to flesh this out massively.

Micky Neilson, you’re my only hope. xxxx

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Hoping on a TBC novel is like hoping Limit will get world 1st


Didn’t he leave Blizzard?

Yeah, it’s his work though. I doubt Blizzard will ever hire him to finish it. It took years for them to actually release Blood of the Highborne. Don’t think we’ll ever get the finished Kael book.

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Quite simply I think that while Blood Elves do have a dark element to them, the fact that they keep up this guise of sophistication and elegance is enough for them to be better off in the Alliance. The Horde as far as I’m concerned would be better off being wholly barbaric in nature. That’s it.

With hope though, if he’s writing it without Nu-Blizzard influence lurking over his shoulder if it ever gets green-lighted for publishing it will probably be a high quality piece of work.

That said he did come up with the concept of Med’an…

Conflicted. :thinking:

I doubt they’ll hire him to finish it, besides, he’s off doing his own sci-fi werewolf thriller series. Though there’s a tweet somewhere of him saying he’ll finish it if Blizzard want it finishing.

It’s a shame he left, he was one of the better writers Blizzard have had. Unbroken is :ok_hand:.

Except there was no difference.

Kael’thas was, up until your blood elf reaches level 60+, the leader of the Horde blood elves, which means the attack of the Sunfury on the Sha’tar was an act of war from a Horde leader against a neutral organisation.

Saying that Kael’thas acts are totally not Silvermoon’s act means that by taht very same logic Garithos’ acts could never be blamed on the other Alliance members, thus meaning that reference of bridges being burned is nonsense.

IMHO, ofcourse.

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Considering Kael’thas is a character with actual understandable motivations behind his actual morally grey actions I don’t think Blizzard want a superior character taking spotlight from their undead darling.

What needs to be written into it though is that Kael’thas had a legitimate offspring so the Blood Elves can have a new monarch. Lor’themar is becoming a bit of a Baine type character (good on paper, not in practice).

Didn’t know he wrote this as well, it seems he has quite an interesting track record of writing then.

I did not like the Godfather.

They just need to write Lor’themar away from his Baineness and make him King and make Liadrin his wife and get some heir.


I’d rather a Sunstrider Restoration.

In all its full morally grey glory.